They will be deified and given Sainthood and shooed off to cushy private sector deep in the bowels of the new Warwick compound (I just love that word "compound". It is so appropriate for the head quarters of a cult). They will become inaccessible to anyone and will be treated as new oracles.
JoinedPosts by Bonsai
The Shunning truth is now out...
by babygirl30 ini have been df'd for 9yrs as of july 31 (yay me!).
so as i have written about previously in other posts, my whole family (parents + sister) made the choice to treat me as if i do not exist, and i have accepted it.
last summer they made a blatant show of it as our family reunion, in that they would walk right by me and not say one word...prompting our extended family to question their actions.
I love it! Awesome job to expose the wacky cult and put your immediate family on the hot seat. Make them sweat and make them squirm because at the end of the day their cultish behavior will come back to bite them in the ass.
Rumor: Discouraging news from GB at upcoming CA?
by bohm inthis is on the reddit frontpage and sounds super weird.
can it be confirmed in any way by anyone here?.
Friends, it is to be regretted that we regretfully must announce to you that we have been denounced by Jehovah. Over the years we have instituted certain policies that we felt were a protection for the flock, but in fact, they were Pharisaical measures taken because we didn't have enough faith in god's holy spirit. We set up a large volume of rules as a guide for the brotherhood to keep their morality and integrity. As a result, we have broken up families needlessly. We have indirectly protected pedophiles from prosecution. We have caused needless mental distress and even suicides to occur because of our cold-hearted, over-the-top policies and actions towards those who have fallen into an immoral course.
Many of our young ones have left God's organization because we failed to show them the true Christian love that Jesus exemplified when he held them in his lap. We have turned people away from jehovah - even scared people away from Jehovah - because of our greed and desire to control every aspect of our believer's lives.
We have become unduly obsessed with numbers and appearances and Jehovah is not happy. In our flaming zeal to expand our religious empire we put Jehovah in second place. He has indicated to us in an indirectly direct way that the potential privilege of being his FDS is no longer possible and he will now shift his attention to a more humble, less greedy organization yet to be determined.
Dear brothers and sisters, it has been brought to our attention through a third party that Jehovah is angry with us for having never apologized for any of our errant ways. We have never apologized for the pain. undue suffering and unnecessary anxiety we have brought upon our deer sheep. we sincerely and humbly live for the day when we will be elevated to the highly coveted status of F.D.S. So with that mission in mind, we do not give up! In fact, we are willing to do something unprecedented! We are willing to apologize to you! We're sorry. WE ARE SO VERY SORRY! In the bible seven emphasizes completeness so we will throw in an extra five sorries: Sorry, sorry, sorry sorry and sorry.
Are we not happy and does not our heart swell with affection towards those of us who are taking the lead in humbly apologizing for our errors? Let us wait on Jehovah and continue to serve under the leadership of your humbly contrite Governing body.
Celebration for those on JWD
by Quarterback inso let's just say that the wt org is now finished.
families with da/df members are now reunited.
everyone is burning their med directive cards.
If we came into contact with a superior extraterrestrial species then I would think the issues in the bible - especially the sovereignty issue - would become moot.
The bitter reality of death
by Bonsai inbeen a lot of death in my life recently.
a close family member died yesterday.
a close friend died 8 weeks ago - both from cancer.
Thanks for your comments everyone. It was really tough with my mother-in-laws death because i was very limited in the things I could say to encourage my inactive wife. There were no promises i could make, no speech about being or going to a better place. All I could tell her was that her mom was in peace and finished her life with honor and dignity. All i could tell her was that her mother lives on in her mind and her heart and her memories now.
It was even harder explaining to my four-year-old daughter that her beloved grammy was gone forever. Reality is painful, but i don't want my child to have false hope. The quicker she learns the realities of life, the quicker she can build up the kind of mental toughness that we born-ins could never build up. We always lived for some distant, vague promise. I want my family living for today and treating each day as rare and precious.
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Nice pics everyone! My garden is blooming to the brim with zinnias, orange cosmos, Verbena bonariensis (Purple Top)and other Asian stuff that I don't know the English name of them. Swallowtail butterflies are dominating my garden and chasing all the other kinds of butterflies out.
Rumor: Discouraging news from GB at upcoming CA?
by bohm inthis is on the reddit frontpage and sounds super weird.
can it be confirmed in any way by anyone here?.
Maybe a GB member is about to be canned for being too open minded.
Are they either leaving or going full on 'cult mode'? No quarter.
by punkofnice init might just be me imagining things.. i hear things from my jw spies.. from all that's being said, it seems to me that the rank and file(tm), are either waking up to the scam and fading/leaving.
they are going full on 'cult mode' and acting like 'spiritual police'.. is it just me and my imagination?
have others noticed this?.
The religion has been dumbing down its doctrines and teachings and understanding of the bible over the last 10 years. This dumbing down policy is alienating the intelligent rank and file and making it hard for them to stay. Hard to stay humble and loyal when you are constantly being treated like a 10-year old.
Only those who are desperate or dependent financially on the JW community are staying.
What novels have you been reading recently? Recommend any?
by LoveUniHateExams ini've always been a bit of a reader - but only reading about topics i find interesting, e.g.
natural history, dinosaurs, etc.. recently i've started to select, buy and read novels.. this year i've bought and read frankenstein (mary shelly), dracula (bram stoker), the hound of the baskervilles (a. conan doyle), 'salem's lot (stephen king), jurassic park (michael crichton) and the firm (john grisham).. i have an inclination towards horrors and thrillers.. what fiction have you been reading?.
could you recommend anything?.
Ditto JeffT.
I'm a huge Stephen King fan. I like Ken Follett, Jeffrey Archer and Preston and Child's Agent Pendergast series as well. The latest fiction I really enjoyed was, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.
Disfellowshipping - What It's Supposed To Be
by pale.emperor infirst of all, the wt tell this lie to the rank and file:.
two factors—which must coincide—result in the disfellowshipping of one of jehovah’s witnesses.
first, a baptized witness commits a serious sin.
Very well written thread. Maybe I'll use that material if they ever get around to inviting me to a Judicial committee meeting.