JoinedPosts by Bonsai
New to the site
by LexIsFree inmy name is alex.
i have been a reader/lurker of this site for over a year now.
first time i am posting.
Bienvenido mi amigo. Thanks for sharing your life story! May the sun shine always upon you, the rain fall always behind you. May the wind blow at your back helping you wherever you may go. -
Writing Department Interview on "The Generation."
by cappytan ina member of the writing department was gracious enough to allow me to interview him about the "overlapping generation" doctrine..
Oh man. I needed that laugh. Thanks man! You just made my morning. Cheers! -
Was it worth it?
by John Aquila infor those of you who left family and friends and had to start over from scratch just to get out of the organization, was it worth it?.
Was it worth it? I honestly don't know yet.
It's been hard to start over.
No god and no justice and no afterlife.
What did I replace them with?
Freedom? What freedom? We live for a short while. We build up our assets and when we die (often suddenly) we lose everything.
This earth, on it's present course, is in deep trouble.
Can mankind unite quickly enough before it's too late?
I have my doubts...
It's been really hard to replace one set of hopes for another.
I hope things get better...
"Make a list of people you want to meet in the New System!" (New September Watchtower)
by FusionTheism inwatchtower september 2015 study edition, "stand firm in the faith," paragraphs 16 and 17:.
following jesus example, we must read the bible daily, study it, and meditate on what we learn.
along with general bible study, dig into topics about which you may have questions.. you can imitate jesus by meditating on the wonderful promises jehovah has made to you.
I want to meet some samurais and ninjas. Maybe also a warlord or two? Maybe they can teach me how to throw a shuriken! Or slice and dice with a katana!
I wonder if princess Zelda will be resurrected...
I also would like to meet Job's daughters and Job's daughter's daughters and their daughters and their daughters and their daughters and their daughters just to see which ones were the hottest!
Watchtower Society and Science
by FusionTheism inis the governing body's methods and practices all that much different from the way scientists work?.
some prominent scientists and big media in the 1970's were pushing imminent disaster from global cooling.
now its global warming and they all sweep the global cooling fiasco under the rug and act like it was just one or two rogue individuals.. other examples can be given: scientists being wrong on the eternal universe, black holes, whether eggs or coffee are healthy or harmful, presenting fake fossils, etc.
I can disagree with scientists on any public format and at worse they will call me a lame brain ignoramus. I disagree with the GB and they will send the local elders after me on a witch hunt. If my loyalty isn't up to snuff, I get JC'd, then df'd and then shunned by my brainwashed family. I mean really, you honestly can't see the difference?
Why don't you focus more on how the GB are so much better than the North Korean regime even though they too employ similar tactics?? I might be able to agree with you on that. They are both top notch at controlling with fear and information black out of outside sources.
Keep throwing isht on the wall. You never know, maybe something might finally stick.
It's 2015 already
by Doltologist init's 2015. isn't it about time man stopped believing in all of this illogical and superstitious nonsense i.e.
belief in god?.
isn't it time we grew up?.
It's time for humans to come to grips with the fact that our beloved sky daddy isn't gonna clean our shyte up or dig us out of our man-made hole anytime soon. We gotta band together, grab our shovels, gird our loins and get to doin' it ourselves! -
What's the Worst Gossip You Heard About Why You were DF'ed, Faded or Left and Never Came Back? They say "I am gay!"
by PhilsWager2 inyour going to enjoy the latest rumor i heard why i have not been to meeting for around nine months, i am a homosexual!
i was caught having a drink at one of the gay bars for business, yes people still talk business in bars.
revelation 17:4).and murderers, and fornicators (cf.
Rumor has it I'm having a mid-life crisis, which is the reason for my apostafication. I can't deny that it isn't true. Nothing prepared me to grow up and grow old in this system of things. -
A Whole New Watchtower Society (Governing Body 3.0 / Simplified Society)
by FusionTheism ina whole new watchtower society (governing body 3.0 / simplified society).
i'm not here to attack the governing body, watchtower society, or the jehovah's witnesses (jw) organization.
the bible says there is just "one hope" for christians (ephesians 4:4).
I like a lot of your suggestions. Up until recently, I wished for a lot of the same changes as well. But I have come to realize that history repeats itself over and over and over again in regards to religion. A new movement or awakening often starts out with good intentions. Someone honestly tries to improve something off of the original belief system. But no matter how many revisions, fixes and improvements are made, the leaders who made them end up getting drunk with power and abusing and overly dominating their followers. The new religion always gets wrapped up in making money, as if God needs money, what a joke.
I've come to 2 conclusions:
1. God is a figment of the imagination. Or,
2. God doesn't care about us in the way that we want him to.
Either way, history proves that you don't need bumbling, stumbling humans to worship God.
Does What We Say Here Or In Person Really Help JWs To Get Out Of The Religion?
by minimus inif we are in the congregation, do you think our comments or questions actually reach elders or others in the congregation?
do our comments on this board affect witnesses to the point of questioning their faith?
I was also active last year. Found Came here to discuss what was never allowed to be discussed.. Now I'm armed to the teeth with knowledge of what is and what turned out not to be truth. -
One month researching my doubts: my crucial issues with WTBTS - what are yours?
by Tornintwo inso after 20 years a convert, about a month ago i decided to start listening to my doubts and to do independent research about the wtbts teachings (naughty me).
as a result i have consolidated my position on various points and these are my major issues with the wtbts teachings, i am posting these to help myself figure things out (with your assistance) and hopefully to hear from others at their stage of drawing away from the gb - newbies' especially.
in the form of notes so hope you dont mind...child abuse.
Yep. Thanks for sharing your notes. Don't forget about the U.N. issue, as well as revisionist history about their idea of what 1914 meant then and now. Also, what biblical precedent is there to support their harsh reinstatement process for those who were df'd or da'd? There isn't one.