JW's are to Christians (or just spiritually mature people) what seeds are to full grown plants. They have not been cultivated, tested, allowed to grow, or properly nourished. They are just still asleep.
JW's are to Christians (or just spiritually mature people) what seeds are to full grown plants. They have not been cultivated, tested, allowed to grow, or properly nourished. They are just still asleep.
the voter turnout for the 2004 us presidential election was 60.7% (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/a10492-2005jan14.html).
despite being threatened by terrorists, iraq's voter turnout was much greater than the last us voter turnout!
i'd say it was a far greater success than expected!
Nice to see the politicking getting on track in Iraq.
Simon has a good point, guys - if we had 72 percent turnout we would be doing a lot better than we are now. That is something we both agree on, the need for more people to vote more often in these countries that finally have it. And he's right, if a majority of the Iraqi voting public got out, defied death to vote - then what is our excuse for not voting, for not getting active, for not running for office if we think we have a better idea?
is it my imagination.... or did the numbers of "annointed" partaking in the lords evening meal go up by 5 people this year?.
what explanation can make any sense at all about this?
Maybe the anointed are taking their pets to heaven with them.
i was shocked to learn this weekend that a notoriously serial killer, a man who murdered and disembowelled in the order of 13 women, now claims to be one of jehovah's witnesses.
see thread on the yorkshire ripper ?
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/84353/1.ashx - follow link to the article on his background.. now, this may or may not be a good choice of religion for him.
Sure. That's what he's good at.
That being said, keep him in jail, or, in my own personal view, hang him. We obviously cannot trust him and must hand him over to God for judgement - which he will eventually run into, whether by our hands or by the natural process of life.
As for repentance, I doubt whether very many people are in enough command of their emotions and actions to truly repent in this life. That's why I believe in Grace. It isn't our efforts to repent that truly matter, it is God's drawing us to repentance that helps us to heal.
But there is a place for corrective therapy - if you don't learn it on Earth, you learn it in Hell.
that's my belief about Hell, at least, that it is a place designed to provide ever harsher correction, correction that may not be possible on Earth.
Finally, C.S. Lewis talked at length about the role the body itself plays in our actions - we know not how much a bad digestion, for instance, can make someone have a bad temper; they may actually in their true selves be quite nice people, and what we see as a bad temper could be endurance stretched beyond human capacity.
So who knows what external things have influenced this man? Brain chemistry, bad childhood, etc. etc. etc. Don't let him go, but that doesn't mean God cannot find means to forgive.
the voter turnout for the 2004 us presidential election was 60.7% (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/a10492-2005jan14.html).
despite being threatened by terrorists, iraq's voter turnout was much greater than the last us voter turnout!
i'd say it was a far greater success than expected!
I just don't get why Americans get so excited about the alleged 72% Iraqis going to the polls.
Well, in many ways it's a vindication of democracy. Plus so many were so pessimistic about the Iraqi resolve to take charge of their own nation; and even those on my side were getting gloomy, but it is so refreshing and such an inspiring thing. It gives us hope to keep up the struggle for democratic involvement even within our own borders.
When I said europe, I should have been more specific; I mean France and Germany's current governments which seem to want to be appeasers (as well as corruptly invovled in the OFF scandal.) I meant maybe the voters in those countries would take heart and elect stronger leaders. (Like those in Poland, Britain, the former government in Spain, Italy, South Korea, and all the other nations involved in this).
It is also a psychological reward for Americans; we are terrified of being hated, and seeing the Iraqis, even the ones that don't like us very much, reaching out and endorsing a new form of government that we helped set up with our blood and money, well, it makes us feel good.
It also means this: This war can be won. We are winning. There is a better future, and this is the way we are getting there. The experiment, this daring innovation, is actually starting to succeed; and if it manages to clear the next few hurdles... ah, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Our tactics are working, those of our enemies are not succeeding. And those who would pay any price for "peace" should be ashamed when seeing those brave Iraqis risking their lives just to vote.
Plus, like Simon said, 72% invovlement in ANY democracy is impressive. It's a ringing endorsement by the Iraqi people for a democratic government.
Mostly I just feel an overwhelming sense of relief. Deep down, all the gloomy predictions made by the Left were starting to weigh on me - what if all those soldiers really HAD died for nothing? What if we really COULDN'T win against the terrorists? What if there was simply no way to start democratic reform in the Middle East and we were doomed to wait for annihilation of our culture and civilization?
But it has started, thank God, and it is a concrete foundation that all of Iraq can build on. By God, even those opposed to the war can still be proud of what has happened today. Even in the face of dissent, the democratic world showed that it will not be cowed by fear. That we are strong enough to tolerate dissent and discussion even in the heat of battle. That should be a powerful lesson for all of us.
Whoof, I need to sleep.
the voter turnout for the 2004 us presidential election was 60.7% (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/a10492-2005jan14.html).
despite being threatened by terrorists, iraq's voter turnout was much greater than the last us voter turnout!
i'd say it was a far greater success than expected!
It's just wonderful - and it is what I kind of thought would happen after I saw how eagerly the Afghanis embraced democracy. Now if only we could get 72 percent turnout here in the States!
Hopefully this will help stiffen Europe's spine.
"god is just an imaginary friend for adults.
" - morgan freeman, the big bounce
"Keep what you kill." - the Chronicles of Riddick
i'll post more as i get it but according to the 'mail on sunday' this serial killing monster has "become one of jehovah's witnesses".. sick.. .
see http://www.execulink.com/~kbrannen/
Public opinion is far too strong to allow people who commit horrific crimes to ever be released..
Glad the judicial system responds to public opinion in England. Here in the States - it's hit or miss.
it has been a wierd day.
i only slept about four hours last night - just wide awake.
this morning, the czarina and i went to dog training school.
July 26 is the due date. Not sure if I can be expecting a prince or princess, but either way, firstborn gets the throne when I'm done with it.
Seems that Valerian root gets the JWD endorsement. It looks like the active ingredient in the stuff from GNC, too.
Foot odor? Can I just smell my own feet instead of dropping four bucks on this stuff?
Thanks everybody for taking me seriously.
hello to everyone, my name is esther and i am from australia.. i was directed to this website from my ex husband who also was a jw.
i guess in the truth we still are as we have not been df or disocciated ourselves.. i just wanted to say hi.
this is a great website, i had been brought up in the truth and had only decided to leave about 2 years ago, when my marriage was failing,i'm not a person who lives great by other peoples rules, especially when i dont agree with half of them.
Welcome. You'll fit right in! Heard ya about the birthdays and such, but my wife makes a special effort to have parties and extra special presents for me.