Maybe they'll take a cue from President Bush and get involved??
Do You Think The Watchtower Will Help The Hurricane Victims?
by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends
yes, they were their first, didn't you hear?
Yep, the Writing Dept is already working on the long self-congratulatory article for the Awake!
They will struggle just to help their own people.
This is a big task
The writing dept. was there first, huh?
I'm sure everyone who was out in service on Monday morning was saved from the hurricane, and everyone who was (1) at work getting rich, (2) in college preparing to get rich and arrogant, died.
ithinkisee----that was a good one!
I don't have the numbers, but, I'm wondering how many Kingdom Halls have been destroyed. Also whatever funds the Society sends for re-building will be passed on to the rank and file. They will not lose or spend one red cent out of their Billions from real estate that they made off of the sweat of the rank and file. Many who might need a Blood Transfusion will not get any medical help from the Society.
The only religious groups mentioned were the Catholics, the Salvation Army, and the Baptists.
I'm sure some will help other JWs; I wonder who will open their homes for the 3 to 4 months that has been projected. We have seen that people are offering their homes to complete strangers, without the condition of being in the same religious group (or even in a religious group).
Since KHs can no longer be used for relief locations (per a letter from the WTS), I wonder where they will stage their relief action?
I'm sure they will help JWs fill out the forms for government relief and tell them to accept Red Cross help (although JWs cannot donate to the RC).
And after the homes are rebuilt to WTS standards by volunteer JWs, the WTS will "encourage" the rank and file to sign over their insurance checks to the WTS.
All I can say is that I don't think the government agencies were prepared for this.
To be perfectly frank, I think the biggest help the Watchtower could be in a situation like this is to keep the hell out of the way of the many people who are honestly endeavouring to help.