You're right Rebel, JW's and some ex JW's don't make much sense. I don't make sense to even myself half the time. My anger rises up when I think about this conditional god. If it exists and I ponder the possibility (as theists would have me do), I get extremely pissed off considering the horrible suffering, pain and death NOT CAUSED BY HUMANS around me. I guess I'm morally superior to "believers" which is why I can't believe such nonsense without going into righteous indignation mode.
I find in interacting with many theists they blame the horrific things of this world on anything but god. I bring up flesh eating amoebas - you blame it on the state officials for not testing the water. Well, did they allow the amoeba to exist in the first place?! Did they design this ugly killer?! No, that would be the work of your designer my dear. He gets all the credit whether you accept it or not. Bodies of water, more often than not, flow into other bodies of water. A heavy rainfall might push stagnant water (by way of run off) into another bigger pond. Previously tested water might suddenly have amoebas crop up. Don't cop out and blame men here.