Please help me write a dissasociation letter to the elders and whoever else i need to let know, that i dont want to be involved or recognized as a jw. Tonight was the last straw for me, thought fading away was the answer but making a formal stand is necessary at this point... Dont respond if youve only heard of the process, i have no more patience for wishywash answers, i need real comment by real ex jws and ill know right away if your the real deal. I appreciate any responses to my request...
JoinedPosts by aikido1914
need help for a dissasociation letter!
by aikido1914 inplease help me write a dissasociation letter to the elders and whoever else i need to let know, that i dont want to be involved or recognized as a jw.
tonight was the last straw for me, thought fading away was the answer but making a formal stand is necessary at this point... dont respond if youve only heard of the process, i have no more patience for wishywash answers, i need real comment by real ex jws and ill know right away if your the real deal.
i appreciate any responses to my request...
Love look at the two of us
by aikido1914 inlove, look at the two of us strangers in many ways we've got a lifetime to share so much to say and as we go from day to day i'll feel you close to me but time alone will tell let's take a lifetime to say "i knew you well" for only time will tell us so and love may grow for all we know.
love, look at the two of us strangers in many ways let's take a lifetime to say "i knew you well" for only time will tell us so and love may grow for all we know.
im not getting all emotional but hell when its a good song its a good song.
Love, look at the two of us Strangers in many ways We've got a lifetime to share So much to say And as we go From day to day I'll feel you close to me But time alone will tell Let's take a lifetime to say "I knew you well" For only time will tell us so And love may grow For all we know. Love, look at the two of us Strangers in many ways Let's take a lifetime to say "I knew you well" For only time will tell us so And love may grow For all we know.
Im not getting all emotional but HELL when its a good song its a good song. karen carpenter was a damn good singer.. Good lyrics in this song, just a good chill song eh..
by Blueblades in.
when they call their number is blocked out.this makes them unavailable when you want to call them.don't even try to call them after 9pm at bethel,no matter what the emergency!they only call you to get you to come to the meetings and go out into field service!.
so now we turned on ( acr ) anonymous call rejection,which allows us to reject calls from callers who have blocked the display of their telephone my number will not ring and the caller will hear a message that instructs them to hang up and remove their blocking and call again.. since we did this,elders are not calling us i said they want to know your number,so they can call you to come to meetings,otherwise they can't be bothered.they give their cell number to a select few only.the congregation as a whole don't have the elders cell phone numbers.don't try to get them at bethel either,once they know who is calling they hit the ignore button in their head.. really, i can't be bothered by the elders calling me about the same old same old line.but for those who really need some kind of help or information about whatever,this shows that they are not truly shepherds of sheep.. blueblades
YES the conspiricy is against you personally, you should hide now.... Give me a freaking break, like there all out to hide themselves from private conversation from other members, ... They ARE regular people that are dealing with the same problems that this board has been get a part time job and off the conspiricy boards and maybe youll put that imagination to productive ...Winner eh!!
Nothing to do with being a JW but being human..
by aikido1914 inrejection may be as tough as physical pain by paul recer, ap
washington (oct. 9) - a rejected lover's broken heart may cause as much distress in a pain center of the brain as an actual physical injury, according to new research.ap graphicrejection registers in the same part of the brain as physical pain does.
california researchers have found a physiological basis for social pain by monitoring the brains of people who thought they had been maliciously excluded from a computer game by other players.. naomi i. eisenberger, a scientist at the university of california, los angeles and the first author of the study to be published friday in the journal science, said the study suggests that the need for social inclusiveness is a deep-seated part of what it means to be human.. ''these findings show how deeply rooted our need is for social connection,'' said eisenberger.
Rejection May Be as Tough as Physical Pain By PAUL RECER, AP
WASHINGTON (Oct. 9) - A rejected lover's broken heart may cause as much distress in a pain center of the brain as an actual physical injury, according to new research.
California researchers have found a physiological basis for social pain by monitoring the brains of people who thought they had been maliciously excluded from a computer game by other players.
Naomi I. Eisenberger, a scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles and the first author of the study to be published Friday in the journal Science, said the study suggests that the need for social inclusiveness is a deep-seated part of what it means to be human.
''These findings show how deeply rooted our need is for social connection,'' said Eisenberger. ''There's something about exclusion from others that is perceived as being as harmful to our survival as something that can physically hurt us, and our body automatically knows this.''
Talk About It ยท Chat Eisenberger and her co-authors created a computer game in which test subjects were led to believe they were playing ball with two other players. At some point, the other players seemed to exclude the test subject from the game - making it appear the test subject had been suddenly rejected and blocked from playing with the group.
The shock and distress of this rejection registered in the same part of the brain, called the anterior cingulate cortex, that also responds to physical pain, Eisenberger said.
''The ACC is the same part of the brain that has been found to be associated with the unpleasantness of physical pain, the part of pain that really bothers us,'' Eisenberger said.
"There's something about exclusion from others that is perceived as being as harmful to our survival as something that can physically hurt us...."
Naomi I. EisenbergerEisenberger said the study suggests that social exclusion of any sort -- divorce, not being invited to a party, being turned down for a date -- would cause distress in the ACC.
''You can imagine that this part of the brain is active any time we are separated from our close companions,'' she said. ''It would definitely be active when we experience a loss,'' such as a death or the end of a love affair.
In a commentary in Science, Jaak Panksepp of the department of psychology at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, said earlier studies have shown that the anterior cingulate cortex is linked to physical pain.
He said the new study by Eisenberger and her co-authors demonstrates that the ACC is also activated by the distress of social exclusion.
''Throughout history poets have written about the pain of a broken heart,'' Panksepp said in his commentary. ''It seems that such poetic insights into the human condition are now supported by neurophysiological findings.''
The tendency to feel rejection as an acute pain may have developed in humans as a defensive mechanism for the species, said Eisenberger.
''Because we have such a long time as infants and need to be taken care of, it is really important that we stay close to the social group. If we don't we're not going to survive,'' said Eisenberger. ''The hypothesis is that the social attachment system that makes sure we don't stray too far from the group piggybacked onto the pain system to help our species survive.''
This suggests that the need to be accepted as part of a social group is as important to humans as avoiding other types of pain, she said.
Just as an infant may learn to avoid fire by first being burned, humans may learn to stick together because rejection causes distress in the pain center of the brain, said Eisenberger.
''If it hurts to be separated from other people, then it will prevent us from straying too far from the social group,'' she said.
10-09-03 1534EDT
Not soo boring and "cultish" life eh...
by aikido1914 inthis boy died doing what he loved'.
basketball player's teammates, coach, mother struggle to make sense of his untimely death.
by nicole sweeney.
This boy died doing what he loved'
Basketball player's teammates, coach, mother struggle to make sense of his untimely death
Staff WriterIt was Lee Cannon's daily after-school routine: study hall, weight lifting and then a few games of pickup basketball at Trenholm Park before dinner.
But that routine went horribly awry Monday night, when the 17-year-old co-captain of A.C. Flora High's basketball team collapsed on the court and died in his friends' arms.
"I sat there and watched him fade away," said best friend and co-captain Raymond Robinson, who wore Cannon's student ID badge around his neck Tuesday. A photo of the two of them was taped to his chest.
Richland County Coroner Gary Watts said Cannon died from cardiac arrhythmia, or an irregular heartbeat, caused by a coronary artery that went into Cannon's heart muscle instead of around the heart or through fatty tissue. Watts said the unusual birth defect is difficult to detect.
Cannon's mother, Deborah, said her son had a physical every year and showed no signs of problems. "That's the thing I just don't get," she said.
Cannon's unexpected death has shaken his teammates.
"Some of them are afraid," said coach Don Bell. "They all love playing basketball, and this boy died doing what he loved."
Cannon was known as a smiling and laughing young man who befriended everyone he met.
"He loved to joke," his mother said. "He kept you laughing all the time."
A "B" honor roll student, he helped lead a study hall for his teammates after school and also served as a teacher's aide for Bell.
"He's been my right-hand man," Bell said Tuesday, his eyes shining with tears.
Bell stopped by Trenholm Park Monday night to check on the boys, his usual habit. "You guys need to behave," he joked.
"I got this," Cannon called out.
The students were nearing the end of their second game when Cannon called out, "Hey, man," stumbled and fell to the ground, Robinson said.
Robinson and others rushed to Cannon, holding his hands and cradling his head while they waited for EMS to arrive.
"They had to grow up quick last night," Bell said. "Those boys became men last night."
The news quickly spread through the student body, and more than 50 students gathered Monday night in Providence Hospital's parking lot. Some sobbing, some stunned into silence, the diverse crowd was a snapshot of the many students who considered Cannon a friend.
"Hispanic, white, black, boys and girls .?.?. he bridged all the gaps at this school," Bell said.
Bell broke the news of Cannon's death to the students waiting outside the hospital.
"The hardest thing I've ever done in my life was tell those kids that Lee was gone," he said.
The mood at A.C. Flora Tuesday was somber. The flag was at half-staff. "Remember Lee" was spelled out in black letters on the school's sign.
After the morning's pledge of allegiance, principal Marty Martin dedicated a moment of silence to Cannon.
A.C. Flora brought in additional counselors to meet with students.
Cannon's vivacious manner frequently made him the center of attention. Just last week, the basketball team went out to a barbecue joint, where Cannon had everyone in hysterical laughter with his stories.
"He was never serious except between the lines," Bell said. "He was serious about his basketball."
On the court, he was a hard worker and fierce competitor. "He was "always running, hustling," Robinson said.
"If you had 12 guys like Lee Cannon, you would win the state championship just because of hard work and attitude and because good things are supposed to happen to good people," Bell said.
Cannon was raised a Jehovah's Witness, and his faith was important to him, his mother said. He also volunteered in the summer with Habitat for Humanity.
Robinson, who had known Cannon since the sixth grade, described him as a funny, loving guy who loved to attend movies and talk on the phone.
He loved to quote from his favorite movies and do impersonations, said 17-year-old Jared Altus, a teammate.
Altus said he'll miss seeing Cannon "smiling and laughing and joking all the time.
"I'm just glad I got to know him."
I read post whereby different onesmanipulate others into thinking JWS have a rough time growing up because of religion but obviously its not rligion but how you had to be raised in your thinking, its not a JW thing its a parent influence, Times have moved on towards more open understanding about what kids can do and i really recommend ones on this board do the same.... Peace
List Ways To Prove That Elders Do NOT Have Any More Holy Spirit Than Others
by minimus inplease provide proof that elders are not appointed by holy spirit or are especially giftd with more holy spirit than anyone else.
Perhaps what you wanted with holy spirit wasnt what God wanted to give, eh, You wanted a miricle, but instead you got ""MEN who relied on BOOKS who opened there OWN LIPS to give COUNCIL based on "ANCIENT" texts but hey are deeply true and for your own good... Perhaps a pride problem is in order, or a reaction to ones that OH MY GOD>>> KNOW BETTER THAN YOU... why go to them if you are all knowing and have such infinite wisdom that you dont need others direction. You wanted Miracles and the dead raised, and i know that thats not happening in these days that we have to live ... Its advise from another human being to help.. Thats it, we all live the same crap everyday, live with it and get real and learn to listen to the wisdom if its coming with love and a sense of experience.. I think alot of the problems come about because of killing the message because of the messenger and thats not fair... Its a matter of listening and doing more quiet time to think than opening ones mouth to spread bull s... because of "where its coming from.... Hey if that was the case than all children should never listen to there parents or drivers should never respect the limits, orwe should all just jump off buildings because of the "NEED" to fly....Stop looking for waters to be parted and stop looking to be fed, there human and if you want to listen then fine, if you dont then fine, but dont expect what GOD wont give you in your expectations.. And its not my "two cents worth" its reality.......
Bush Cover-ups
by George W Bush ini read this somewhere else this morning and felt you all may enjoy it.. .
you know, it is easy to forget the 'promises' that bill and hillary made .
while in office.
I agree with francois, Shes just a rich little grown up girl who lived the REVOLUTIONARY 60's in pursuit of Peace and freedom , "by the organice substance" she rightfully indulged in trying to be world leader.. She never was a hit in NY and never will be. PLease dont occupy precious land here in the apple with rhetoric grandiose leanings when you know full well that the apple has more "sugar" than substance...... I
Watchtower Society owns Airplane
by Amazing inthe watchtower society owns an airplane ... and it had an incident which was filed with teh faa / ntsb.. .
on june 12, 1995, at 1530 alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped cessna 402b airplane, n710ws, registered to and operated by the watchtower bible organization and tract society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing.
the business flight, operating under 14 cfr part 91, departed good news, alaska, and the destination was tuntutuliak, alaska.
... Im lost... ive read the post.... Its ALASKA, meaning alot of "ice" if they own a plane why is it a subject for interest for this board, yea, you dont like them but still, its a big stretch to make a whole big subject on it!
Video Clip of Kingdom Melodies Crash!
by reporter infinally, i have been able to capture the video clip on tlc of somebody crashing into some gas pumps...i mentioned this somewhile back...i know that at least lkh saw this...enjoy!.
why you should not drive after a meeting at the kingdom hall!.
btw, this is song #181, "join in the kingdom song", if you wish to follow along in your songbooks!.