JoinedPosts by Bonsai
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Xanthippe, I don't think Monardna bee balm is invasive. They will spread out in rich, moist soils. They have shallow roots so you can just rip out the ones you don't like and give them away if you want. Their red or purple flowers smell great and the butterflies and bees will flock to them. I tried growing them here, but the zone is too hot and humid so they succumb to mildew almost every time. -
Theists, why does God allow suffering..
by The Quiet One in..specifically, the suffering of animals.
you can talk about free will/sin/people choosing to not listen to god etc to explain human suffering being allowed.. but how can you love a god that allows animals, that haven't sinned or chosen to not have anything to do with god, to have their short lives ended in often long, drawn out, painful ways.
i could list stories i've read that would probably make you feel ill, but i'm not looking to shock anyone or start an emotional debate.
Cold Steel, as I see it, it would appear to me that, evidently, It's interesting to note that whatever you are smoking must be some pretty good stuff. Hook a brother up! You must be seeing talking unicorns and resurrected dinosaurs playing chess in your new world visions.
Regardless of when predation began, ...Oh, how you love to move the goal posts when it suits you.
I am a happy Man!!!
by Aprostate Exam ini am a happy man!
i texted my mother a couple of questions.
i asked if she thought that my children will die in armagedon even if they were good, and had a possitive outlook on life.
Para bien! My madre assured me the same thing. I'm always a bit anxious that after an assembly or the memorial she will go back into full cult mode and cut us off. Yet, so far so good! -
Massive earthquakes in southern Japan
by Bonsai ina strong 6.2 earthquake a few days ago in southern japan was followed by a magnitude 7.3 quake this morning in nearly the same area.
looks like a war zone there.
thankfully, i don't live in the area where the earthquakes and aftershocks are occurring.
A strong 6.2 earthquake a few days ago in southern Japan was followed by a magnitude 7.3 quake this morning in nearly the same area. Looks like a war zone there. Thankfully, I don't live in the area where the earthquakes and aftershocks are occurring.
Apartment buildings collapsed like an accordion, landslides and fires occurred last night.
Only God would have known these earthquakes would happen. What a perfect time for god to show his love and concern for mankind when a natural disaster occurs. What a perfect time to prove to those who have doubts that he does indeed exist, yet god does nothing and we are left to clean up the mess.
No wonder when JW's go to someone's door people turn them away. How can you take any god seriously that does nothing to help mankind when they need him the most?
Kobe 60 points last game
by James Mixon inthe old guy went out with a bang..l.a lakers.
a great career
Of course the Celtics are likely to lose, but one must maintain faith in the home team!
As far as Jordan is concerned, there will never be another like him. Curry's level of play has reached the rarified air of Jordan, but can he keep it up for the next decade? At present, I think Lebron is the best there is. At 6'10" he's a completely different player than Jordan. His ability to score, rebound and pass the ball and create offense for others is unprecedented. He can stretch the floor with his three point shot and lock down on D against the other teams star player. I don't like him, but I will begrudgingly call him the best of this generation. Kobe had his shining moments, but he was a ball hog and a man child.
I'm really looking forward to a Cleveland- Golden State NBA finals. The Spurs are old and I think injuries will weaken them as they get deeper into the playoffs.
Kobe 60 points last game
by James Mixon inthe old guy went out with a bang..l.a lakers.
a great career
Also, Golden State winning 73 games was unbelievable! Too bad they will lose to my Celtics in the NBA finals. -
Kobe 60 points last game
by James Mixon inthe old guy went out with a bang..l.a lakers.
a great career
As a Celtics fan I always disliked Bryant, but he was fun to watch.
I'm not sure where or what Man City is, but with all do respect, basketball is the awesomest bestest sport in the world! It's second only to baseball, American Football (the real football deserving of the name) and of course, ice hockey. Cricket, Rugby and soccer come in somewhere way down the list after croquet and badminton.
Christians Know Who God Is
by Loi_241 inmany of us christians have a good question for you to ask, “who is god?” there are more than six scriptures to share with you.
you know the bible itself a true message for all the people on earth.
the bible explains ‘in the beginning god created everything: heaven, earth, animals, people and everything.’ thus, you notice god created humans, adam and eve.
Bonsai, well, if you read and examine the beginning of God created in the Bible book of Genesis.
Huh? Not sure what to make of what you wrote, but I think you are implying that god was created in the book of Genesis (written by goat herders who were trying to make a rudimentary guess as to how the universe came about). I have underestimated you. You are right. God and the story of god was created by men. I'm glad you understand that.
Which, when you understand that, you begin to understand why the universe is so dangerous and violent. There is no god of love governing it. The laws of the universe have no morality or sentiment and would be just as happy to wipe us out just as 99% of every living organizism has gone extinct.
Luckily, the potential for the human race is unmeasurable. We have created laws and morals that are ever being refined over time. We are growing in technology and will soon be able to colonize other planets and extend our lifespans.
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
I don't know much about birds, but I hear you on the wasp problem. I go around in March/April with a tennis racket killing the queen wasps flying around in my garden. It's best to have at them before they start building nests. I encourage nectar bees, but wasps kill and roll up caterpillars so they are counterproductive in having a butterfly garden.
I do know that Orioles are attracted to orange, so put the jelly on an orange plastic plate in the open so they can see it while flying overhead. Or use an orange feeder designed for Orioles. If you don't like wasps perhaps keep the jelly away from the walking path or not too close to the house would be a good idea.
Christians Know Who God Is
by Loi_241 inmany of us christians have a good question for you to ask, “who is god?” there are more than six scriptures to share with you.
you know the bible itself a true message for all the people on earth.
the bible explains ‘in the beginning god created everything: heaven, earth, animals, people and everything.’ thus, you notice god created humans, adam and eve.
God created everything? So that includes viruses, cells that are designed to go cancerous, parasites, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, supertyphoons and hurricanes, baseball sized hail that kill people and animals, mosquitos, fleas and ticks that spread disease. Yeah, nice job God! Such a god of love!