Found these gems in this edition:
- Keep in Expectation!
- Prepare Now for Life in the New World
The passing of time should not cause us to lose hope that
Kingdom blessings will be realized. There are solid reasons
to keep our Scriptural expectations alive. These articles
show how this can be done.
Basically a recap of 607 and 1914 being correct and endless assurances of, "Yes, it is undeniable that the end of this system is close, right over that next hill.......oh wait no, we meant THAT, no, THAT hill." Oh, and also some nice discouragement of higher education, impatience, questioning, discontentment, and a loss of urgency in these "last days." You know, all the classics.
They're worth a read if you kinda need a drink right now, but want a reason to REALLY need a drink RIGHT NOW.