I went from belieber to agnostic to atheistic in probably the course of one year. I find all established religions to be old, crusty, obsolete and a waste of time and intellect. I'd like to move to a country where I never have to hear a believer whine about being criticized. I'd like to move to a land where I never saw a burqa, cross, church or JWBOrg again in my life.I do find more and more of an attraction to non denominational buddhism, but buddhism on my terms, not Buddha's. If there is a god it is the earth. The angels are the flowers, butterflies and songbirds that own the sky.
I'm quickly tiring of religious debates, philosophical debates and debating for the sake of listening to one's own voice. I wanted to help newbies make the transition from a cult to a life of freedom, but I feel like many of them would be offended by my disgust for faith and religion. Perhaps my run here is winding down. It's been a good run though. I owe a lot to this forum...