The overlapping generation created by the WTS was just another opposing act of apostasy against Jesus and his instructions for preaching his new Kingdom.
.......and yes many left the organization from this expressed doctrine.
not sure who wrote this list a while back but i think it is worth a be added to or subtracted from or modified...whatever.. what's wrong with the watchtower.
"overlapping generations" - this teaching makes no sense.
the word used by jesus is in the singular, not plural form.. .
The overlapping generation created by the WTS was just another opposing act of apostasy against Jesus and his instructions for preaching his new Kingdom.
.......and yes many left the organization from this expressed doctrine.
not sure who wrote this list a while back but i think it is worth a be added to or subtracted from or modified...whatever.. what's wrong with the watchtower.
"overlapping generations" - this teaching makes no sense.
the word used by jesus is in the singular, not plural form.. .
Good list Vander and another short answer to this posed question could be that this organization was founded upon pretentious hype, tainted and instigated by men who were running their own publishing house.
From that foundation the roots of corruption were set and flourished from there..
after years of being with jws you start to see a certain developmental characterization of most jws, particularly from elders who have the most power in each congregation.
the ideology follows along the route of holding up a white sheet over the entire organization, as well each identified individual member (brothers and sisters) which no doubt most jws will inevitably exploit toward themselves.. i personally recognized what hypocrisy was at young age from seeing and being around jws at the kingdom halls and what they were like away from the halls.. there is forced pretentiousness at play which comes out by jws.. having being reminded repetitively that god almighty sent his only begotten son to redeem their sins probably had some relevant connection.. there was no question to the fact that jws are associated with delusions, anxiety, fear, ignorance, subsided with prejudice against others who are not recognized as being active jws .. we are the most righteous chosen ones as it were and that self recognizance goes deep into the jws's consciousness in their daily living.
There is a problematic psychological disposition that is aptly called "being judgmental." It is getting a kick out of making negative moral assessments of other people. It's enhancing your own sense of moral worth by comparisons with the (supposed) lesser moral status of others. It's finding satisfaction in seeing others fail because it shows you are better than they are. People who tend to feel morally inferior feel relief when they see others fail; by comparison that they are not so bad after all. People who lack appreciation of their own potential for moral failure enjoy having their false sense of moral superiority reinforced. Those who are judgmental are invested in one-up-manship.
What are the signs of being judgmental? Here are five:
Being judgmental distorts our perception of other people, of ourselves and of what matters most in living a well-lived human life. It feeds on and engenders a lack of sympathetic understanding of others. It is often linked with other related character flaws: hypocrisy, self-righteousness, malice, insensitivity, and the enjoyment of destructive gossip. .
I think its always been an agenda to instill fear into young people's minds so that it stays with them for a long time, but as I've mentioned before fear is the catalysis to which this organization was built upon .......and a lot of lying, ignorance and corruption. .
Yes fear mongering bullshit , but as its known to the leaders of the WTS fear sells , creates power and controls.
after years of being with jws you start to see a certain developmental characterization of most jws, particularly from elders who have the most power in each congregation.
the ideology follows along the route of holding up a white sheet over the entire organization, as well each identified individual member (brothers and sisters) which no doubt most jws will inevitably exploit toward themselves.. i personally recognized what hypocrisy was at young age from seeing and being around jws at the kingdom halls and what they were like away from the halls.. there is forced pretentiousness at play which comes out by jws.. having being reminded repetitively that god almighty sent his only begotten son to redeem their sins probably had some relevant connection.. there was no question to the fact that jws are associated with delusions, anxiety, fear, ignorance, subsided with prejudice against others who are not recognized as being active jws .. we are the most righteous chosen ones as it were and that self recognizance goes deep into the jws's consciousness in their daily living.
After years of being with JWS you start to see a certain developmental characterization of most JWS, particularly from elders who have the most power in each congregation.
The ideology follows along the route of holding up a white sheet over the entire organization, as well each identified individual member (Brothers and Sisters) which no doubt most JWS will inevitably exploit toward themselves.
I personally recognized what hypocrisy was at young age from seeing and being around JWS at the Kingdom Halls and what they were like away from the Halls.
There is forced pretentiousness at play which comes out by JWS.
Having being reminded repetitively that god almighty sent his only begotten son to redeem their sins probably had some relevant connection.
There was no question to the fact that JWS are associated with delusions, anxiety, fear, ignorance, subsided with prejudice against others who are not recognized as being active JWS .
We are the most righteous chosen ones as it were and that self recognizance goes deep into the JWS's consciousness in their daily living.
the latest wt celebrates the 100th anniversary of 1920 with an article about what happened that year:.
on march 21, 1920, joseph f. ruther-ford .
spoke on the subject“millions now living will never die.” the bi-ble students left no stone unturned in theirquest to invite interested ones to this event.they rented one of the largest theaters innew york city and distributed some 320,-000 invitations.the public responded beyond all expecta-tions.
Appealing bullshit sells particularly if backed by bible religiosity.
umm umm umm
by a split second rescuing our handicapped son from being pushed down the stairs by a flood of sisters rushing out to see as the drama had started.. the main offender being a special pioneer..
Being forced to sit in those chairs for 8 hours should be a crime.
Yes particularly for a child.
Sitting in the assemblies where could barely hear anything clearly.
In those day the assembly talks would start a 9am and go to 9pm with breaks for lunch and dinner.
I think people just sat there and dazed off most of the time just to say they were there.
A grand feast of spiritual bullshit (at the proper time)
by a split second rescuing our handicapped son from being pushed down the stairs by a flood of sisters rushing out to see as the drama had started.. the main offender being a special pioneer..
I was at a summer assembly in mid summer, it was super hot that day and we were sitting in the direct sun, I was about 10 and got sun stroke and fainted.
i might have missed this but blondie was always one of the best posters here.
her analysis and commentary was spot on.. is everything ok with her?
She certainly had some insightful comments about the JWS religion which were very informative.
Come back Blondie we miss you !