JoinedPosts by Bonsai
by thinker11 inas much as i want to believe in the bible and wish for a god that is watching over us and love us; i find it difficult to comprehend that a loving god will erase mankind with fireballs, earthquakes, and kill childrens, mothers, and fathers who refused to believe in the bible.
and i can’t help but to take their side in all these.
i mean: what has god really done to show that he is love and that he exists and is watching how we act.
I feel exactly as you do Thinker11. The reality that we live in makes much more sense if there is no god in it. -
not all JW's are asleep
by Damascus ini am an 'active' jw but i do not agree with most of the doctrines inc blood, baptism, the memorial etc etc.i took the emblems at the memorial because i think we all should recognise and accept jesus' command to remember him.
not for one minute do i think this is only for the so called anointed.
i know it is full of man made error and that my fellow brothers and sisters are in a state of mindless, spiritual unawareness.
I loved Jesus too. I really did. Sermon on the mount? Best speech ever. Jesus was like king of the hippies preaching brotherly love and peace. It's too bad that he represented a Hebrew deity that, through he/she/its actions in the old testament represented none of what Jesus was preaching. It's too bad that Jesus believed in a global flood which never happened (study glaciology, geology and bristlecone pine core samples). It's too bad that he believed that Adam and Eve were the first humans, yet modern day discoveries prove that we humans have been making tools, hunting, loving and burying our dead for at least 100,000 years.
It's hard to let go of our Jehovah and Jesus teddy bears. We took them to bed and snuggled up with them every night thinking they would ward off all evil. It's hard to realize that a teddy bear is just a stuffed animal that can do nothing. All we can do as adults is follow the evidence and leave sentiment, agenda and superstition at the door.
by apocalypse ini have looked around and i don't see this covered, so i am starting a thread.. 1) the new "blood card" goes beyond being just a "blood card".. 2) a new edict concerning compliance.. pay attention to the changes.. first, the new card is termed "advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment".
the big change with the card itself is that it includes an 'override' of your "power of attorney".
this is huge.
I just ended a friendship with a long time JW friend who had kept in touch with me even after I stopped all activities as a JW. A few nights ago we got to debating and arguing about the blood doctrine. No matter what I told him or shared with him, he refused to see that the society is coercing people into refusing blood that could save their life. He adamantly insisted that the blood doctrine was reasonable, optional and backed by scripture. Well, needless to say, that was the undoing of our friendship. We are done. I cannot call someone a friend who takes that heartless cowardly stance. -
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Kaik, that pink Camellia looks like a Japanese hybrid variety. We have 3 different camellias that grow naturally in the forests here in Japan. This spring has been crazy warm. The last 3 weeks have been in the 60's and 70's. -
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Xanthippe, excellent butterfly shot! That pic could be an award winner if you send it in to a photography contest. -
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Awesome picks and accounts of how your spring garden is going everyone! Thanks for sharing and please keep the pics and stories coming! I love this thread. -
The two elders threaten my sister again
by opusdei1972 inas i reported here in this forum, some time ago, my sister was constantly harried by two elders so as to be submitted to a judiciary committee for apostasy.
these two elders were constantly hounding her in the street when she walks to go to her job.
so she had to send them a notary letter in which she wrote that she would attend the judiciary committee only with her attorney.
Sounds like those two elders need a swift kick to the balls, then she can start shouting "These men are trying to molest me!" As the elders retreat in pain and embarrassment. -
Active JW's, can you defend "THE TRUTH?"
by DATA-DOG inas of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
Liked this thread so much I bumped it! -
Just because the JW'S are wrong doesnt mean theres no god.
by atomant inl;ve been giving this some serious consideration lately.l dont have all the answers no one does.we are all entitled to our opinions.l certainly dont believe in evolution as lve researched that subject's important to believe in something even if its for mental health.l believe everything happens for a reason.l also believe if we all live as close to the 10 commandments as possible this world would be a far better place to live and no one can argue with that.
I think we are asking the wrong question Atomant. We should broaden the thread title to be: Because the Bible is wrong doesn't mean a deity (EDIT: a higher being) doesn't exist.
We have a mountain load of evidence that humans existed before Adam and Eve. A six-year old can see the evidence that there never was a global flood. The bible is flat out wrong. That doesn't mean however, that some disinterested, powerful alien life form didn't start the ball rolling in our universe by pouring in a few cells in a warm limestone vent. Perhaps this planet was like an ant farm that was watched by a distant alien race for their amusement.
When I look at an empty space in a yard I want to fill it with flowers, greenery and I want it to be brimming with life and colors. Maybe some creature passing by the planet felt the same way?
Just because the JW'S are wrong doesnt mean theres no god.
by atomant inl;ve been giving this some serious consideration lately.l dont have all the answers no one does.we are all entitled to our opinions.l certainly dont believe in evolution as lve researched that subject's important to believe in something even if its for mental health.l believe everything happens for a reason.l also believe if we all live as close to the 10 commandments as possible this world would be a far better place to live and no one can argue with that.
11. Promoting the unhealthy delusion that Satan rules the world, therefore the world is evil, therefore fear everything and everyone as possible agents of the devil.