Meeting with the elders will not resolve anything. They are coming into the meeting under the absolute, irrefutable premise that Watchtower's involvement was just to get a library card and not for political reasons. Not accepting that will only make you a target and probably get you marked for believing in "apostate lies". Good luck.
JoinedPosts by Bonsai
meeting with elders about WT involvement in UN
by LevelThePlayingField ini still go to the meetings because of my in wife and it came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the un.
so the elders said they could help me get over that and wanted to meet with me.
now just to let you know, i have only told my wife and her mom so far about it, that's it.
Reading The Bible Again After Leaving
by pale.emperor inat the moment i dont beleive in anything.
im pretty much an open book, but my critical mind is very alert to bullshit.
but anyway i decided to re-read the bible with a non jw filter.. i researched online first which is supposed to be the best translation out there.
So what do you recommend Hiemere? We should all just give up, embrace our inevitable animalistic tendencies and not affiliate with anything? Would it please you to go back to the stone age or mid evil times? Surely you don't believe that every human organization is carnal and only looking out for its best interests do you? What are you doing to make the world a better place?
What are the chances of having a one on one with GB member
by Chook injesus drifted amongst the lowly folk .
John Cedars managed to have a one-on-one chat with A. Morris by phone for about one minute, then Morris hung up like the coward he is.
Did you ever feel like this?
by Mandrake ini'm thinking in emigrating... i feel like i'm stuck here in chile, and going likely to canada (i have my aunt and cousins there, full citizens) is like a real option by now.... i feel like i'm stuck and that in a best scenario i will be starting at the bottom of the pit, with about 75.000 (usd) in university debt (from 3 different sources) that won't go away easy, broken family, unstable relations with my mother, i think that i've almost got over the jw issue, but the consequences on my life being a born in are severe.... this saturday will be my second appointment with the therapist, i'm trying to figure out how to put things in order by now, my due date is december, to make any decisions... i finished almost to 5th year of dentistry, roughly 2 years remained but couldn't handle the family struggle, suicide attempts, getting out the wt, 4 house moves in 3 years, my father not paying a nickel for the university... i supported my mother to my own detriment, she's coming out of borderline personality disorder and i think she's a lot better but im tired... . i'm "almost" a dentist i work from time to time with some patients (friends, ex-univsity patients), i've done a lot of crowns, surgeries, fillings etc to earn some money at my brother in-law clinic)... but i got kicked out of university for failing to complete some clinical requirements because of lack of patients in the previous courses, i just hadn't the force to try harder... studying was clearly not a priority by then, and as i used to be a good student just didn't know all the rules about failing courses... well that is, i just wanted to vent a little....
Yep, I've felt like that. I had to drop everything and reset my life even as an active, zealous JDub. I left the U.S. for better opportunities, first in Taiwan, then in Japan. I don't regret the decisions I made. You only live once, so you need to do what you need to do to put yourself in the best situation to succeed. Cut out the riffraff in life and keep the ones who are supportive of you and what you want to do.
Latest Metal Detecting Find
by cofty innow the harvest is underway up north i can get out for a walk with the metal detector in the evening.
i am lucky to live on a historic rural estate and i have permission from the landowner to detect.. this is a coin that popped up last night.
it was only about 2 inches deep and had been tumbling around in the plough soil for the last 750 years.. it is a silver penny of king henry iii.
I love coin collecting! I would be so excited to make that find! Congrats on finding a valuable piece of history. I have a huge, worn, copper British penny from 1799 which I use as a paper weight.
People hate God?
by looter init is a pain that certain individuals pride themselves on hating god, who created everything.
like it's understandable that you choose to not believe in him because of your selfishness or thinking skills but to hate him is forcing it a bit.
i'm very thankful that those such as myself have the courage to believe in the lord.
And if you actually said to everyone that you hated God, you'd face prison, fines, and maybe even death.
Lmao. What cave are you typing this nonsense from, Iran?
I love this thread as I needed a good laugh today.
Lying In Wait At a Bed & Breakfast
by Cold Steel ina few years ago while traveling in the northeast, my wife and i stopped in new haven, connecticut, at a b&b we'd reserved for the night.
no sooner had we unpacked and moved into the living room for tea and treats, our hosts began to talk about religion, and we learned they were jehovah's witnesses.
i didn't mind so much, but my wife was outraged that our hosts would use their place of business as a launching point to do missionary work.
Cold Steel, if memory serves me correct, aren't you a Jesus babbling Mormon? If so, sucks getting a dose of your own medicine doesn't it? If not, then my sincere apologies. Nobody likes to be "witnessed to" by any religious nutter - especially on vacation.
I believe in Evolution and that God created life
by Crabby inanyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
Anybody else want to share this huge bag of caramel popcorn with me?
Viv, I love shrubbery! I just bought a mini orange tree. You should get one for your yard, too.
Crabby, calm down dude! It's Friday and the weekend is upon us!
Complaining over post dislikes / downvotes
by Simon inlet's be clear: people have the right to like or dislike what they want - that is why the option is there.
as long as they are not doing it in a malicious way to retaliate or game the system, there is no policing the votes.
if you get a down-vote, live with it.
You know what? I've been called out here. I must admit that I tend to hit dislike on almost all of a certain poster's posts. Whenever I get stressed out about something I come on and here and click dislike on one of his evangelical sermons. Magically almost all my stress goes away! Sorry dear poster! I don't dislike the messenger, I just dislike the message! I'll behave better from now on.
Personalities on the forum
by compound complex inwe've frequently discussed how forums are different from real life, yet many have developed close friendships through this and other boards.
some posters are super friendly and personable and others just state their business and do not interact.
i understand human nature and cannot be friends with everyone.
I wish i was smart enough or Bourne enough to have an alternate, cooler ego on a forum. It would be cool to recreate myself and make everyone think I'm sophisticated and better than I actually am. But alas, I am me and can't change me. My real personality and genuine self gushes out in any setting or venue. I suck at poker and only know how to be me. I think that is one reason I couldn't wing it in the org.