JoinedPosts by Bonsai
RUSSIA: Jehovah's Witnesses face possible liquidation
by AndersonsInfo in
24 may 2016. russia: jehovah's witnesses face possible liquidation.
by victoria arnold, forum 18. if prosecutors proceed with their threat to liquidate the jehovah's witness headquarters near st petersburg, thousands of local congregations across russia could also face prohibition of their activities and individuals could be vulnerable to criminal charges for expressing their beliefs, forum 18 notes.. the jehovah's witnesses' principal body in russia is under threat of dissolution as an "extremist" organisation after the deadline in an official warning from the general prosecutor's office expired on 10 may, forum 18 notes.
Don't ban them. Tax the shit out of them and levy fines against them. Make it so expensive to be a cult member that they have to walk away or learn to keep their delusions to themselves. -
Died Due To Refusing Blood Transfusion
by rrb2016 inwell, last monday my mother, a jehovah's witness since her baptism in 1968 died last week because she would not accept a blood transfusion.
she was 76 and had lung and skin cancer.
i know that the cancer would have gotten her anyway, but she was bleeding internally, and was told that she needs a blood transfusion, as her blood count went all the way down to 3.2 (should be 12-14.
My condolences to you and your family. -
God's Word and Modern Man
by TheLiberator ini have drawn the conclusion that when god speaks, he is using the language and the concepts of the time.
he is not revealing a new scientific understanding when he speaks.
that would be distracting from the point being made.
Why does anyone bother to be religious and try and blow air into their god balloon? What's the point of having faith in, literally, air? God isn't doing anything, has done nothing and will continue to do... nothing.
The only reason religion exists is because humans are afraid to die. People can't accept that this life is all there is. Even though every other living organism has died and will die, humans think they are above the circle of life. If humans can ever shed their fear of death, accept their limited life span and live life to the fullest, religion will go the way of the dodo bird.
Religion and its many gods have had thousands of years to prove their merit. The results have been abominable. .
Someone anonymously tipped the elders?
by raven inso here an update on my current situation, in a nutshell i've been trying to quietly fade for the past 5 months.. well, my mom somehow found out that i am currently fading and that i live with my boyfriend (for more info on this check my previous posts) i told her yes i live with him and yes i no longer want to be a jw.
anyways, yesterday she met my boyfriend.. awkward.
and after lunch she pulled me aside to tell me that the po came up to her (he was part of my jc when i was reproved) he said to her "someone came to me and said - i cannot say who so they will remain anonymous- but that your daughter is living with someone" my mom confirmed and apparently he told her that i have one week to confess this, and if i don't my parents are obligated to tell them everything.. what kind of nonsense is that?
I bet your mom outed you. If it were me, I'd go to their meeting, sit in the front, and during the meeting noisily get up and hand my DA letters to two of the elders closest to where you sit. I'd tell them out loud, "these are my disassociation letters, so please stop stalking me!" and walk out never to look back.
No lawyer fees.
No ambiguity.
No mess.
Be careful what you wish for (in case you want to wake up your spouse)
by nevaagain ini want to spare you a long post about my background.
because this topic is about something else.a small information is that i knew ttatt before i got married.
but then i somehow pushed it back for quite some time because i didnt want to change my life and it was convenient to instantly meet new people when you move into a new city.couple of years into my marriage and seeing all the changes in the jw my thirst for ttatt resurfaced.
Maybe she is bored with you Nevaagain. Sounds like you've still got a lot of dub in you even though you aren't a dub. Time to go into bad ass mode and spice up your marriage with some naughtiness. -
The Teacher
by compound complex inan unwelcome dawn comes creeping upward, her tendrils straddling the dark mountain so terribly near my once sweet but now quaking refuge called home of the heart.. i peer through panes that give onto a landscape of horror that, to some, appears pristine but to me is a reminder that he has been swallowed up by a wood both black and cruel.. daring to venture forth, i hear his voice .
.. he calls out, so faintly, begging i rescue him from a jail that holds him fast against all escape; though myself a liberated man, i cannot free the one i taught the truth.
Thanks for patiently explaining CC. I can relate so much to your poem. Learning the truth for me was more like a false dawn that provided this fake, unnatural light that baked my eyes and made my head and heart hurt. Now that I let that false reality go I can see the real dawn, the real sunrise and the real sunset of this beautiful, short colorful thing we call life. -
Stay in the Boat
by stuckinarut2 ininteresting video from the mormans.... it sounds so much like a witness illustration!. .
Stay in the boat people! Pay no attention to the gaping holes in the hull and the ice cold water gushing up past your ankles. Hope you have a life vest like the elites do. -
The two paths of exJWs
by Simon init's easy to think of exjws as being a single amorphous group but the more i think about it, the more i believe that there are two distinct sub-groups and wonder if you agree.. there are those who believe and those who don't.
i know that seems obvious but let's break it down a bit more.
there are those who don't and never believed and some who are looking for a religion to match their beliefs.. i used to think this split would be between born-ins and converts but of course it's possible for born-ins to be believers although i suspect that many, like with other faiths, do so simply because they have never experienced anything else or made a conscious choice.
I cannot understand why people choose the belief path when they leave the JW org. I mean, the bible or any belief system in any religion out there offers no new evidence, no new light, no breakthrough communique with a higher being. None of them do! None of them have! It's just the same old recycled, regurgitated, retarding superstition built on an abstract foundation: You are flawed, you must pay for your flaws, god must forgive you for your imperfection and you need fleshly men to help you to do it. Ugh.
When was the last time the bible was updated with new scrolls? When was the last time religion offered an incredible service to humanity that a non religious organization couldn't do? When was the last time you directly, verifiably received a message from god?
My brother died last night
by LisaRose ini found out this morning that my brother died last night, he was also an ex jw, 73 years old and died of heart disease and kidney failure.
it was not totally unexpected, as he had been in poor health, but it's a blow, especially as i just lost another brother two years ago.
there were six of us, now only four.
I'm sorry for your loss, too On The Way Out. We can never take our family for granted as each day is precious. -
My brother died last night
by LisaRose ini found out this morning that my brother died last night, he was also an ex jw, 73 years old and died of heart disease and kidney failure.
it was not totally unexpected, as he had been in poor health, but it's a blow, especially as i just lost another brother two years ago.
there were six of us, now only four.
I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences to you and your family. I hope this draws you and your remaining siblings ever closer.