If god couldn't protect and sustain 96% of his creation, then how does that bode for the future of a created human race?
If god didn't give a crap about 96% of his creation, then what makes you think he gives a crap about humans?
Food for thought...
250 million years ago a plume of molten basalt gushed up from the earth's core.
it erupted in an area now known as the siberian traps - back then it was part of the supercontinent pangaea.
a curtain of lava a mile high and hundreds of miles long lit up the sky.
If god couldn't protect and sustain 96% of his creation, then how does that bode for the future of a created human race?
If god didn't give a crap about 96% of his creation, then what makes you think he gives a crap about humans?
Food for thought...
why do people care so much about celebrities?
Prince of what?
so the big a comes, your third in line to be judged by jesus.
he wants to know why you left the organisation.
he also wants to know why jws remained with the org.
the book costs 140.00, but i bought it.
i agree with dr. de vienne's review.
so for the first time ever i went to a church service at my local church (coe) and i have to say it was awful!
it was just like a ritual.
the vicar would say something and then the congregation would all say a phrase in unison back to him.
There is only one positive role that I can think of that going to church would have, helping you to draw closer to the community and improve one's social life. If I had to go, and if I had to force myself to pretend to believe in a mystical, invisible being, then I would go to a local church where I could build up some friendships locally. Having good friends there might make all the weird rituals and brain numbing sermons bearable.
I just want to say also that I respect your desire to believe in something. That is a wonderful right that we have- to continue to search and strive for truth - whatever it may be. But the truth may not always line up with what we want to believe. I wish you a happy journey in your quest for knowledge and truth!
Hope I wasn't negative. I tried my darndest not to be.
so, i've been out for 2 years now.
just picked up and walked away from the wacky religion that tried to control every part of my life through fear and guilt.
i've been wondering as the months go by what would happen when an elder finally showed up at my door and pressed the issue as to why i ceased all activity and then tried to reactivate me.
Steve 2 and Smiddy:
It's especially true in Japan. So many housewives trapped in a loveless marriage are sucked into this religion. That initial love bombing works every time! The men work there asses off here and have little time for religion. That is not to say that women aren't hard working here, because they most definitely are, but the housewives are the ones who are exposed to JWism when the door knockers come.
so, i've been out for 2 years now.
just picked up and walked away from the wacky religion that tried to control every part of my life through fear and guilt.
i've been wondering as the months go by what would happen when an elder finally showed up at my door and pressed the issue as to why i ceased all activity and then tried to reactivate me.
Magnum, I haven't stepped foot into a KH in 2 years, so I don't have any up to date info, but it would appear to me that they are losing a lot of young ones who wish to pursue a career and don't have the time to get baptized or attend meetings. This religion has always had a strong pull on housewives, with children and the husband later joining in. But now it is becoming a religion for housewives here. Children are simply not coming in to replace the original boom of converts from the 60's, 70's and 80's who are starting to die off.
I remember sitting in an assembly one day a few years back (2013?) and the title of the talk was "overcome stumbling blocks' or something like that. A man was giving an experience of how he was disappointed with the new generation teaching so he stopped attending meetings. Later, an elder friend of his patiently explained how there could be an overlapping generation ( if you twist and convolute enough scriptures) and helped him to overcome his stumbling block and he became active again.
It was actually the first time I had heard of the 1914 generation teaching becoming an overlapping generation doctrine and I had a huge WTF moment sitting in the middle of that assembly hall. I was first shocked that the 1914 generation teaching had been done away with and I was equally shocked that someone could be stumbled by the new teaching. Well, the more research I did, the more I could understand why he was stumbled in the first place. Anyway, the experience at that assembly shows that there were those who were not convinced by the new generation teaching and walked away "stumbled".
so, i've been out for 2 years now.
just picked up and walked away from the wacky religion that tried to control every part of my life through fear and guilt.
i've been wondering as the months go by what would happen when an elder finally showed up at my door and pressed the issue as to why i ceased all activity and then tried to reactivate me.
so, i've been out for 2 years now.
just picked up and walked away from the wacky religion that tried to control every part of my life through fear and guilt.
i've been wondering as the months go by what would happen when an elder finally showed up at my door and pressed the issue as to why i ceased all activity and then tried to reactivate me.
Witness My Fury, I can see how my thread title would conjure up that image. Not a problem though! I do my best thinking and get my best ideas while sitting on the throne.
Suffice to say, I live somewhere in Japan or on one of its many numerous islands. Vague I know, but we wouldn't want to leave a trail of bread crumbs for the rats to follow!
a japanese sister who recently woke up revealed me that she became extremely suspicious about the organization after reading watchtower article .oct.15 2015page31.
Zeb, "Omedetou gozaimasu" is "congratulations" in Japanese.
Divergent you are right. They embrace the flabby seven as their new, modern emperors and their loyalty has no limits.