SBF, #2 is definitely false. I heard through the grapevine that you see her every Sunday, which is why you are too busy to go to the meetings!
JoinedPosts by Bonsai
Would I lie to you?
by slimboyfat ingiven recent posts on the forum and discussion, maybe we could play this game: would i lie to you?
in the uk we have this tv programme where minor celebrities tell weird or embarrassing stories about themselves and the rest of the participants have to guess if it is a true story or made up.
when the others have voted then the person reveals if the story is true or false.
Would I lie to you?
by slimboyfat ingiven recent posts on the forum and discussion, maybe we could play this game: would i lie to you?
in the uk we have this tv programme where minor celebrities tell weird or embarrassing stories about themselves and the rest of the participants have to guess if it is a true story or made up.
when the others have voted then the person reveals if the story is true or false.
Ok, here goes:
1. I like dogs. I love to read the daily text every morning while sitting on Thomas Crapper's contraption. I believe that god loves us more than we love ourselves. I don't like slimboyfat because his threads irritate me and make me think excessively about mundane stuff. I consider myself to be a scholar and a gentlemen. I have a phobia of objects that have too many holes in them
2. I find for the most part that SBF's posts and threads are entertaining and thought-provoking (although sometimes a bit cheeky). I hate cats. I love butterflies. I'd rather listen to fingernails scratching a blackboard than Stevie Wonder or ABBA. To the man who invented the hyphen: I'd like to kick you in the balls because you make punctuation a head-scratching, hair-pulling process.
Counsel from Bro Losch (GB Member) to the Elders about the NFL
by James Jack inwhile attending a week long training class for elders in patterson, bro losch gave the concluding talk about loyalty to the borg, which i was in awe of(i went more in detail in a recent post about a s.a.d.
where losch was the speaker).
at the end of his talk, here's what he said: .
La Dosch must've been a Cincinnati Bungles fan and just couldn't take it anymore! -
Living as Christians at the C.L.A.M this week
by Truthexplorer inthis weeks meeting under the section - living as 'christians', starts off with 'repentance makes a difference', which is a talk given by an elder taken from w06 11/15 27-28 par 7-9. in a nut shell it discusses those who have been disfellowshipped and then show repentance.
it then goes on to discuss reinstatement and how a certain amount of time must pass by before this can take place.
it makes the following point in the paragraph.. 'a disfellowshipped person is not automatically accepted back into the congregation after a certain amount of time has passed.
If you commit a grevious error you are subject to public punishment from the body of elders.
If Watchtower leadership commits a grievious error, they are not punished nor do they face any consequences.
You must forgive freely and humbly apologize to your brother in order to make peace as Jesus commanded.
Watchtower never apologizes - for anything.
Lurkers, do you not see the atrocious double standard here?
I have never been disfellowshipped, nor have I been publicly reproved, but that double standard made me walk
away for good.
Lawrence Onoda, Ph.D., Jehovah's Witness Psychologist
by Maryo inin about 1980 i came to know of and meet one time with lawrence onoda, ph.d., a jehovah's witness psychologist [also i think elder] in southern california.
i was shocked to know there was such a thing in view of the wts traditional stance against jws consulting such a person!
he had been one of jws for six years at that time, i recall.
Now there is a lucrative job - a psychologist for JWs. You'll never run out of clients and they'll only keep increasing in droves from here on out. No wonder he couldn't leave. -
Hello, this is my first post
by noralee inhello, this is my first post, i would like to introduce myself and say thank you to every one on this forum, you have been a lifeline to me these last few years.. i had been a jw for 30 years when i walked away a few years ago disgusted by the treatment victims of child abuse, domestic abuse and rape receive from the wtbts.. at first i thought it was a local problem, elders personal opinions, the way they handled the situations, imperfect men etc., until i checked out jehovahs witnesses and child abuse/domestic abuse online.
that's when i realized they had the same modus operandi worldwide.
that led me here, tbuo this forum, and then to crisis of conscience, jw facts, watchtower documents, jw survey, old watchtower literature and cd s, reading a couple of steve hassans books, and more recently exiting the jw cult.. the feelings of shock, betrayal, anger at the wtbts, angry with myself for being so gullible, depression, reflection, loneliness, have taken their toll.
Welcome to the forum! It's unbelievable how many lurkers are joining up here to be heard! -
Umbertoecho here.
by umbertoecho inhello people.. i'm tired and a bit sick at the moment but i can't let anyone think that this is going to go away.... i am able to tell you a few things in order to prevent any confusion in the minds of those who are thinking that nothing will come of this arc;that nothing will effect the wtbts in america and other places.. i have been there and given my testimony.
helen milroy and her assistants were there along with another group of people who are there to lend assistance if you crack up at any time during or after the hearing.
i did not crack up but can see how this happens.. security is tight and anonymity is sacred to them as they want to protect all who come forward.
Thanks for the update. Wishing you peace of mind and good health! -
What Was The Silliest "Offense" That You Were Counseled For?
by minimus inwhen i was a teenager, i was told by an elder that because i smiled a lot and was known for my good sense of humor, that i should come across as "more serious".
so before i was appointed a ms, while in my late teens, i transformed myself into a much more "serious" brother.. were you ever told that you needed to work on something that you knew was stoopid?.
When I was a kid I used to catch a variety of creepy crawlies in the KH parking lot. I would stuff them in my pocket and then release them during the meeting. I would giggle uncontrollably as the insect or worm crawled away much to the dismay of others in the audience (I think I preferred frogs because they were hard to catch and could move quickly under the rows of chairs). Moths were the best though because they could provide an aerial assault throughout the WHOLE meeting! Needless to say the elders didn't like it and gave me a stern talking to (counsel). My mother didn't like it either as she often displayed her displeasure by applying a wooden paddle to my buttocks when we got home. I felt it was all fair and fun at the time. It backfired though when people blamed me for the creepy crawlies that got in on their own! -
How many of you actually KNOW the bible OR God???
by Mark Zyche insince jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
Here's a nice verse from Proverbs 10:19 for you to chew on Mark:
New Living Translation
"Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut". -
How many of you actually KNOW the bible OR God???
by Mark Zyche insince jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
Mark, you didn't respond to my last post in Simple Minds thread, so I hardly feel it necessary to make a rebuttal to your latest, freshest spout of gibberish. I have better things to do with my time than circle jerk with you. Have a pleasant day/night!