JoinedPosts by Bonsai
Just recovering from a 'Mormon Mind Melt' ...
by LoveUniHateExams ini was in town centre about an hour ago to buy a shirt and tie for an upcoming job interview when i was stopped by a youngish, clean cut american young man (20-ish) in a cheap suit.
my heart sank as i thought it was local jws.
to my slight relief, it was mormons!
Good review of Mormons Fisherman! Now it's time to remove that blind spot and start examining your own religion. -
Just recovering from a 'Mormon Mind Melt' ...
by LoveUniHateExams ini was in town centre about an hour ago to buy a shirt and tie for an upcoming job interview when i was stopped by a youngish, clean cut american young man (20-ish) in a cheap suit.
my heart sank as i thought it was local jws.
to my slight relief, it was mormons!
Also, I asked them if they had apostates in their religion. They admitted that apostates were dangerous and prevalent. Like JWs they avoid them and refuse to debate doctrine with them. -
Just recovering from a 'Mormon Mind Melt' ...
by LoveUniHateExams ini was in town centre about an hour ago to buy a shirt and tie for an upcoming job interview when i was stopped by a youngish, clean cut american young man (20-ish) in a cheap suit.
my heart sank as i thought it was local jws.
to my slight relief, it was mormons!
The last time I met Mormons I told them I had just left a cult and wasn't ready to join another one. But I told them that if those divine gold bars show up somewhere then I have the right to change my mind. They were very adamant that they had the one and only truth. I also complimented them on their organization (even though i called it a cult). I said, "at least your organization provides a college and degree for you to look forward to after you labor through your requisite two year ministry. My organization doesn't provide jack squat. They just take and take and take." They awkwardly shook my hand and skidaddled out of there. -
I gotta ask,... Is the org gonna fade from itself and just take what money that is left and run?
by gda ini just can't shake this odd thought...
Don't get your hopes up too much. They're dug in like a tick up a dog's butt. This religion and its demigod leaders aren't going anywhere. -
LOL. You got me seeing cocks, goat heads and smiley faces everywhere! Guess it's time for me to take my meds. Song was great, though! -
America Mass Shooting: 10/1/2015
by adjusted knowledge insince this will be the norm in america, perhaps we should put a date on each of these topics.
can't really put school mass shooting because too many to choose from.
I think it's time for America to invade Canada and Europe. It'll give the gun crazies something to do rather than slaughter domestically.
All distasteful jokes aside, I'm really ****ing tired of being embarrasses by the ineptness of my country's gun policies and attitude toward guns. We've always needed guns to fight off the Indians, then the British, then the Communists, now the terrorists, but the reality is now people need guns to outdo their neighbor and the gun totting gangster living down the street.
Cant even go for a nature walk without worrying if some asshole hunting out of season is going to put a slug in my ass thinking I'm a deer.
Basic JW Doctrine
by crolson inhi, i am not a jw, but i am a student studying the jehovah's witnesses.
i was wondering if a jw could answer a few questions for me about your doctrine?.
where does your teaching come from (which writings)?.
Don't pray for us! Pray for my New England Patriots (who eat the Bills for breakfast every year) to go Undefeated and enter the halls of Valhalla! -
Mass disassociation pact...
by freemindfade inany takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
2:20 verses 20-22 refer, not to the false teachers themselves, but to their victims. They are people who had reformed but who had not been born again.
That's it SS. I'm going to sick Perry on you! He would no doubt explain easily that JW's have not been" born again", they've just simply promised themselves to be slaves to a human organization and its publishing/real estate Earthly empire interests.
You better spend less time on here and more time making financial transactions with your organization. They need more money to expand their empire!
Also, the majority of those that leave the cult become better people, less judgemental, more tolerant and contribute more to society.
Japan closed 638 Congregations lost 6,000 Publishers in 10 years!!! WHY?
by Witness 007 injapan had a massive increase in publishers from 1950-1998. then in 1998 something happened and jehovah's blessing switched off!!!.
1998 -222,912 publishers 3,802 congregations.
2006 -217,519 publishers 3,164 congregations.
Five reasons:
#1 They consider it a lack of faith to be having children deep in this time of the end. Very few couples are having kids. In fact, many people in their 30s and 40s are refraining from marriage to "seek first the kingdom".
I have seen a couple hide there pregnancy until the sixth month because they were embarrassed to be having children.
#2 Tons of pioneers/publishers are jumping ship moving to where the need is greater in Nepal, Taiwan, China, Mongolia etc. None of the young ones want to stay here because the atmosphere in the congs are restrictive, conservative and repressive.
#3 New growth is almost non-existent. The blood policy is a very sore topic here. Witnesses are well known here for their stance on blood and outsiders find it to be sick and cultish.
#4 Many of those who came in the 60's and 70's are dying off. There is an overall decline in population and an increasingly burgeoning elderly population.
#5 Japanese witnesses are crazy. Yes crazy. So many of them have mental problems and are battling severe depression. They combat this by giving 150% every day until one day they just... disappear and you never see them again. There really is no middle ground here. They are either in Samurai Christian mode or they just completely burn out and fall off the radar quickly.
On the realization you will not "live forever"
by problemaddict 2 insomething struck me last week.
i have been dealing with what i can only describe as a fear of death.
i'm not old and not in bad health.
Your own mortality - It's a hard pill to swallow. I would rather have lived and died than never have lived at all.