So I would simply advocate just getting rid of any old literature that proves any points you have and just move on.
Sounds like your following the WTS advise to the tee.
Has your righteous vindication been thoroughly fulfilled now ?
so i travel alot for business and check into a hotel, start putting away my things and lo and behold in a bureau drawer, find a couple of wt's a couple of awake's and two tracts.
1. throw them in the trash and forget about it.
2. leave them where they lay and forget about it.. 3. leave a note for the housekeeper asking to lay off the cult recruitment.. 4. bring it to the attention of the management, and possibly get the housekeeper fired.. thanks for your input.
So I would simply advocate just getting rid of any old literature that proves any points you have and just move on.
Sounds like your following the WTS advise to the tee.
Has your righteous vindication been thoroughly fulfilled now ?
so what the heck are they brainwashing today in the meeting or what ever.
she is in full on cult mode talking about the end of the world.
she asked me to listen to a couple of talks and i respectfully declined.
The WTS instills delusions into people's minds, that is a fact, it is an mechanism to mentally control people, to mentally control people you can inevitably get them to control their behavior and that's the WTS's ending intent.
i have a couple of thoughts on the blood and shunning doctrines, both of which have been covered well before.
here, and on j.w and elsewhere.. but i would like to point out the following, the only scriptures they can use in reality for their blood doctrine are the verses from acts chapter 15. o.t verse are really out of the question, and dishonest to use on their part, as they do not follow most of the injunctions in there!.
the context of acts 15 is a council of the apostles and others in the jerusalem congregation, to decide what they should ask of gentile christians in the way of behaviours and practices etc, as jewish christians were demanding they comply with the mosaic law, or were, at the very least offended if they did not.
The no BT doctrine from the JWS heads was really a over interpretation of the scriptures which dealt with the sacredness of blood through the Mosaic laws..
Since no life is taken in the BT medical procedure, the blood transfused from one to another is still kept sacred intact.
so what the heck are they brainwashing today in the meeting or what ever.
she is in full on cult mode talking about the end of the world.
she asked me to listen to a couple of talks and i respectfully declined.
Much of the JW religion is made up of nonsensical idiocy (fear mongering) which is inspired to cause fear into people's minds and to stir up people's emotions.
Reading ancient writings if those said prophecies are true and not fictional mythology is nonsensical ignorance.
so what the heck are they brainwashing today in the meeting or what ever.
she is in full on cult mode talking about the end of the world.
she asked me to listen to a couple of talks and i respectfully declined.
She is in full on cult mode talking about the end of the world.
The JWorg is exploiting this Covid virus thing to back themselves up that the world is about to come to an end ie. Armageddon.
If you haven't noticed yet the WTS/JWorg is a fear mongering end of the world religious cult that has a publishing house operating at its core.
Connect the dots if you will
yesterday, on the thread i started on 4/15/14, that introduces a recent article i wrote which is posted on , i thought i made an inaccurate statement in one of my posts about wt having a sign,, on the top of one of their buildings.
i was sure i had seen a photo of such a sign but couldn't prove it until last night when proof was sent to me in an email and the proof is to be found in the form of links to photos of the sign.
i was wrong in thinking the sign was on a wt factory building.
It pretty much has already JWorg.
The WTS leaders are trying to wash away the Watchtower identity, soon it will wash away a few of its old doctrines such as 1914..
You cant keep on self presenting the most truthful Christian religion in the world by holding on to false doctrines such as 1914, this doctrine always had a built in duration /time limit.
Great selling commodity nevertheless.
yesterday, on the thread i started on 4/15/14, that introduces a recent article i wrote which is posted on , i thought i made an inaccurate statement in one of my posts about wt having a sign,, on the top of one of their buildings.
i was sure i had seen a photo of such a sign but couldn't prove it until last night when proof was sent to me in an email and the proof is to be found in the form of links to photos of the sign.
i was wrong in thinking the sign was on a wt factory building.
I just wished I hadn't been made to feel bad about using technology while growing up.
Yes the WTS did that back in the late 1980's but that's indicative to the inner corruption of this organization. ...... MONEY
Big religion equals to big money, which equates usually to big corruption.
refusing to social distance?
declining to wear a mask?stupid people wallowing in a giant puddle of stupidity?
maybe / maybe not.i’ll tell you what i think …it may be fundamental defiance does that work??
This pandemic has been a pandemic of confusion, fear and ignorance on many levels, I hope they come up with a vaccine soon so things can get back to normal.
i dont hold any doctorate degree in human psychology but if you look at the jws from a layman's perspective of whats going on inside the head of your typical jws it isn't that are hard to understand.
if you haven't noticed the jws have the propensity to reiterate word for word what the wts teaches and fills the heads of people who are strongly attached to the jws religion.. in short the wts tells people what to think and what to say about various topics, theology based or otherwise.
how that comes about is the wholehearted acceptance that what comes to the readers off the pages of the wts's literature, has come from god's chosen earthly mediators the gb men.
Reflectively a red flag should have gone up noticed when people get baptized into this Christian faith when they make a vow of subservience and loyalty not only to Jesus but the GB men of the WTS.
refusing to social distance?
declining to wear a mask?stupid people wallowing in a giant puddle of stupidity?
maybe / maybe not.i’ll tell you what i think …it may be fundamental defiance does that work??
Information about masks when it first came out was indirectly about keeping manufactured masks reserved for health practitioners.
Now its widely understood that masks do restrain the virus from passing on to others.
Fear, ignorance and confusion does make people think differently doesn't ?
It reminds me of how people think in a fear mongering religion like the JWS .