The guilt wears off (and thus the power of the cult) after about two months of missing meetings. I don't even think about it being a meeting day/night anymore. I went cold turkey last fall and stopped all "organizational activities". I was in good standing but just could no longer take the mental raping any longer. Ironically, the last meeting i went to was when we were covering Deuteronomy 18 in the weekly bible reading. I read Deuteronomy 18:20-22 and right then and there I decided I was done. The wife was pretty pissed by my attitude, but she eventually reached the same conclusion that we both could use a little livin' without all the guilt and pressure to please the "mother" org.
If the meetings make you feel better then you got to do what you have to do, but if they make you feel like vomiting in your mouth, then it's time to stop swallowing the F.O.G.(fear,obligation,guilt) poison.