Greetings fellow earthling!
JoinedPosts by Bonsai
First exchange in years about JW religion with my wife...
by NVR2L8 intoday my wife showed me the new medical directive and power of attorney form she got at the meeting.
surprisingly she asked if i wanted to fill mine!
i have been inactive for 6 years and i don't go close to any jw gatherings because i don't want friends who only care for me unless i share their beliefs.
You've been inactive for six years and you still give a darn what the elders will think? Who cares what they think. Tell them you haven't been to a meeting in years and they can eff off. It amazes me how much power these people have over our lives still. I can't begin to describe the joy I had when I was finally in a position (very recently) to be able to tell the elders to get the hell off my property!
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Lovely pics everyone! So cool to see so many different gardening styles around the world! Since my second daughter was born recently I haven't been able to visit JWN much, but please keep the pics coming! The elders have been snooping around my neighborhood quite frequently, so I've kind of been spooked from posting recent pics of my gardening escapades. Hopefully things will quiet down soon.
EdenOne, Mrs. Eden & Son: DISASSOCIATED!
by EdenOne ingreat news!.
we are free!.
as of the 9th of june, me and my dear wife mrs. eden handed over our letters of disassociation at bethel in portugal, thus making official our departure from the jehovah's witnesses.
Paraben! Enjoy your Liberdade!
Have you ever stopped and noticed anything about the world?
by TheRevealerOfTruth inthis is one of the last things you are expected to do.
in a society that creates you to go home and watch the kardashians.
in an economic system where the currency trust is wavering on a private banking system.
If your creator exists, he created a myriad of things that can and do harm and kill humans with horrific intensity. It's easy to talk love as if religion or god has a monopoly on it. Unfortunately, your god knows little to nothing about love.
Have you ever stopped and noticed anything about the world?
by TheRevealerOfTruth inthis is one of the last things you are expected to do.
in a society that creates you to go home and watch the kardashians.
in an economic system where the currency trust is wavering on a private banking system.
Revealer of truth, you sound like a closet JW. Waiting for a wall with a blemished brick to be fixed? Good luck with that. Any wall built on a fictitious foundation of the Genesis Myth, Global Deluge has only one way to fall - down.
Is it Okay for a JW to be a Storm Chaser?
by Iamallcool ini am thinking about chasing storms for fun.
i know it is very dangerous.
i just think it will be very cool to have a new exciting hobby.
For me it's less about the tornadoes and more about the incredible saucer like cloud formations, mammatus clouds, lightning and sheer power of a supercell thunderstorm as a whole. Funnels are just icing on the cake. If I were to be a storm chaser, I'd definitely do it only in isolated rural areas in the midwest. There is nothing breathtaking or exciting about seeing a tornado plow through a residential area.
Is it Okay for a JW to be a Storm Chaser?
by Iamallcool ini am thinking about chasing storms for fun.
i know it is very dangerous.
i just think it will be very cool to have a new exciting hobby.
I always wanted to chase storms as well! I'd often cross the NH border down to Mass to chase a cell that had some rotation in it. Regrettably, I have not as of yet seen a twister, but I have seen some impressive wall clouds.
Afraid of ridicule or rebuke from the elders I kept my storm chasing activities to myself. The Weather Channel is still my favorite channel (right up there with ESPN).
JWs exist because...
by oldskool inone sentence answers only.. here's mine:.
jws exist because people want an escape from the modern world and are willing to give up intellectual freedom to get it..
People fear death and want a pet panda to snuggle with forever.
Happy Memorial Day!
by Perry incheers to all the fallen soldiers and the sacrifice their families have made so that we can be free!.
when you look in your rear view mirror today, remember and be thankful that the freedom you enjoy today was paid for by someone you likely didn't even know yesterday.
god bless freedom!.
God bless freedom.
I was just thinking how utterly stupid that saying is. God has done absolutely nothing to advance freedom for mankind. It is only through the blood spilt by courageous MEN and WOMEN that we have been able to enjoy any sort of freedom up until now. God bless freedom totally ignores the sacrifices of all those happily non religious people who have given their lives for a just cause and a better world.