As its noted, fear, ignorance and superstition makes and creates a religious cult.
The JWS is just one of many.
now today this is of course a non-issue.
the wt has embraced the big bang/old earth etc just not evolution.
in fact the creator book has some decent info.. however i have a good copy of the 1958 paradise book.
As its noted, fear, ignorance and superstition makes and creates a religious cult.
The JWS is just one of many.
now today this is of course a non-issue.
the wt has embraced the big bang/old earth etc just not evolution.
in fact the creator book has some decent info.. however i have a good copy of the 1958 paradise book.
The WTS was made and built up by reconfirming and propagating human ignorance drawn out of the writings in the bible, which were drawn out by ancient people who were also ignorant of the world in which we live.
But in doing so these men built a semblance of power and control unto themselves, not to mention the supporting money which kept them going.
Proliferating fear and ignorance is what keeps this organization alive and its no wonder why they are endeavored in wanting to protect what they have .
dear brothers, july 27, 2020. in 1919, the president of the watchtower society made a bold prediction, “millions now living will never die”.
that quotation was constantly repeated by the organization till the year 2000 when they realized that everyone in attendance at that assembly, who listened to j.r. rutherford repeat those words, are dead.. that teaching has guided my life.
statements were repeatedly made at assemblies, conventions and in print that there was no career in “this system of things” so you don’t need a job with benefits or retirement, your fulltime job is to “preach the good news”!
One thought ... sending a letter of dissociation is one way of halting any where are you calls, we haven't seen you recently at the meetings.
If I were to send in a letter I would state that after an honest review of the doctrines which were created and promoted by the WTS leaders (GB) ie. 1914 I found that these doctrines were not inline to what the bible says or what Jesus said in preaching his new Kingdom order, in fact I find them sinful, unfaithful and apostate in nature.
I made a baptismal personal vow of loyalty and faithfulness to Jesus, not to be faithfully loyal in servitude to the propagating sins of men or sharing of those identifying sculptural sins.
To me being righteous in the eyes of god means to be loyal and obedient to his directions and will, not to sinful disobedient unloyal men in spite of them proclaiming themselves the FDSL.
i have no love loss for the gb or religion and this is not an apologist attempt.
in fact i hate the religion and the gb.
but i watch night after night young kids who's minds have been corrupted by the propaganda and dogma that modern college's are teaching them.
But I watch night after night young kids who's minds have been corrupted by the propaganda and dogma that modern college's are teaching them.
So your saying then that students are being coached and directed by teachers and professors to go out and make violent protests out in the streets ?
Yeah right !
Every becoming young age group that comes around seems to think that the old social standards are just that old, unfair and wrong, that's why the recent protests.
i have no love loss for the gb or religion and this is not an apologist attempt.
in fact i hate the religion and the gb.
but i watch night after night young kids who's minds have been corrupted by the propaganda and dogma that modern college's are teaching them.
to have their kids indoctrinated in stupid.
.....and what happens when their kids sit in on JWS meetings ?
they get indoctrinated with lies, fear, ignorance and stupidity..
This whole post is full of biased stupidity in that yes certain problematic things happen in Universities and Colleges but the fact remains that higher education eventually promotes and creates a better living experiences to us humans.
Hypocrisy comes in when fat ass Tony and his other fat ass obese GB members will end up in hospital getting health treatments for their aliments to keep them alive.
Or how about all that electrical equipment into $1milloin+ which the WTS bought to set up their video broadcasting ???
Most religoius cults demean education because it poses a threat to their power and control which they are trying to both create and sustain over people.
The threat to them is knowledge
Fear and ignorance can control people to be sure , Universities and Colleges dont have that to offer to humanity.
after years of being with jws you start to see a certain developmental characterization of most jws, particularly from elders who have the most power in each congregation.
the ideology follows along the route of holding up a white sheet over the entire organization, as well each identified individual member (brothers and sisters) which no doubt most jws will inevitably exploit toward themselves.. i personally recognized what hypocrisy was at young age from seeing and being around jws at the kingdom halls and what they were like away from the halls.. there is forced pretentiousness at play which comes out by jws.. having being reminded repetitively that god almighty sent his only begotten son to redeem their sins probably had some relevant connection.. there was no question to the fact that jws are associated with delusions, anxiety, fear, ignorance, subsided with prejudice against others who are not recognized as being active jws .. we are the most righteous chosen ones as it were and that self recognizance goes deep into the jws's consciousness in their daily living.
They will stick a knife and twist it in someone else's back if it benefits them.
Yes that's true, they will say erroneously awful untrue things towards people they known who left, like that person turned their back on Jehovah and are now the worse evil people possible, more so than anyone who never even joined the organization.
This was said quite often in public talks and writings in the Watchtower.
.......this is a type of control mechanism to brainwash people with fear, obligation and guilt.
Is it any wonder people have to seek out help from mental health providers upon leaving the JWS cult after awhile ?
jehovah’s witnesses cancel in-person conventions worldwide, will stream online in 100 languages.
by: rocky nash.
posted: jul 9, 2020 / 10:23 pm pdt / updated: jul 19, 2020 / 11:22 am pdt.
A temporary end you mean.
They will be back once a vaccine is distributed
.......count on it .
Without the imposition of fear and ignorance the JW religion would not exist.
do you think there is a group or individuals that have taken the role as slave class and fulfilled the requirement?
think they all failed miserable.
Lying corrupt false prophets charlatans can only be a slave to the spirit of Satan , the originator of the lie.
so i guess the wt holds free public gatherings, but will sue anyone who publishes a video of the free speeches?
what happened to advertise, advertise advertise the king and his kingdom?
How is it that a non for profit charity registered organization can copyright anything it publicly procedures to the open public ?
ummmm ???