JoinedPosts by Bonsai
What Was The Silliest "Offense" That You Were Counseled For?
by minimus inwhen i was a teenager, i was told by an elder that because i smiled a lot and was known for my good sense of humor, that i should come across as "more serious".
so before i was appointed a ms, while in my late teens, i transformed myself into a much more "serious" brother.. were you ever told that you needed to work on something that you knew was stoopid?.
When I was a kid I used to catch a variety of creepy crawlies in the KH parking lot. I would stuff them in my pocket and then release them during the meeting. I would giggle uncontrollably as the insect or worm crawled away much to the dismay of others in the audience (I think I preferred frogs because they were hard to catch and could move quickly under the rows of chairs). Moths were the best though because they could provide an aerial assault throughout the WHOLE meeting! Needless to say the elders didn't like it and gave me a stern talking to (counsel). My mother didn't like it either as she often displayed her displeasure by applying a wooden paddle to my buttocks when we got home. I felt it was all fair and fun at the time. It backfired though when people blamed me for the creepy crawlies that got in on their own! -
How many of you actually KNOW the bible OR God???
by Mark Zyche insince jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
Here's a nice verse from Proverbs 10:19 for you to chew on Mark:
New Living Translation
"Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut". -
How many of you actually KNOW the bible OR God???
by Mark Zyche insince jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
Mark, you didn't respond to my last post in Simple Minds thread, so I hardly feel it necessary to make a rebuttal to your latest, freshest spout of gibberish. I have better things to do with my time than circle jerk with you. Have a pleasant day/night! -
How many of you actually KNOW the bible OR God???
by Mark Zyche insince jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
Why don't you put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is and post YOUR personal story? You're superior in every way, so blow us away with YOUR TRUTHS and proof that not only does god exists but YOU have the true knowledge that can stand against scrutiny and intellectual honesty. I'm waiting. -
How many of you actually KNOW the bible OR God???
by Mark Zyche insince jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
Jesus could read the tea leaves. He and others knew that it was only a matter of time before the Romans would crush the Jewish rebellion that was taking shape over time. The last days were meant for Jews that lived 2,000 years ago. -
How many of you actually KNOW the bible OR God???
by Mark Zyche insince jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
Ooh Ooh Ah Ah! Me HUNGRY Ape! Me go find BANANA. Me is scared of ANGRY Mark! He call me MORON and IDIOT. I sad so much... -
How many of you actually KNOW the bible OR God???
by Mark Zyche insince jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
I can see how someone like you would thrive and prosper in an organization filled with arrogant, elitist, delusional social misfits. Thank you for your barrage of posts. You are helping lurkers to see just what kind of people they are around and want to get away from. Please carry on! -
My First post
by Simple Minds ini have been lurking on this site for 3 years and this is my fist post.
i would like to thank everyone for helping me wake up.
i was baptized at 24, married at 25, ms for 18 years mentally in for 24 years but started to wake up 3 years ago doing research to give public talks, and the actions of arrogant and narcissistic brothers and sisters did not help.
Really enjoyed reading your heartfelt letter. So many of us have been exactly where you are now. I thought about writing a letter too, but I didn't want them to later use it against me. I went to two elders houses and dealt with them one by one. Basically I told them verbally the same things that you wrote in your letter. I focused on the emotional, mental anxiety and distress that going to service/meetings was causing me. I told them I lost my faith in God and then I told them to leave me the hell alone and didn't want to have contact with them or any other elders again unless I initiated it.
So far it has worked wonders! They stay away from me for the most part( except for occasionally slipping the latest mags in my mailbox when I'm not home). I'd tell them verbally how you feel. I'd make demands that they stay away from you, and I'd stay away from topics that will ping their apostadar. Good luck!
Where to draw the line: how Platonism haunts our discourse and the search for exorcism
by slimboyfat inin the discussion about race i adopted a position i am not entirely comfortable with.
i think there is a sense in which it is useful to distinguish categories of description that can be fruitfully defended (apples and bananas) and those that cannot (caucasian or other racial descriptions for example).
but there is a more fundamental sense in which i believe that everything is socially constructed, every single line you can think of.
This is one of the most frustrating threads i have read in a while. I feel like i wasted 20 minutes of my life following it. Can i get those 20 minutes back? Debating whether a rock is conscious or not, Jesus Christ. There are no facts. There can be no objective answers to life's questions. We humans are doomed from the start in our quest to find absolute truths. An apple is an orange and a banana is, not a fruit, but a tool for sensual pleasure. Are you happy now? Now back to my American football game which is light years more relevant than debating the superiority of a worm. -
C T Russell's involvement with the Freemasons re-evaluated
by Finkelstein inhere is video someone put out that goes deep into c t russell's associated involvement with the freemasons.. there is no question that he drew out a good portion from this organization in creating some of his theological ideas.. being that it was j rutherford that helped to place a pyramid monument at his grave site indicates he could have been associated with the freemasons himself to a certain extent.
a cross and crown laid upon a cross pattee inscribed with "in hoc signo vinces" resting upon downward pointing swords in saltire is often used to represent the knights templar.
I haven't met a witness yet who gives a damn or is perturbed about Watchtower's past. Their stock response to connections with Freemasons is that the organization had to undergo a lot of cleansing and refinement over the years.
Modern witnesses are so apathetic to their past that if you show them a 1995 magazine they'll tell you that it's "old light" and not applicable anymore.