JoinedPosts by Bonsai
I Was Given The New Return To Jehovah Brochure
by minimus ini read it but it certainly didn't apply to me.
nobody stumbled me or hurt my feelings.
i just know crap when i see it.
I'm up to 2 brochures. If it gets up to 5 or 6 then I might just have to go back as my wool is thick and it needs a good fleecing. -
A few facts to ponder
by Nitty-Gritty ini have been in correspondence recently with silentambs and a few interesting things have been highlighted.
some of you may know, that bill bowen has twice tried to get the fbi involved in investigating child molestation issues in the jws org.
this is what he said to me, i quote: we have reported to the fbi on two occasions and were rebuffed due to them not wishing to get involved with a religion.
Nitty Gritty, thanks for coming on here to update us on the past activities of Bill Bowens. We are so happy to have apostates like you who have connections with the major bigwig apostates. I know you wouldn't molest a child right? I'm sure you are just trying to look at things from a fair and balanced perspective. The fact that you are on here as a budding apostate shows that you have other issues with the org. Clearly THIS issue isn't as big a deal to you as other issues are, like perhaps unscriptural shunning or the unscriptural reinstatement arrangement. Perhaps the North Korea like information control techniques that the society employs disturb you as well.
You are commenting on a very emotional issue that people on this site have suffereed from, or perhaps their friends or family haver suffered from. Don't be surprised by the emotional backlash of from your posts. People are angry. People have been wronged and those are the facts man.
Is It Time to regroup?
by John Aquila inhow much do you want to bet that the organization has already started preparing articles for the watchtower magazines, convention talks, circuit overseers talks and letters to bodies of elders, to refute what is happening in australia?
right now the most important thing for the wt to do is protect their image that they are gods visible organization.especially in the u.s. and latin american countries.
The (k)GB already knew this was going to happen, which is why in the July broadcast Lett said it was all apostate driven lies. It was said preemptively to attack the integrity of the royal commission hearing. I hope they use Lett's soundbite in the hearings next week.
Do you feel vindicated by the exposure of the WT Society in Australia? It seems like a feeding frenzy on here! I love it. You?
by Wasanelder Once inare you pleased with the exposure of the society in australia?
do you feel personally vindicated by it?
do you think it gives you credibility with others now that all the things you said were going on, actually are documented?
The organization has problems because they are a fundamentalist, elitist, arrogant religion. I hope the events and testimonies of the last few days wake everyone up to make these wolves in sheep's skin render account for their negligence. The Royal Commission has only begun to scratch the surface of an emotional and psychologically twisted and manipulative cult. I will start feeling vindicated when the GB find their fat asses out on the street begging for food. Watching live has made me shake with rage. So. ****ing. Angry!!! -
FMF Rant on Abuse and JW Apologists: The Single Root of the Whole Issue(s)
by freemindfade infor the jw apologists, they debate certain factors to down play all the recent sex abuse information in the jehovah's witness organization.
and there is so much focus on "two witness rule" and "parents can report" the "elders aren't legal authorities" and many other smoke screen issues.
a lot of these issues and discussion are down stream from what i believe to be the root of the issue.
The priority is not to protect the abused.
It's not to protect the community.
It's not even to protect the flock.
It's to protect the Organization.
They don't want to report to the authorities their massive problems because they are under pressure to prove that they have the "true love" of John 13;35 and that they alone are "united" such as stated at 1 Cor. 1:10.
The whole sex abuse scandal is a massive stain that is just too embarrassing for them to come to grips with, so it paralyzes them into doing nothing.
The Royal Commission is unwittingly exposing the policies that exist to protect an organization and not individuals or people in the community. These are unprecedented times.
Wednesday Hearings LIVE LINK NOW
by Mad Sweeney in,-july-2015,-sydney.
At first when I heard about this hearing i didn't think it would amount to much. But after listening to it today, this is huge, HUGE. So much detail. So easy to see just how flawed and dangerous the JW judicial system is. I cannot foresee how the watchtower can weasel its way out of this one. Huge backlashes coming. I think other western countries will definitely take notice and go on the offensive as well. -
Wednesday Hearings LIVE LINK NOW
by Mad Sweeney in,-july-2015,-sydney.
Reminds me of A Few good Men: "I want the truth!" "You can't handle the truth!!"
This Ali guy seems completely emotionless, even disinterested in the proceedings.
Anybody live in or coming to Japan?
by Bonsai ini wish i had some fellow ex-jdubs to shoot the shat with.
it's lonely out here when all the people i know are stuck in the borg.
I wish I had some fellow ex-Jdubs to shoot the shat with. It's lonely out here when all the people I know are stuck in the Borg. -
Going to a bad place when i die
by 060702015 ini've thought and said too much to ever gain jehovahs forgiveness and love if i want to be a christian again.
i made a topic on my unforgivable sin and blaspemy of the holy spirit.. i feel saddness everyday having no relationship with god, no religion and fear of the afterlife.
even when i was kid i feared death and the end of the world.
It helps me from time to time to sit back and laugh at the hilarity and stupidity of what I thought to be true.
Imagine trying to explain this truth to an alien who visited earth:
There once was a woman who was tricked by a talking snake and ate an apple. God got ticked off and made them die slow painful deaths. He made all their offspring die slow, painful deaths, too. Suddenly animals started fearing humans and also started eating each other. suddenly, poof! There was bacteria, viruses and cancer.
God completely alienated himself from humans and allowed them time to prove they can rule by themselves. Mankind built a huge modern civilization and then God knocked it down. Humans spoke one language which helped them to get organized, so God confuses them and scatters them with many languages. Super intelligent demons came down and started to dominate man, so God made humans pay by unleashing a flood to kill almost all of them and their children and their babies.(oh, but the bad angels escape - like that's fair or anything). Miraculously, kangaroos and koalas made it all the way from turkey to Australia without dying of hunger (must have been secret stashes of Eucalyptus along the way). Despite a global flood (as Jesus himself stated) glaciers were uninterrupted, 5,000 year-old Bristlecone pines were unaffected, and the then thriving Egyptian empire seemed to take no notice. Shame on them. But don't worry, the Egyptians would pay for their obliviousness later when all of their first born children were massacred by the loving Hebrew God.
At this point, the flood washes away, and only the righteous survived right? God had proved his point: we need him. But no wait. God lets mankind get all clusterflucked again. Again civilizations are built from the blood of Noah. The black man, the white man, the Asian man and everything in between suddenly results. Because they all speak different languages they continuously war with one another. But behold! The Jews are special, so God sanctions them to go into the "promised lands and clean out/kill off all the heathens (along with their children and babies). Since the Jews were special, this genocide was OK.
God decides that to fix everything, we need a child sacrifice. we need his child to die a horrific, bloody agonizing death to undo the sins of the apple and to defeat the sinister talking snake. So in the desert, a child is miraculously born. He does miraculous things. He can walk on water and not get wet! He can control storms and cast out demons.
Unfortunately, because scripture is so ambiguous and vague all kinds of worshippers result. Some believe the son to be the father, some believe the son to be the son. Others believe the son is just a prophet. All fight for control over their fellow mans minds. They all hate each other and none of them can agree on anything. Things get so confusing that modern man has no idea what to believe. But eureka! The Jehovahs witness religion is born to us. Despite their ever changing doctrines and boat load of false predictions, quack science and revisionist white washing, we are supposed to believe that they have the truth! Six white men and one black guy are supposed to represent all mankind before God! Hallelujah.
Now, in our present day, we are supposed to believe in all of these things without any doubt. we are supposed to believe that a god who has played hide and seek, who has been invisible and has alienated himself from us in order to prove that we need him - that loving god - is going to send his loving son to come and lovingly destroy mankind because they don't know their right hand from their left.
Yup! It makes perfect sense! I'm sure the alien would nod its head in amazement of it all. I know I do...
Stephen Lett's pedophile confession
by C0ntr013r inthis "confession" should be aired on the tv channel in regards to the investigation into jw's cover up of child abuse.. quite fitting, don't you think?
I take him seriously - as in seriously deluded.