There was a time, perhaps, when the rantings and personal attacks would have gotten to me. Not so much anymore. If you want to know what I do, Abaddon, ye need only move your patchouli-scented mouse over to my name and click on "topic history." I think if you peer through the incense smoke and the purple haze clouding your mind you'll be able to work it out. (The dancing occurred even on the day AFTER 9/11, btw.)
Ah, and good old HS, still typing away in your self-righteous indignation. Shrug.
The question posed to me was this: Do I want all muslims burned to death in WP infernos. The answer is no. But I do not view the average Muslim as an innocent bystander either - and I have extremely limited pity for them and their suffering. I've learned a new philosophy, "If you kick my dog I will kill your mother." Of course, you seem content to allow your freedom of speech to be abridged by protests and threats of violence - ala certain cartoons mocking their philosophy - and of course to have the de facto Christian leader of the world forced to apologize to them when he didn't even insult them in the first place.
How many filmmakers are going to be murdered for speaking their mind? Nobody killed Michael Moore, but the Left only shrugged when that poor Danish guy got whacked. Or perhaps a letter-writing campaign would help? A sit-in? Ooh, let's get on JWD and drunkenly speak our minds - that'll show them! Or when those journalists got kidnapped and forcibly converted to Islam in Gaza. Or the Muslim atrocities in Darfur. Perhaps you are right - we are not trying to avoid the strictest definition of "genocide" but I have yet to see a term created to represent an all-out assault on a religion. The term "genocide" was applied in Bosnia, so I used it here. "Religio-cide" would be more to your liking? Or "Ideo-cide?" or "Islamo-cide?"
Good luck with your typing. I'm sure it'll be efficacious someday.