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JoinedPosts by Mr.Finkelstein
Organisé 2005 en langue allemande
by Marcial inbonjour atlantis, bonjour petra,
je recherche le livre organisés ... 2005 en langue allemande.
l'auriez-vous dans votre trésor de publications?
MORTALITY rates Pre-Covid and Post-Covid (How are we going to understand?)
by Terry ini got out my calculator and looked up mortality statistics.
i wanted to get a "feel" for what is normal ina non-pandemic world in order to compare with how things are now.once had had a "feeling" for it i began to notice that media has a dramatic (perhaps overblown) tendency toterrify the public by framing death rates, predictions, and political discord hysterically.
mortality in a normal world.
One would have to admit there was a lot ignorance about this virus from its onslaught to the general public, with fast transmissions which caused many people to die with a fairly high mortality rate.
This of course created a state of panic of what to do and how to do it to stop the spread.
We learned a lot in the past few months, we now know that people can transfer the virus to others even though they themselves can be asymptomatic.
This is a problem in itself because we can catch the virus from someone , family or friend not knowing from whom you caught from, making difficult to trace back to a certain person.
A Growing Problem for Materialists
by Sea Breeze inthe famous double-slit experiment proves that light travels both in individual particles called photons and also as a mathematical probability wave.
matter itself exhibits this particle-wave duality which allows objects to exist in two different places at the same time, depending on whether of not you are looking (testing) at it.
scientists have recently been able to get molecules as large as 2000 atoms to exhibit this duality!.
The growing problem with spiritualists is human knowledge of the universe itself.
The discovered knowledge of the very vastness of the universe has ruined the presumptuousness by mankind of this being the only planet in the universe with living organisms and life.
We are starting to discover planets with atmospheric conditions similar to are planet which could break the long standing acceptance of this being the only planet with life.
A Growing Problem for Materialists
by Sea Breeze inthe famous double-slit experiment proves that light travels both in individual particles called photons and also as a mathematical probability wave.
matter itself exhibits this particle-wave duality which allows objects to exist in two different places at the same time, depending on whether of not you are looking (testing) at it.
scientists have recently been able to get molecules as large as 2000 atoms to exhibit this duality!.
We as all living organisms on this planet may possibly be an occurrence of unplanned and unintended happenstance by the grand creator of the universe......... ummmmm ???
JW's Not Members anymore but Individuals
by pistolpete ini've been waiting for someone to post this and i've haven't seen it yet, perhaps i overlooked it since i don't visit that often.. but here is the link to the discussion.
in it you will find letters and links to this new light.
whether it's true or not, please verify.. as of .
The lawyers are hoping that by using terms like "personal ministry" and "individuals" rather than "members", they can weasel out of financial accountability when bad things happen.
Was thinking the same thing
Hide and Watch (Monsters are about to reveal themselves)
by Terry init is said of drunken behavior "i didn't know what i was doing - i was drunk.
" as if alcohol makes people do things against their own character and temperament.. .
i've known just a few alcoholics in my lifetime.
I can see that happening Driveby, Trump certainly has support in the US but outside in others countries , not so much.
A Growing Problem for Materialists
by Sea Breeze inthe famous double-slit experiment proves that light travels both in individual particles called photons and also as a mathematical probability wave.
matter itself exhibits this particle-wave duality which allows objects to exist in two different places at the same time, depending on whether of not you are looking (testing) at it.
scientists have recently been able to get molecules as large as 2000 atoms to exhibit this duality!.
bold added MF.
By the way Newton didn't know about the asteroid that hit this planet and the totality of the damage it caused, this information was before his time.
I didn't bold anything you idiot.
Are you trying to suggest that god the grand creator of the universe guided that huge asteroid to this planet killing most living things because he wasn't fond of what he saw here and wanted to correct things ?
Hide and Watch (Monsters are about to reveal themselves)
by Terry init is said of drunken behavior "i didn't know what i was doing - i was drunk.
" as if alcohol makes people do things against their own character and temperament.. .
i've known just a few alcoholics in my lifetime.
I think the political system in the US certainly on the federal level just simply sucks.
One of the reason is because a person has the capability to cultivate backing support without first a evaluation screening process conducted by the politcal party to which a individual self proclaims they are a member of.
This is so in Canada and England for example .
MORTALITY rates Pre-Covid and Post-Covid (How are we going to understand?)
by Terry ini got out my calculator and looked up mortality statistics.
i wanted to get a "feel" for what is normal ina non-pandemic world in order to compare with how things are now.once had had a "feeling" for it i began to notice that media has a dramatic (perhaps overblown) tendency toterrify the public by framing death rates, predictions, and political discord hysterically.
mortality in a normal world.
But Terry the contagious effects of the virus that killed many people rapidly in countries like Italy and China to name few, were those deaths just a statistical lie ?
A Growing Problem for Materialists
by Sea Breeze inthe famous double-slit experiment proves that light travels both in individual particles called photons and also as a mathematical probability wave.
matter itself exhibits this particle-wave duality which allows objects to exist in two different places at the same time, depending on whether of not you are looking (testing) at it.
scientists have recently been able to get molecules as large as 2000 atoms to exhibit this duality!.
And that's where intellectual honesty comes into play as in we dont know at this time but we can only assume right now.
A question to creationists in their position of an intelligent creator of the universe........
If there comes a time when a huge asteroid comes directly to are planet creating a colossal impact and knowingly this is going kill just about every living thing on this planet, similar to how one did 40 million years ago ,
Will creationists still say this universe was created by a intelligent mindful creator ?