this will be great.
i put the dvd on hold i was watching so i wont miss this.
i hope it isn't 3 hours long!
larry king hosts this special that details how viewers can help with the hurricane katrina relief efforts.
the red cross president is expected to be interviewed.. usually there is a viewer call-in portion on the program.
i wonder what the reaction would be if it was known that a non-profit organisation like the wtbts instructed people to mark their donations for the world wide work and not specifically for hurricane katrina relief efforts?
this will be great.
i put the dvd on hold i was watching so i wont miss this.
i hope it isn't 3 hours long!
for those not up-to-date on my situation ... .
i was disfellowshipped and i posted about it here.. i wrote an appeal letter, and wrote about it here.
so, i just got home from a weeks vacation, i was home for 3 hours.
I'm going to record the announcement and try to figure out how to post it!Kwin
my specialty!
maybe they'll take a cue from president bush and get involved?
yes, they were their first, didn't you hear?
i don't have much time but... .
i met with the elders, and they restored all my priviledges!!!!.
yeah.....the long arm of watchtower law will reach out and touch richie very very soon.
the spys and snoops are here my friend.
wolfs in sheeps clothing. the real wolves!
yeah......i love n.e. winters.
i have to start thinking about getting my old snowblower ready for the winter already!
while out riding this wendsday afternoon, . .
a jw i used to know saw me as i went by his house.
while out riding this wendsday afternoon,
a jw i used to know saw me as i went by his house.
i don't care that he did....but his reaction was a TRIPLE take! i don't know if the bike caught his eye,
me, or both!
either way it would have ben fun to know what he was thinking.
this jw was my best man at my former wifes wedding.
he attempted to molest one of my sisters years ago.
needless to say i didn't acknowledge him in anyway. it could have been a tree, or him, or a rock, i just ignored the perp.
someday him and i will come to blows. he will regret what he did.
nope, don't give a flying rats behind.
dagnabit this site is just NOT mozilla freindly at all!
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511
fits and runs off a usb memory installing to your hard drive!
here's my list of the first 12: (i have 77 in queue!)
The Butterfly Effect: Director's Cut
4.3 Stars
R Thrillers
4.3 Stars
PG Comedy
3.7 Stars
R Romance
R Documentary
4.3 Stars
PG Drama
3.8 Stars
PG-13 Romance
4.3 Stars
PG-13 Drama
3.9 Stars
R Drama
3.3 Stars
PG Music & Musicals
yeah bb really frosted my onions.
i have been purposely not watching (renting) movies because there is no other video outlets to rent from.
i can buy, but some i just want to rent.
all the mom and pop indepentents are gone. its blockbuster or regular cable tv. (which is a-ok on fridays starting at 8pm! (sci-fi) )