Now this is a woman who could easily grab your attention.
I think I would commit a crime just to get arrested by her.
emma peelyou’re oh so thrillin’ when you’re bashin’ in a villainin a tight black leather catsuit, yes indeed!head held highyou won’t dawdle but accelerate the throttle as you .
toss a wink to handsome partner steedemma pealyou crave adventure in your role as an avengercool and pretty with such witty repartee’deserving of a kudo with the lithe and limber judoyou’re the boss with every tosser comes your wayemma pealmay break the rules but she’ll never suffer fools(though she’ll make the fools soon suffer for their crime!
)nemesis to haughty ones, a darling to her audiencethe champion trendsetter of her timeemma pealwe’d love to kiss you every fan is gonna miss you(i am reaching for the tissue) as i cryas a true and loyal fan ireally know (you are diana)it’s the ending of an era bye and byebeautiful dianafond adieu …rest in peace my angellove, terry.
Now this is a woman who could easily grab your attention.
I think I would commit a crime just to get arrested by her.
emma peelyou’re oh so thrillin’ when you’re bashin’ in a villainin a tight black leather catsuit, yes indeed!head held highyou won’t dawdle but accelerate the throttle as you .
toss a wink to handsome partner steedemma pealyou crave adventure in your role as an avengercool and pretty with such witty repartee’deserving of a kudo with the lithe and limber judoyou’re the boss with every tosser comes your wayemma pealmay break the rules but she’ll never suffer fools(though she’ll make the fools soon suffer for their crime!
)nemesis to haughty ones, a darling to her audiencethe champion trendsetter of her timeemma pealwe’d love to kiss you every fan is gonna miss you(i am reaching for the tissue) as i cryas a true and loyal fan ireally know (you are diana)it’s the ending of an era bye and byebeautiful dianafond adieu …rest in peace my angellove, terry.
TV back in the 60's was so much fun and entertaining .
TV used it be a media for entertaining the public young and old, now days its mostly cheep hype made for teenagers or boring cops and criminals shit .
w88 4/1 pp.
15-20. christendom exposed as the promoter of false worship.
7 now, in the age of television, we have tv preachers exploiting that medium with every kind of theatrical trick and psychological device to beguile the masses and empty the pockets of the flock.
Only Jehovah’s Witnesses—the anointed Jeremiah class and the “great crowd”—have accepted that responsibility
Yes they have been coerced and lured into preaching a false tainted version of the Gospel of Jesus by sinning apostate false prophets running their own publishing company the Watchtower Corporation.
(as of 10 sep 2020) there's a new caleb & sophia cartoon in which the org puts into the minds of children the idea that celebrating a birthday will cause jehovah to not want to be your friend anymore..
can you imagine being 6 years old and thinking god himself is no longer your friend because you blew out a candle on a birthday cake or wished someone a happy birthday?.
as bad as all this is, the birthday thing is just one of many jw rules that isnt even supported by scripure.
And dont forget kids to show your loyalty to Jehovah by giving some of the candy money your parents give you to the organization, are swimming pools, tennis courts and first class air flights around the world dont come cheap. $$$
In doing so you'll make Jehovah very happy.
raised as a jo blow and married into it.
37 years in it and now last 7 years out of it which feels great.. have memories of being a kid in school in the uk and just hating everything about being the jw kid.
bullied, embarrassed in front of others and self-esteem went into the toilet.wished i was born into a different family.. what angers me is the messaging i would receive at home when i talked about being bullied.
The anger and anxiety from leaving the JW cult does wane itself over time.
Upon leaving you can still look at things objectively, ie. Christmas, Halloween, personal abuse such as smoking, drinking , drugs just to name a few things.
Yes you can live a wholesome happy life without religious cult associations.
Some people refer it to living a real life
against our wishes she got baptised at 16 because she got brainwashed by her cousin.
the last year or so she hasn't been so gung ho about the "truth".
anyway the elders came down on her for not getting her time in the last couple months because she absolutely hates zoom letter writing.
Mind control is the core catalyst cults like the JWS use onto people propagated mostly by fear and power and yes there are wholesome living directions within those controls but you can find those outside of rigid religoius indoctrination.
against our wishes she got baptised at 16 because she got brainwashed by her cousin.
the last year or so she hasn't been so gung ho about the "truth".
anyway the elders came down on her for not getting her time in the last couple months because she absolutely hates zoom letter writing.
They are more concerned about numbers than the actual person!
Correct thats the WTS indirectly pushing their literature distribution to the greater public.
Hours and the accumulative counting of those hours is measure of the congregation's spiritual strength and to each individual member.
The Watchtower Corporation (WTS) devised its doctrines around the organization's literature proliferation.
When COs attend congregations they look at the publishing hours, placements as well bible studies, those counted items are taken as a measure of how spiritually strong the congregation is.
So from that it creates an understanding to why elders push individuals to go out in service,
Everything connects in one way or another in the JW religion. (Publishing Cult)
tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11/2001.
i hope we never forget what happened that fateful day and learn from what happened.❤️.
Pretty hard to forget, quite a traumatic experience for most people living in North America
most of the individuals here from what i have read have gravitated to believing in evolution for various reasons and no longer have a belief in a creator.. the questions begs though, is there a higher conscious in the universe than mankind's.
i am sure everyone agrees that animals are conscious, but to what extent can they reason?.
here is the link to dr. rupert sheldrake's - is the sun conscious..
The structured morals of Jesus Christ were made up by men in their imagination of what a Messianic savior would be, one might say out of human consciousness.
most of the individuals here from what i have read have gravitated to believing in evolution for various reasons and no longer have a belief in a creator.. the questions begs though, is there a higher conscious in the universe than mankind's.
i am sure everyone agrees that animals are conscious, but to what extent can they reason?.
here is the link to dr. rupert sheldrake's - is the sun conscious..
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
.......but the word(s) came from men, should we always place faith and trust in the words of men even if they say the word(s) are from god ?