JoinedPosts by Bonsai
What's a word that describes the way Witnesses behave as a group?
by paul from cleveland ini can't recall the word that describes a group that keeps to itself like the witnesses do.
i thought it was "insular" but i don't think that's the one i'm looking for after reading the definition.
i remember an elder using the word "clannish" and that has the proper definition but it reminds me of a group of elves.
literalists, fundies, zombies (sorry DJS, I know that you have dibs on that word), party poopers and... meanies, bullies, fear mongerers, zealots, etc. -
by Billy1000 inmy name is stephen and i am new to the forum.
i am a christadelphian and through my discussions with fellow members of my ecclesia it has inspired me to reach out to other religions to find out exactly what others believe to enhance my own faith and further bring me closer to our heavenly father.
in no way do i mean disrespect if it has been caused.
Oh come on Acts 529, the real reason you are here is to peddle your website and " your ministry" which is nothing more than regurgitated Watchtower spin off doomsday bullspit.
Chinese whispers? Really?
I doubt your "friends in heaven" have any room for a racist (insert colorful word here) like you.
FYI we call it the whisper game or messenger game in classrooms here in Asia (Try and guess why)
by Billy1000 inmy name is stephen and i am new to the forum.
i am a christadelphian and through my discussions with fellow members of my ecclesia it has inspired me to reach out to other religions to find out exactly what others believe to enhance my own faith and further bring me closer to our heavenly father.
in no way do i mean disrespect if it has been caused.
I'm an agnostidelphian. Nice to meet you. Don't believe Acts 5v29's claim that he isn't a part of any religion. He thinks he alone can unlock the secrets of Revelation. He is trying to start a religion of his own. -
Help finding a video of GB member saying that Jehovah may not really be God's name
by mamacita29 inhi everyone i'm at work and need to show this video to a jw.
i saw it a few weeks ago i think it was geoffry jackson who said that jehovah may or may not be gods real name but we use it anyways.
can someone help me find that video?
It's too early in the morning to look it up (eyes are still crusted together), but I think I read somewhere that the man-made, superstitious title for god, "Adonai" was used and the vowels of this title were infused into the tetragrammaton to provide the vowels that give us the name Ye (ai) ho wa. Can anyone clarify or verify that? Thanks. -
What Is The Watchtower's Biggest Problem?
by minimus inthe organization has many problems.
certain doctrines are problematic.
the men who run the organizaion have issues.
Their biggest problem? Every day that doesn't bring an end to "this system of things" means another day that they have to look at their ugly selves in the mirror. All that fear mongering and doomsday clap trap... and nothing.
The boy has cried wolf for over 140 years and now the village people just tell him to $$$$ off.
how do most of you now feel about the military?
by sowhatnow inwas not sure where to post this, but i was curious, how do some of you now feel about the military?
would any of you let your children enlist, or would you yourselves join any military field?
how do you feel about the idea of women in the military?
Somebody has to stop the Hitler's, the Mao's, the Pol Pot's and the Kim Jongs of the world when they rear their ugly heads. What would Kim Jong Un do if there were no military consequence to fulfilling his goals? No doubt he would send his goose-stepping ass clown goons to rape and pulverize Japan and South Korea.
Until we learn to overcome language, race and religious barriers the military is a necessity for peace.
Super Bowl 50 Panthers versus Broncos, Getting ready for the big party
by StoneWall inany others going to super bowl party in a few hours?who's your pick to win the big game?looks like they bringing more celebrities in for half-time show.i'm going to be pulling for the carolina panthers for two reasons: !
) i'm currently living in n.c. 2)would be nice to have a new team win it this year that's never won.i'm happy that at least the new england patriots aren't in this year's super bowl.
they are a great talented team but have just had my fill of them being in so many over the years.anyhow i just hope this year is a great game and that the half-time show doesn't suck.go panthers!!!!!!!!
Huge Pats fan here. Very sad my team lost to "Horseface" (Manning), or rather, Denver's D actually. I was hoping one more Superbowl would establish Tom Brady as the greatest QB ever, but that'll have to wait until next year.
Denver has a world class defense and if Peyton can just stay out of the way and throw less than two interceptions Denver has a chance. But I think Cam Newton can run around the blitzes and make Denver's D pay.
Prediction: Carolina 24 Denver 20
Why would anyone choose to support Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by Half banana inwhat is the point of supporting a belief which began as a bronze age ox-headed idol called yahweh... in a religion designed for illiterate peasants now appropriated by a money-driven cult with a one hundred and forty six year unbroken record of total failure of its bible based predictions?.
Doubtfully yours and Make Me,,
I see your points. I have a friend still in who is basically there to keep his family and social circle. He has a miriad of problems with the org and we often debate furiously over the org and its future. I asked why he still puts up with me despite how much I hate the religion of our youth. He said, "despite the sub culture of JWs that we grew up in, I don't believe that friendships are disposable."
This experience made me realize that there are so many quality people stuck in the organization. I feel bad for them and they are not to be despised. I really appreciate those stuck in who don't make excuses for the org and are trying to affect changes from within. The Berlin Wall didn't just collapse because of pressure from the west. The wall collapsed mostly because those stuck on the inside were brave, fought the system discreetly and slowly bled it out by inflicting a thousand paper cuts.
Do You Remember The First Time You Looked At "Apostate" Material?
by minimus ini was always fascinated by it.
as a kid, i used to go to the local library and secretly read books by so called apostates.
later, i would sneak into christian book stores and quickly buy a book or two.
I accidentally stumbled on this site 3 or 4 years ago. The first poster I saw had the avatar "Satanus" and I freaked out thinking I wouldn't touch this site with a ten foot pole. Well, stuff happened later and...and here I am!
Whatever happened to Satanus anyway? Hopefully he changed his user name to something a little less... provocative?
Walking a thin line - Resigning Elder
by Sanchy inwarning of a long boring post ahead.
i feel like i need to vent my story out, as i feel quite helpless at the moment.. i'm 31 year old, married, father of toddler with another one on the way, due later this month.
i've been serving as elder for about 4 years now in a south florida congregation.
iceman 9 hours ago
Its not easy to continue when you have doubts and also when those doubts lead to fears concerning you life and those whom you love most; your wife and kids. Glad you understand this.
Looking back on my life in the truth; I would say I had hundreds of reasons for leaving and "breaking free" as others would like to say. I was an MS at 22 and an Elder at 28. I continued as an Elder for 21 years. Resigned as at an issue of conscience. Been through rough times since then. Issues of conscience and hundreds of reasons to leave and yet you go back for more? You must really like the abuse!
With more reasons to give me for opting out of the whole thing.
I was disfellowshipped in a kangaroo court. And did not associate for about 5 years.
Disfellowshipped unfairly, ostracized for 5 years and you go back like an abused wife goes back to her abusive husband.
My family did not talk to me. But the main reason for going back was. I knew thats where I wanted and needed to be. And if an organizations keeps itself this pure. Why not
Of course WHERE YOUR FAMILY IS is where you want and feel the need to be, but using someone's family as emotional black mail to keep you in doesn't let the organization off the hook for its injustices.
Yes i have read apostate sites. I agree with some of the things they say.
However you need to just reflect for a time. On some of these facts that I have found rewarding.
1. the organization is NOT inspired. Yes they say some dumb things sometimes. And maybe when it comes to dates; maybe they should not say anything. The organization claims to be inspired when it suits them and claims to be infallible, yet led by the holy spirit when they make huge, blundering mistakes. It's amazing the mental gymnastics that people go through to pretend that claiming to be led by holy spirit and being inspired are two different things, They are not.
2. Jehovah has always had an organization here on earth. If the brothers are not it. Then who is.
Where has this organization been the last 2,000 years? Oh, maybe you mean the Catholics who decided which books of the bible were inspired AND gave us the name "Jehovah". How kind of them, yet you won't get one witness to say something good about them.
3. Think about you life. How you grew up. How your wife grew up. Your love for her and your kids. The love
You have for the brothers. How did all that come about. From you and others apply god's principles; where did you find those.? A loved forced by emotional manipulation and blackmail to conform through coercion and undue influence. "Interpret the bible as we do or we will cut you off forever." Yeah, real love there.
4. Why is it that there is a huge number of people bagging the organization? Why are there not Catholics or others bagging their religion.
People "bag" (whatever that means) other religions on here as well. We challenge all extraordinary claims and demand extraordinary proofs from any organized religion. But you do know that this site is called right?
5. True Elders do some dumb things too. They are not doctors or psychologist. I always thought when I was an Elder how lucky I was to have some kind of instruction to help me. As if every Elder did what they thought. The place would be in a mess!!! Yet, sadly the place is a mess, and sadly they pretend to be doctors and psychologists. Their mishandling of the flock have led to numerous suicides and broken families and abusers being allowed to keep on abusing.
I know I disfellowshipped people when I should not have. But I know I disfellowshipped some pretty rotten people. You know what everyone has to stand on their own too feet. If you can admit this and yet still defend the organization then you sir are a real (insert colorful expletive here).
5. As far as child molestation is concerned. Sure we get things wrong. But at least we investigate and try to get it right. Then we get criticised on how we handled it. We have much to learn. Compare to other religions who do nothing. This is a pathetic strawman. There is no religious organization in the civilized world that does nothing. Laws are laws and thankfully there are arms of the law that make sure each religious group is obeying the law in regards to the handling of pedophiles and abuse. How many other institutes rely on a primitive "two witness rule" to solve sexual abuse problems in their church?
think about things for a while.
I thought about your post all day. It sucks.
You can still have doubts; but dont through the baby out with the bath water. Dont get yourself disfellowshipped. Its not worth it. Its not a badge of honor?Don't you mean that the baby is your relationship with god and the water is clinging to some religious organization claiming to be the mediator between you and God? I think you've got your priorities criss-crossed.
I have a great elder in my congregation. We talk about everything and anything. He has doubts about somethings. But we just sit there have a few drinks and talk our heads off for a few hours.
Yep, let's sit, talk about stuff, wash away the disgust with alcohol AND DO NOTHING. BRILLIANT.
Its great for the soul. I'm seriously questioning whether you have one or not.
But I am certainly not giving up anything that I love so much and put so much of my life into it.
Hard to humble yourself and admit all the years you've wasted slaving away for nothing.
I am not giving up. because of my wife, kids, family, my friends and most of all Jehovah.
You do understand that family and god are different from defending an organization right? Who said it's an all-or-nothing deal? You've got them all lumped up into one big, ugly unholy trinity.