So funny! I just watched Forrest Gump last night!
"My momma always said, a cult is like a box of grenades. You always know whatcha gonna get!"
[....the scene opens with jw gump being summoned by the governing body....].
jw gump: yes sir, governing body member, lett, sir!.
gb lett: just what is your job at the watchtower organization, jw gump?.
So funny! I just watched Forrest Gump last night!
"My momma always said, a cult is like a box of grenades. You always know whatcha gonna get!"
by coincidence (considering my posts on gay partner vows in a japanese buddhist temple) this shiseido tv advertisement showed up today.
see if you can guess the point before the ad reveals it?.
I think sisters in Japan have a huge struggle with fighting their attraction to other sisters. I once asked a pioneer sister to date with me. I thought it was a done deal, but she shyly admitted that she wasn't very interested in guys and implied she was waiting for Jehovah to fix her in the new system.
Another time, I asked a sister out, but she said her future goal was to live with another sister and pioneer together up 'til armageddon.
Another time I became quite close to this family with two smoking hot daughters (both in their 20s). I was their English tutor. One night we had a lot to drink at their house. So they dress me up, put make-up and lipstick on my face, made me wear a straw hat and drove me to the nearest convenient store. While filming me in the parking lot, I went inside and bought something. The goal was to get the convenience store worker to shake my hand. The guy behind the counter was very disturbed by it all, but I ended up telling him all this was to impress a girl outside, so he shook my hand, patted my shoulder and said, "ganbatte! (good luck!)" with a wink.
Some version of fun, huh? The things we do for girls right?
Things were going good until the family packed up and moved to Australia where we got out of touch.
Ironically, years later, both sisters are still single and have zero interest in romance.
a hilarious stupid wa message is being circulated amongst jws in my area / country.. i had a hearty laugh at the ignorance and stupidity and brainwashed mentality, different people may express different emotions so you have been warned.
day one after armageddon it seems ages since we last heard the gunshots and screams, today has been really quiet.
the last few weeks have been sheer terror.
by coincidence (considering my posts on gay partner vows in a japanese buddhist temple) this shiseido tv advertisement showed up today.
see if you can guess the point before the ad reveals it?.
recently i have just started looking into what buddhism is all about.
i rather like the idea of a personal spirituality.
of trying to be a better person and an acceptance of the reality of life and trying to find an inner peace and contentment.. anyway, i came across this today.
whats worse than being an adult jw?
when i was a kid i always had a bad concience all the time.
i believed i would not survive armageddon for the fact that i didn't like going to service and i didnt like going to the meetings.
who won, and why?.
the rebel..
There was a debate within a debate on a thread somewhere where some posters were challenging whether or not Viviane and Cofty were the same person. Maybe it was one of FusionTheism's threads. I found that thread to be very amusing. If you can't win a debate against a group of individuals, claim they are all one person with multiple accounts!
I would like to see them disagree with each other on something just for pure entertainment value, though.
is this supposed to placate the ones who have been recently fired?
is this a sign of the aging jw leadership?
i was just talking to my mom a few weeks ago.
she said, out of all her kids, i was the only one she didn't have to worry about as far as spirituality.
i always took a stand for jehovah.. she told when all of her kids were little, she gave us the option of not eating birthday cakes in school.
Dear Cognac,
I am in a similar situation with my mom as well. I was the last of my siblings to remain in the religion. I was the one she confided in spiritually to encourage her. Now I'm the worst out of all of them. It didn't matter that I never committed the same level of immorality as my siblings. It didn't matter that i was and still am the most responsible out of all of us.They left because they were weak in my mom's eyes. I left because i was full-blown apostate, not satisfied with the "truths" that i had been taught growing up. Now she doesn't shun me, but she is terrified of me and we always get into huge arguments that leave us not talking with each other for months on end. I never want to get into TTATT with her, but her guilt-tripping tactics drive me towards that topic.
It was a huge mistake to reveal my cards, and share what I learned with my mother. My other siblings learned TTATT as well, but they were smart enough to pretend ignorance to it. I'm not saying your mother would react the same way. No two mothers are exactly alike. But there is a very high probability that sharing TTATT will blow up in your face.
Please tread carefully.
i have noticed that many lately have left the org or are in the process of leaving.
how many of you have left since 2015?.
this month will be my 21 years out of the org into the road of freedom.