Hiemere, first of all, I want to commend you for all your efforts to make the world a better place. It must be so difficult to translate using sign language. I tried learning sign and quickly gave up.
I focus on what I can do in the classroom. I am constantly endeavoring to teach children the importance of our environment and its ever dwindling resources. I am part of a group that engages in rare butterfly conservation and protecting natural habitats from logging and misuse.
I would like to do more, but with kids and a full-time job - I do what I can.
Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao etc. didn't do what they did because they were atheists. They did what they did because they were evil people. You can't blame anything on atheism. You CAN blame a mountain load of the worlds problems on religion and the delusional, irresponsible, often times fanatical teachings that numerous religions promote.
Religion and atheism are not the same thing. Atheism is merely the absence of belief in something without verifiable, testable facts. In time. religion will stop stunting the growth of humanity and hopefully go the way of the Dodo.