Hatred/hate - a deep and emotional extreme dislike that can be directed against individuals, entities, objects or ideas. Often associated with feelings of anger and a disposition towards hostility.
The penguin dictionary of psychology defines hate as a ''deep'', enduring, intense emotion expressing animosity anger and hostility towrds a person, group or object.
What a mess it all is. the whole situation, the legacy of the Society, so many people and their lives in tatters. I'm trying so hard not to use offensive language. We have to understnad the depth and effect it has had on people who sacrificed their lives and everything else to this organisation. It's heartbreaking. I'm in an emotional mood today about it all anyway, being newly awakened and totally confused.
Lies, Lies, Lies. All founded and peddled on lies and mistruths and deception. It's so easy to discover this now, when you get outside the box and start learning what's really going on. That is what is really hard about it. Sucked in and duped. The worst thing for me is that it was all done in God's and Jesus' name, using the Bible to decieve and trick people.
Hopefully they will get their full reward, reap what they sow.
Thankfully we have all you guys to help us find our way out.