Awesome Obie!
I'm very happy to hear of your success. You've overcome so much. Hopefully your kids will see that you are happy and successful and will wake up as well.
My decisive moment was when we were covering Deuteronomy 18-22 for the bible reading last fall. Somebody commented on Deuteronomy 18:20 about how we need to preach the message strictly from the bible and strictly from truth so as to avoid false prophecy. Well, already knowing the history of 1925 and1975 from reading the Proclaimers book,that was a huge WTF moment for me. I had never considered the implications of those scriptures or recalled reading them before. False prophets were to be put to death!!! If Rutherford was a false prophet then that means... holy shit!!!
The ironic part was, I hadn't been to a meeting for a few weeks because I was just sick and tired of dealing with fake people and preaching a message of doom and gloom. I decided to man up and go to a meeting for some encouragement (and for family unity) and that's when the Deuteronomy doozy hit me and I knew that would be my last meeting - and it was.