2 cents accepted. :)
JoinedPosts by Jonadab
by DevonMcBride inthis was posted on ww today.
do you think the apostate infiltration had anything to do with it?.
in the name of christian unity and peace, we regret to inform you that the management of ww has decided to close the ?park?
by DevonMcBride inthis was posted on ww today.
do you think the apostate infiltration had anything to do with it?.
in the name of christian unity and peace, we regret to inform you that the management of ww has decided to close the ?park?
I'm sorry to see WW close down. The fact that Dr. Watson and someonelovesme joined and were discovered to have come from this site wasn't the reason for the shutdown. It may have been a contributing factor in addition to what the administrative team already said. Don't give yourselves too much credit. None of the WW staff went over to the dark side and it wasn't shut down by anyones elders either.
Running a JW discussion board or helping to run it as admins/mods can eat up a lot of your time and emotional energy. Ask dang or Kats. They have been there. It ain't easy and some discover after a short length of time that the work behind the scenes, keeping things running, smoothing over ruffled feathers and trying to keep things acceptable to all, is a very trying task. It isn't for everyone. Like was mentioned, even Obed tired of it all.
Witness World Response to Apostates
by DevonMcBride inbelow is what was posted on witness world by polly pan.
i took euphemism's advice and others to protect my identity.
about a week ago it was brought to administrations attention that there may be apostates lurking on our board, as a precautionary measure we deleted 107 members who had never posted since they joined.
Thanks for the welcome Aztec and others and the $50 offer from avishai. I believe that avishai would pay me the money if I told him my real name. But then I didn't come here to exchange names and I don't need the money.
As I have stated in prior posts, I have examined my beliefs. I also know what many of you believe and why. I am not ignorant about the controversies. You are happy with your thoughts and I am happy with mine. We both have valid reasons for believing the way we do. We just don't agree with each others reasoning on the issues at hand. I believe that most of you are good people who care about each other and the people in your communities. I would probably get along with many of you as neighbors.
Globetrotter asked: "Why aren't they open to debate? ..... Why do they block access to their site?"
We aren't looking for an argument. Jesus could have debated with the best minds of his time, but that wasn't his purpose. He often used the Pharisees and Sadducees questions to reveal what was in their hearts. He was looking for those who were humble and teachable. Paul didn't allow the disagreement regarding circumcision to go on and on as a debatable issue. He and Barnabas went to the older men in Jerusalem, it was discussed and a decision was rendered (see Acts 15). Paul also put an end to the reasoning of those who argued that there was no resurrection (see 1 Cor. 15).
w93 8/1 pp. 16-17 Let No One Spoil Your Useful Habits
Many people will debate for hours, week after week, but not because they are seeking truth. They just want to undermine another’s faith while flaunting their own supposed education in Hebrew, Greek, or evolutionary science. When encountering them, some Witnesses have felt challenged and have wound up having extended association centered on false religious belief, philosophy, or scientific error. It is noteworthy that Jesus did not let that happen to him, though he could have won debates with religious leaders who were schooled in Hebrew or Greek. When challenged, Jesus replied briefly and then turned his attention again to humble ones, the real sheep.—Matthew 22:41-46; 1 Corinthians 1:23–2:2.We are quite willing to discuss with those we meet in our ministry what we believe and why. Not all agree with us, but some are willing to continue the conversation at another time. Those who only want to argue, like the religious leaders of Jesus day, we will excuse ourselves and be on our way, much the same as he did.
All we're doing is having a social gathering with like-minded individuals, just as we would be doing if we were invited to someones home for an evening get-together. If you invite guests into your home for a private gathering you generally don't leave the front door open for anyone to walk in. JW Discussion is a different type of forum. It declares itself open to one and all. That is all well and good and it serves the purpose for which it was intended. WitnessWorld and other db's fill their intended purpose. To each their own. Live and let live.
Agape to you too Nicole Milan.
Sorry shamus, I won't be trading maggots with you. I plan on being cremated. A lot more efficient, better for the environment and cheaper too.
by Euphemism inwell, this isn't quite a delurk, since i've made several posts already.
but i figured it was worth introducing myself anyway.. i'm 21 years old, and was raised a dub.
had very loyal and active dub parents... there was just no question growing up that i was going to pioneer, reach out for privileges, etc.
I wasn't terribly surprised when Obed left, given his posts at Witnet. It was obvious to all that he had doubts and disagreements with JW thinking. It really shocked me when I learned about Daniel though. I always thought that he was an intelligent young fellow who had a lot on the ball and couldn't be taken in by apostate thinking. Apparently I was wrong. I'm so sorry to see him start off married life going down the broad road and taking his bride along with him. Such a shame.
Witness World Response to Apostates
by DevonMcBride inbelow is what was posted on witness world by polly pan.
i took euphemism's advice and others to protect my identity.
about a week ago it was brought to administrations attention that there may be apostates lurking on our board, as a precautionary measure we deleted 107 members who had never posted since they joined.
Hello everyone. Long time since I visited here.
I'm really surprised that you bother to sign up at JW sites still. It's a game that is quite tiresome. As soon as you start to post you reveal yourselves. Is it really worth it? I can't see that you are going to catch anyone with threads like the UN/NGO debate. All you reveal about the governing body is the fact that they are imperfect and make mistakes. So did Jesus apostles. The point is moot. We aren't infallible and things that need correcting do get corrected in time.
I'm not here to start an argument. That would be a waste of everyones time. I'm coming here openly as an active JW. In this I am being honest. Why do you come to a Witness site and feel the need to lie about who you are? WitnessWorld, PureLanguage and any other Witness site that has come along has learned to spot and to weed out those who aren't truly Jehovah's Witnesses. Security is tightened and the registration process becomes more difficult. It's one thing to lurk in an open site and to cut and paste to your hearts content. You do that with the Society's literature already.
somebodylovesme and drwtsn32: Let us know if you ever change your tune and become dedicated, baptized Witnesses. You would then be quite welcome to join us. That goes for anyone else here.
Toronto Area XJW-Meet Up
by RAYZORBLADE into those interested, there is an xjw meet-up scheduled for this upcoming saturday: june 7, 2003. .
http://exjw.meetup.com/members/ .
last one was quite good, and i look forward to the next one.
Do you have any Poutines in Toronto?
I would recommend http://www.lickshomeburgers.com/
How about Labatt Blue beer?
Do I have to wear a mask when I enter Ontario?
Depends on your attractiveness, or lack thereof.
Will my Quebec plates get me into trouble?
That depends on your driving skills.
Vicki Boer v. Watchtower Child abuse Civil Trial - No News Yet but Update
by hawkaw invictoria a. boer v. watch tower bible and tract society of canada et.al.
involves vicki suing the watchtower and some of its elders.
the organization treated her paedophile father in high regard even after vicki came forward.
I can't imagine what you must be going through now Vicki. All this time and now the finale so close. It won't undo what has been done, the anguish and turmoil that you have suffered, but I do hope that you can find some peace in your life after all of this is over.
We heard some comments from our DO regarding this court case at our last circuit assembly not too long ago. It was obvious that he wasn't aware of the facts of the case. Comments have been made at our local congregation referring to the comments made by the DO also. I found it very disturbing to sit there and listen to it to tell you the truth.
It would really bother me to sit through a prayer like that. I couldn't say 'amen' at the end. I hate the thought of agreeing with anything hawkaw would say, but....
I'm looking forward to reading the decision when it does come down, whichever way it goes. I'm sure that there will be some stiff 'guidance' given by Her Honour on the "fiduciary relationship" issue.
Sisters may pursue church case-Another Blow to the WT
by DevonMcBride injudge: sisters may pursue church case
the telegraph, feb. 26, 2003. http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/.
by andrew wolfe, telegraph staff.
Hello Vicki. Just to let you know that you don't know me and I have never met you or any of your family. I have never met Frank Mott-Trille, but I have known of him for quite some time. My wife and her family do know Frank on a personal basis. I have also met Glen How a number of times and know many others.
I'm truly sorry for what you have been through. It makes me sick to see things like this happen. I do believe that making you go through a face to face meeting with your father wasn't right. Going to the elders and telling them about what happened to you must have been a very frightening thing to have to do, and extremely brave. No matter what the outcome of the trial I hope you can find some closure and peace in your life.
Sisters may pursue church case-Another Blow to the WT
by DevonMcBride injudge: sisters may pursue church case
the telegraph, feb. 26, 2003. http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/.
by andrew wolfe, telegraph staff.
Scully: No argument from me. What you stated is quite true.
Uzzah: Child molestation as a sin against the child and a sin against God. It is also a crime in the eyes of the law. Under the Mosaic law it was deserving of death.
Leviticus 18:6, 29
"‘YOU people must not come near, any man of YOU, to any close fleshly relative of his to lay bare nakedness. I am Jehovah.....29
In case anyone does any of all these detestable things, then the souls doing them must be cut off from among their people.Uzzah: You said that "Paedophilia and child abuse is not a spiritual matter. It is a mental sickness and a criminal matter."
I will partially agree with you. Sexual abuse of a child is against the law and may become a criminal matter if it is reported by an adult or the child to the authorities. A parent may decide that it would do their child more harm than good to report the abuse, especially if there is no physical proof to support the child's word. An adult who had been a victim of child abuse may decide not to pursue the matter.
I do not agree that it can be said to be mental sickness in the majority of cases. It certainly is an unnatural desire.
I also disagree with your statement that it is not a spiritual matter. Any serious sin is a spiritual matter.
Some adults who turn to incest are psychotic. Most are not, however. They may be apparently good family men, business or community leaders, even good churchgoers.g81 2/8 p. 18 Incest—The Hidden Crime
Why Do They Do It?Why do such "ordinary people" commit incest? Loss of control due to alcohol has been involved. Sometimes, a man marries a woman who already has children. As his stepchildren get older, he may be tempted sexually.
Family problems can contribute. Hank Giarretto says: "Usually it’s a man losing his job or going through a low-ebb period in his life. He and his wife become alienated. The father reaches out to his daughter, looking for closeness. She is open to him, loves him, thinks he’s great. The first overtures are not sexual."
There may be additional causes. One incest victim told how pornographic literature was always present in the house. Giarretto adds: "It’s the sexual climate of our society which helps create the problem. We teach our girls to be Lolitas and sexual provocateurs from the time they’re 2."
An adult committing incest with a child betrays selfishness. He shows no concern at all for the welfare of the child. Yet, in a world that encourages us to ‘do our own thing’ and promotes such perversions as child pornography, is it surprising that cases of incest are on the increase?
To answer another one of your questions, yes, I do have children. I was also not in the habit of allowing them to roam around the convention site without supervision when they were younger. You don't know who is wandering around at these conventions.
I am well aware of the high incidence of repeat offenders.
Slant perception while reading? I think we are all prone to that. I endeavor to see both sides and view matters in the light of the scriptures. All the same I am just as guilty of this as anyone else.
The figures you gave from Canada Legal are frightening, if accurate. I would also like to mention that not all of those reports would have been about baptized members of the congregation. Included too would be unbaptized ones associated with the congregation and non-Witness relatives of members. Just the same it is frightening. We as Jehovah's Witnesses are prone to be more trusting of people and a little naive when it comes to the evil things that go on in the world.
As regards the last two paragraphs in your post I do see your point.
Sisters may pursue church case-Another Blow to the WT
by DevonMcBride injudge: sisters may pursue church case
the telegraph, feb. 26, 2003. http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/.
by andrew wolfe, telegraph staff.
My ex-husband beat me. I forgave him. But to this day I refuse to be in the same room with him. Guess why.
I can't say that I blame you jgnat. Here are a couple of quotations regarding forgiving...
w94 9/15 p. 6 Why Be Forgiving? In the Bible genuine repentance involves a sincere change in attitude, a heartfelt regret over any wrongs committed. Where appropriate and possible, repentance is accompanied by an effort to make restitution to the victim of the sin.
w97 12/1 pp. 19-20 ‘Continue Forgiving One Another Freely’
When It Seems Impossible to Forgive
What, though, if others sin against us in a way that inflicts the deepest of wounds, and yet there is no acknowledgment of the sin, no repentance, and no apology on the part of the offender? (Proverbs 28:13) The Scriptures clearly indicate that Jehovah does not forgive unrepentant, hardened sinners. (Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26, 27) What about us? Insight on the Scriptures says: "Christians are not required to forgive those who practice malicious, willful sin with no repentance. Such become God’s enemies." (Volume 1, page 862) No Christian who has been a victim of extremely unjust, detestable, or heinous treatment should feel forced to forgive, or pardon, a wrongdoer who is not repentant.—Psalm 139:21, 22.16
Understandably, those who have been victims of cruel mistreatment may feel hurt and angry. However, recall that holding on to anger and resentment can be very harmful to us. Waiting for an admission or apology that never comes, we may only get more and more upset. Being obsessed with the injustice may keep the anger seething within us, with devastating effects on our spiritual, emotional, and physical health. In effect, we allow the one who hurt us to continue hurting us. Wisely, the Bible advises: "Let anger alone and leave rage." (Psalm 37:8) Some Christians, therefore, have found that in time they were able to make a decision to forgive in the sense of ceasing to harbor resentment—not excusing what happened to them, but refusing to be consumed with anger. Leaving the matter squarely in the hands of the God of justice, they experienced much relief and were able to get on with their lives.—Psalm 37:28.Abusers use the doctrine of forgiveness to maintain the cycle of abuse.
Very true. This wouldn't be true repentance then would it? There is no need to forgive where the abuse continues.