And what caused those conditions to occur? Don't be so quick to jump to conclusion. Why is that stagnant water sitting there?
It took 5 years after I was diagnosed with cancer before they
discovered that the water I was drinking was filled with lead luckily I
started having bottled spring water delivered to my home. We had totally
discontinued using the water in my home.
Rebel, I'm sorry to hear about your troubles with lead poisoning and cancer. Some things result because people can be real mean, selfish and short-sited to others like you.
I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. Cancer is a horrible mutation of cells that go crazy and self destruct. If I were a god filled with love, mercy and compassion, I wouldn't allow cancer to exist in the first place. Unfortunately cancer, harmful bacteria and killer viruses do exist. They exist because the universe knows no mercy. They exist because they have self assembled and evolved over time.They play an integral role in starting and ending life forms like us.
I wish you the best of luck in your recovery from cancer and hope you never get cancer again.
Why does water stagnate? There are many reasons, but mostly because of the topography of the land. Why do hideous viruses and amoebas and bacterias exist? I think I know the answer you want to hear: Satan did it!