When we were kids we all had a blanky (blanket) or favorite teddy bear that we took everywhere, talked to, or slept with. We clutched it tightly during times of uncertainty or stress. As adults we can't carry around that blanky or beat up teddy anymore (at least not if we want to be regarded as sane by our peers). So people carry around this faith in an invisible, all powerful, higher being that gives them a comfort quilt to wrap themselves in during hard times or battles with health. I think there is nothing wrong with that.
Personally, I no longer rely on that avenue of comfort. I prefer the cold, harsh reality that there is an incredibly high probability that there is nothing after death. I value every second of my life now and feel a tremendous sense of responsibility to not waste it.
Mortality sucks, so do what you have to do to be happy and comforted in your own way.