Bonsai means "tiger warrior" in Japanese!
Oh, oops, it actually means "cultivated tree on a trey". Damn!
i occasionally come on this website because i have my eyes on a particular user.
because of that, i end up reading a lot of people's post.
although very interesting and hurt breaking, a lot of them are very strange.
Bonsai means "tiger warrior" in Japanese!
Oh, oops, it actually means "cultivated tree on a trey". Damn!
i occasionally come on this website because i have my eyes on a particular user.
because of that, i end up reading a lot of people's post.
although very interesting and hurt breaking, a lot of them are very strange.
alan rickman, best known to my generation as prof. severus snape from the harry potter film franchise, has passed away due to cancer at the age of 69.. growing up with a witness mother, anything related to science fiction and fantasy was looked down upon, so, naturally, i was a rebel rebel (oh david bowie...).. just wanted to let any potterheads know the news and that even if you feel like you'll never be free of the deadly watchtower, you're not alone and there's hope.. always..
He played an excellent role as the sheriff of Nottingham in Robinhood, one of the best movies ever.
[the Sheriff has said he'll cut out Robin Hood's heart with a spoon]
Guy of Gisborne: Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?
Sheriff of Nottingham: Because it's DULL, you twit. It'll hurt more.
Sheriff of Nottingham: Wait a minute. Robin Hood steals money from my pocket, forcing me to hurt the public, and they love him for it?
[Scribe nods]
Sheriff of Nottingham: That's it then. Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas.
hey everyone!!
i hope everyone is doing good today.
i don't share or comment often, but i'm in the mood to do that today.
That December 31st daily text really set me off, too. My mother-in-law left the 2015 text open to that page for two straight weeks so I couldn't avoid reading it over and over. The contradiction and arrogance of that text sent me into a rage. If god is so concerned about not having to destroy even one of his sheep then why is it so important that only the congregation (of Jehovah's Witnesses) be the safe haven for when god comes to smite the world?
Watchtower completely twists that scripture to fit itself and mocks the Hebrew god's love which is the main selling point for Christians of countless denominations. I told her to get rid of the text or I'd throw it out the window.
my father is a fast learner.
he studied hard and he was really interested.
real hard.
since i just signed up and posted a few times without doing this yet, here is my story..
i think that i became a jehovahs witness because of my immaturity.
i had some quirky personality traits, and i joined finding that i fit in because, as i said to myself: these people get me.
Thanks for sharing your experiences David_Jay.
I hope someday I can become like Randall's family, but I'm not there yet, nor do I wish to be at this time. My emotions and disappointment towards religion is just too raw right now. If people are going to gush about their mega church or their religious experience, I want to know if there is any substance to it. *If there isn't then they need to be called out for it. Otherwise, they might spread unsubstantiated superstitions and try to pass them as fact, duping gullible people. There has been a continuous cycle where mankind has been abused by religion and superstition. I don't think showing indifference and apathy to that abuse helps in any way.
given recent posts on the forum and discussion, maybe we could play this game: would i lie to you?
in the uk we have this tv programme where minor celebrities tell weird or embarrassing stories about themselves and the rest of the participants have to guess if it is a true story or made up.
when the others have voted then the person reveals if the story is true or false.
Wrong! I win! I WIN!!! #2 is correct! I think holes,in any form or number, are awesome! The other day a cat was trying to take a dump in my garden and I jet sprayed it with vinegar! Stevy Wonder: I just called to say I HATE you! I can't get that god awful song out of my head! (bangs head on desk repeatedly) Hyphens, HYPHENS!? I hate hyphens! GOD-AWFUL hyphens!
I'm ok. I think I ingested too much caffeine.
given recent posts on the forum and discussion, maybe we could play this game: would i lie to you?
in the uk we have this tv programme where minor celebrities tell weird or embarrassing stories about themselves and the rest of the participants have to guess if it is a true story or made up.
when the others have voted then the person reveals if the story is true or false.
SBF, #2 is definitely false. I heard through the grapevine that you see her every Sunday, which is why you are too busy to go to the meetings!
given recent posts on the forum and discussion, maybe we could play this game: would i lie to you?
in the uk we have this tv programme where minor celebrities tell weird or embarrassing stories about themselves and the rest of the participants have to guess if it is a true story or made up.
when the others have voted then the person reveals if the story is true or false.
Ok, here goes:
1. I like dogs. I love to read the daily text every morning while sitting on Thomas Crapper's contraption. I believe that god loves us more than we love ourselves. I don't like slimboyfat because his threads irritate me and make me think excessively about mundane stuff. I consider myself to be a scholar and a gentlemen. I have a phobia of objects that have too many holes in them
2. I find for the most part that SBF's posts and threads are entertaining and thought-provoking (although sometimes a bit cheeky). I hate cats. I love butterflies. I'd rather listen to fingernails scratching a blackboard than Stevie Wonder or ABBA. To the man who invented the hyphen: I'd like to kick you in the balls because you make punctuation a head-scratching, hair-pulling process.
while attending a week long training class for elders in patterson, bro losch gave the concluding talk about loyalty to the borg, which i was in awe of(i went more in detail in a recent post about a s.a.d.
where losch was the speaker).
at the end of his talk, here's what he said: .