JoinedPosts by Bonsai
Anybody live in or coming to Japan?
by Bonsai ini wish i had some fellow ex-jdubs to shoot the shat with.
it's lonely out here when all the people i know are stuck in the borg.
I wish I had some fellow ex-Jdubs to shoot the shat with. It's lonely out here when all the people I know are stuck in the Borg. -
Going to a bad place when i die
by 060702015 ini've thought and said too much to ever gain jehovahs forgiveness and love if i want to be a christian again.
i made a topic on my unforgivable sin and blaspemy of the holy spirit.. i feel saddness everyday having no relationship with god, no religion and fear of the afterlife.
even when i was kid i feared death and the end of the world.
It helps me from time to time to sit back and laugh at the hilarity and stupidity of what I thought to be true.
Imagine trying to explain this truth to an alien who visited earth:
There once was a woman who was tricked by a talking snake and ate an apple. God got ticked off and made them die slow painful deaths. He made all their offspring die slow, painful deaths, too. Suddenly animals started fearing humans and also started eating each other. suddenly, poof! There was bacteria, viruses and cancer.
God completely alienated himself from humans and allowed them time to prove they can rule by themselves. Mankind built a huge modern civilization and then God knocked it down. Humans spoke one language which helped them to get organized, so God confuses them and scatters them with many languages. Super intelligent demons came down and started to dominate man, so God made humans pay by unleashing a flood to kill almost all of them and their children and their babies.(oh, but the bad angels escape - like that's fair or anything). Miraculously, kangaroos and koalas made it all the way from turkey to Australia without dying of hunger (must have been secret stashes of Eucalyptus along the way). Despite a global flood (as Jesus himself stated) glaciers were uninterrupted, 5,000 year-old Bristlecone pines were unaffected, and the then thriving Egyptian empire seemed to take no notice. Shame on them. But don't worry, the Egyptians would pay for their obliviousness later when all of their first born children were massacred by the loving Hebrew God.
At this point, the flood washes away, and only the righteous survived right? God had proved his point: we need him. But no wait. God lets mankind get all clusterflucked again. Again civilizations are built from the blood of Noah. The black man, the white man, the Asian man and everything in between suddenly results. Because they all speak different languages they continuously war with one another. But behold! The Jews are special, so God sanctions them to go into the "promised lands and clean out/kill off all the heathens (along with their children and babies). Since the Jews were special, this genocide was OK.
God decides that to fix everything, we need a child sacrifice. we need his child to die a horrific, bloody agonizing death to undo the sins of the apple and to defeat the sinister talking snake. So in the desert, a child is miraculously born. He does miraculous things. He can walk on water and not get wet! He can control storms and cast out demons.
Unfortunately, because scripture is so ambiguous and vague all kinds of worshippers result. Some believe the son to be the father, some believe the son to be the son. Others believe the son is just a prophet. All fight for control over their fellow mans minds. They all hate each other and none of them can agree on anything. Things get so confusing that modern man has no idea what to believe. But eureka! The Jehovahs witness religion is born to us. Despite their ever changing doctrines and boat load of false predictions, quack science and revisionist white washing, we are supposed to believe that they have the truth! Six white men and one black guy are supposed to represent all mankind before God! Hallelujah.
Now, in our present day, we are supposed to believe in all of these things without any doubt. we are supposed to believe that a god who has played hide and seek, who has been invisible and has alienated himself from us in order to prove that we need him - that loving god - is going to send his loving son to come and lovingly destroy mankind because they don't know their right hand from their left.
Yup! It makes perfect sense! I'm sure the alien would nod its head in amazement of it all. I know I do...
Stephen Lett's pedophile confession
by C0ntr013r inthis "confession" should be aired on the tv channel in regards to the investigation into jw's cover up of child abuse.. quite fitting, don't you think?
I take him seriously - as in seriously deluded. -
Grandchildren pay for the sins of their parents.
by Bonsai inmy wife's mother just related to us an interview she heard during the recent three day convention that she just had to share with us.
a brother and his wife have, for over 20 years, shunned their daughter because she ran off and eloped with a worldly guy.
while openly sobbing, he related how difficult it has been to shun his daughter and avoid unnecessary contact with her and her family.
Can you feel the love tonight?
How its laid to rest.
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very worst.
It's enough for this wide eyed wanderer that we got this far ( away from this twisted religion).
Sorry, couldn't help thinking Elton John when you posted.
Grandchildren pay for the sins of their parents.
by Bonsai inmy wife's mother just related to us an interview she heard during the recent three day convention that she just had to share with us.
a brother and his wife have, for over 20 years, shunned their daughter because she ran off and eloped with a worldly guy.
while openly sobbing, he related how difficult it has been to shun his daughter and avoid unnecessary contact with her and her family.
I feel all of your pain.
I remember telling witnesses to keep having hope that their rebellious loved ones will "come back to their senses." Now I find myself hoping that JW's will "come to their senses" and leave this inhumane American sect.
Mrquick, I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope they realize that they are missing out on a wonderful relationship with you.
Truthseeker, Yeah, you are right. The cult usually wins. The couple in question isn't even my family so... frig it. Aint my problem or my battle to fight.
Grandchildren pay for the sins of their parents.
by Bonsai inmy wife's mother just related to us an interview she heard during the recent three day convention that she just had to share with us.
a brother and his wife have, for over 20 years, shunned their daughter because she ran off and eloped with a worldly guy.
while openly sobbing, he related how difficult it has been to shun his daughter and avoid unnecessary contact with her and her family.
Wow. You dug up some interesting "counsel" Blondie. I think I'll print these articles out, bring them to their house and make sure they are keeping contact with their grandchildren. I'll share these with my mother-in-law as well just in case we do DA. Absolutely no reason, Biblically, or more importantly (gag), organizationally, to shun one's grandchildren. -
Grandchildren pay for the sins of their parents.
by Bonsai inmy wife's mother just related to us an interview she heard during the recent three day convention that she just had to share with us.
a brother and his wife have, for over 20 years, shunned their daughter because she ran off and eloped with a worldly guy.
while openly sobbing, he related how difficult it has been to shun his daughter and avoid unnecessary contact with her and her family.
These types of interviews must be taking place at assemblies all across the planet. Sigh.
When I was little, both my parents were disfellowshipped and dirt poor. Many "overlooked" my parents' sins and showed kindness and mercy to my siblings and I. If it hadn't been for those kind people, I don't think my mother would have returned to the religion. It just makes no sense whatsoever what these people are doing to themselves and their families - all in the name of "love" and "loyalty to the loving god".
Grandchildren pay for the sins of their parents.
by Bonsai inmy wife's mother just related to us an interview she heard during the recent three day convention that she just had to share with us.
a brother and his wife have, for over 20 years, shunned their daughter because she ran off and eloped with a worldly guy.
while openly sobbing, he related how difficult it has been to shun his daughter and avoid unnecessary contact with her and her family.
My wife's mother just related to us an interview she heard during the recent three day convention that she just had to share with us. A brother and his wife have, for over 20 years, shunned their daughter because she ran off and eloped with a worldly guy. While openly sobbing, he related how difficult it has been to shun his daughter and avoid unnecessary contact with her and her family. He said knowing that he has been making Jehovah's heart rejoice has given him the strength and peace of mind to avoid unnecessary contact with her. This strength has allowed him to return to the elder's ranks. He was applauded by the audience and praised by the speaker for his loyalty.
My mother-in-law told us that if we ever DA or get ourselves DF'd (we are currently inactive and we've shared a bit of TTATT with her) she will cut off all contact with us and our children.
I was for a time very close to this elder and his wife. I knew that they were secretly keeping in touch with their daughter and her family. Then this hot shot C.O. comes along and grills them on the dangers of having a relationship with the daughters children. He said that if the grandparents foster a relationship with the children, then the daughter will feel no need to repent and come back to Jehovah. From then on this couple and my mother in law as well, cut off ALL contact with their disfellowshipped children and their family.
It makes me so angry that the children must be punished, too. Has anyone else heard of this practice of shunning a df'd/da'd person's children as well? It's just so not fair to the children who lose their relationship with their grandparents.
Another case of information control!
by username ini decided to have a look at jwtalk to see if there might be any news on the australian royal commission investigation into child abuse.
there was a message posted regarding the news.
another case of jws not being able to handle bad news against the mother ship!.
What a surprise. Not. I'm sure somebody chastised whoever put it up with something like:
"Now friends, we don't want to post apostate driven lies and accusations on the board. Instead we should strive to consider things that are upbuilding and faith strengthening. In Phillipians 4:8 we are reminded to..." Yada yada yada.
Basic Bible and Religious Vocabulary the Watchtower Never Teaches
by CalebInFloroda inwhen i began formal study of religion and biblical analysis it was like peeling off layer after layer of dark matter, sticky and putrid that had stuck over my eyes and ears and mouth.
i learned that under the watchtower one only builds a widening gap between yourself and the world of biblical academia and scholars.
i used to think i knew a lot because i learned to quote a few scholars or lexicons as a witness.
I couldn't agree more. I like you Caleb. You give so much deep thought to your posts. Toda raba.