JoinedPosts by Bonsai
Where to draw the line: how Platonism haunts our discourse and the search for exorcism
by slimboyfat inin the discussion about race i adopted a position i am not entirely comfortable with.
i think there is a sense in which it is useful to distinguish categories of description that can be fruitfully defended (apples and bananas) and those that cannot (caucasian or other racial descriptions for example).
but there is a more fundamental sense in which i believe that everything is socially constructed, every single line you can think of.
This is one of the most frustrating threads i have read in a while. I feel like i wasted 20 minutes of my life following it. Can i get those 20 minutes back? Debating whether a rock is conscious or not, Jesus Christ. There are no facts. There can be no objective answers to life's questions. We humans are doomed from the start in our quest to find absolute truths. An apple is an orange and a banana is, not a fruit, but a tool for sensual pleasure. Are you happy now? Now back to my American football game which is light years more relevant than debating the superiority of a worm. -
C T Russell's involvement with the Freemasons re-evaluated
by Finkelstein inhere is video someone put out that goes deep into c t russell's associated involvement with the freemasons.. there is no question that he drew out a good portion from this organization in creating some of his theological ideas.. being that it was j rutherford that helped to place a pyramid monument at his grave site indicates he could have been associated with the freemasons himself to a certain extent.
a cross and crown laid upon a cross pattee inscribed with "in hoc signo vinces" resting upon downward pointing swords in saltire is often used to represent the knights templar.
I haven't met a witness yet who gives a damn or is perturbed about Watchtower's past. Their stock response to connections with Freemasons is that the organization had to undergo a lot of cleansing and refinement over the years.
Modern witnesses are so apathetic to their past that if you show them a 1995 magazine they'll tell you that it's "old light" and not applicable anymore.
A New Year and a New Start For Lurkers
by The Searcher inwhat better time of the year (than hogmanay) to encourage lurkers to examine black & white examples of org teachings which are false, and for them to rebelliously examine what is presented as "truth?
" (km september 2007 - question box) .
here are some previous examples for those who have yet to read them: .
Wow. Good points for further research. Happy New Year! -
A call for JW lurkers to set matters straight!!!!!
by James Mixon innot all are jw's here, think about the time you could get.
i know you are checking.
don't be shy, no one will ever know.
Ok. I'll take a swing. its the truth because... it is! It has the ring of truth and so I accept it. The JW's have been wrong on many a thing ,but so what! They are imperfect! Other religions are wrong on many things, but that is just an example of false prophets. The JW organization is humble and always apologizes for their mistakes - just not to men. They are god's channel of communication and only accountable to Jehovah. I don't care what you say because I want to live forever on a paradise earth and any of you that don't want that can die when Jehovah will righteously destroy billions of BAD people at armageddon.
Why do girls have a hymen?
by JWchange inif you believe humans evolved, and were not created, why would having a hymen help, especially as no other mammal has one?
if you believe humans were created by {a} god, or intelligent beings with advanced technology, what was the reason for a hymen?
i'm interested to hear your thoughts on this unusual subject, not many people talk about..
What's a hymen? Is that something you sing to?
People who are happy in the org
by jhine ini don't know if i can put my musings clearly into words , but i' ll try to be coherant !
on a couple of other threads lately folk have said that they have no wish to disenchant jws who are happy in the org .
those who have no personal problems and are content to stay in , thinking that it is good way to live and the nearest thing to the truth .
I think their beliefs should be challenged when the opportunity is ripe. I don't care if they are happy or not. This religion needs to be accountable for the pain and suffering it has caused. The blood of dead children who could have lived a full life calls out for justice.That accountability starts from the top and goes all the way down to the bottom feeders. JW's spread a campaign of fear and guilt and arrogant self righteousness all over the world. To me there is no moral dilemma. I don't go out of my way to seek them out and attack their beliefs, but if they come to my door, or I hear through friends that they are spreading vicious lies about me... look out. I'm all too willing to throw ripe turds all over their happy-fest. All's fair in love and war. -
WT OCT 2015 - 3 Questions People Would Like to Ask God - how about you?
by ttdtt in1: where the "f" are you, since there are no signs of your existence?.
2: why did you "create" life forms that by default hate to follow what your rules.. 3:.
from what i read in the bible, why are you such a petulant, vengeful, bi-polar nut who seems to only look for flesh and spirit to kiss you enormous godly ass?.
1. Why do we often die at an age when we have finally started to figure ourselves out and the world around us?
2. Where the **** have you and your homeboys been for the last 2,000+ years?
3. Why are you so racist only exposing yourself through the Jews and then the predominantly western nations?
Bonus Question: Why did you create so many living organisms whose sole function is to kill us and other living organisms?
This Cult Should Be Called to Account
by berrygerry inthe emotions from this are surreal:.
(kudos for the kid to record it).
Reminds me so much of my childhood. Being called insane and mentally unstable for wanting to enjoy high school, making "worldly" goals or "worldly" friends. Being told by a parent that they were counting down the days that they could legally kick me out of the house and out of their lives. The good ole days... -
Where the real abuse lies.
by ctrwtf inlet me start with a disclaimer: i am in no way minimizing the horrific crimes done to children by pedophiles.
i'm not downplaying the number of lives lost due to the blood issue, or hearts broken because of shunning.
i do not want to discount the feelings of those who have come to the end of their lives with expectations of paradise postponed.. but to me the biggest atrocity committed by this awful cult is raising children from a small age to believe that soon god will kill billions of people.
Amen bruthah (Sistah). Amen. Survivor's guilt ****ed me up so bad for years. The idea that a p.o.s. like me would survive while all these wonderful people around me would be slaughtered just because they didn't follow a certain religious brand of doctrine was just... untenable. -
Hope and Reality
by Alive! infor a long time, i've been moving into a place of utmost hope and faith.
universal reconciliation.
as a converted jw - i began my conversion with the joy that there is a hope for something we all would love - a world where each of us sees our fellow kind as a true brother.. i don't think that's an unhealthy way to live.. but - i'm living with the effects of corruptive thinking from a 'sect' - a divisive sect and judgemental sect that has hurt my sense of self.. it's terribly painful to have completely believed one thing, and then completely believe something else.... well that's how it feels to me.. i've read of some here who were jws for years, then became devout born agains for years and now are confirmed atheists.. wow.. how do you cope with the frivolous nature of your 'beliefs' - beliefs that were 'truths' for you in their own time.. i'm struggling - anyone else?.
Hope and belief are a luxury that many draw comfort from. They don't stop the grim reaper though. Lose your shame and move on with your life. We are conscious for but a brief moment. We are but a flicker of a shadow from the perspective of a rock - here an instant and gone just as fast. See the colors, smell the fragrance of the earth, laugh with your loved ones and glare defiantly at your mortality. Every second we breath is precious. Every day that we wake up, everyday that our molecules manage to hold together so as to give us consciousness, these are opportunities to do good and give meaning to others.