Thanks Olin for the review.
I love when they explain this mindless, non-sense doctrines from the platform of a Convention. It was sh*t like that that contributed for me leaving the Org. Most JWs at that point in the afternoon are thinking about a number of other things such as what they're gonna eat, with whom, the drive home, the girls (or boys) they weren't able to meet, the next day at work, etc. etc.
But also remember: a number of JWs a little more settled in life are actually thinking about this non-sense, trying to wrap up the "wonderful" 3-day convention, and this simply doesn't make any sense. A number of these JWs have better jobs, better education, a home, and they are getting quite annoyed by those mindless repetition of old messages; don't see anything exciting; nothing worth fighting for any longer.
Those are people in their 30s, irritated by these non-sense, and a stone-throw away from opening a web browser and typing the words Jehovahs Witnesses in the search box.
Exactly what happened to me.
I love the Information Age.