May I flap my cojonads around for just a minute?
First of all,
thank you for taking the time to research and share your thoughts on
this subject. It seems you love god and want to preserve the modern
trend of using the name of the Big J. I guess I don't really care if you
want to use Elohim, Adonai, Yahweh, Jehover, Abba, Allah, Lord... whatever.
For whatever reason, god allowed his name in it's original given form to
be discontinued. Whether it was superstition or culture, that really
doesn't change the fact. It doesn't seem like he cares one way or
another about what you or I call him.
My issue is with JWs teaching that using the name Jehovah is the only way to have an approved relationship with him, and the only way to salvation. They overemphasize this modern name to sell their brand and put themselves on a unique pedestal.
When I was at the height of my indocrination, I honestly thought that the world knew that god's only true name was Jehovah, but they refused to use it because they were being manipulated by Satan and wanted to worship Jesus. Now I know that it isn't used because the real pronunciation is unknown, and Jesus himself never used it! The reality is that JWs owe so much to the Catholics. I think they should start calling themselves "The Catholic Witnesses of Jehovah".