Kaik, thanks for the report! I love azaleas, too. More importantly, the swallowtail butterflies love their flowers as well.
Xanthippe, It may be a noxious weed, but as least the Lamiums's yellow flower heads look pretty cool! I have a noxious vine that is trying to take over my garden . It is called "hekusokazura" in Japanese. "he (pronounced 'hey')" means fart, "kuso" means poop, and "kazura" means vine, so it's called "fart poop vine". Touch the leaves and you can guess what awful smell it gives off. I'd rather be battling your invasive weed than mine!
Black Sheep, Thank you for protecting the monarchs! Their survival is dependent on people like you! The fact that you would let an old one land and die on your shoulder says a lot about the kind of person you are. Such patience, compassion and mercy! Most people would just brush it off and let it fall to the ground where it would slowly die from a million ant bites. I, too have to limit the amount of caterpillars I let in my garden, otherwise all the hosts plants would quickly be exhausted and there would be no future generations of butterflies to look forward to.
Grreat Teacher, sorry about the squirrels. If you can't beat them, run away from them! I moved to a region where they don't exist! Those damn weasels however! Grrr!