An older woman always carries a condom in her purse. A
younger woman is still hoping the guy might have one on him.
I don't know about all that, because I always carry more than one condom w/ me. Always prepared
an older woman will never wake you up in the middle of the .
night & ask you, "what are you thinking?
" an older woman .
An older woman always carries a condom in her purse. A
younger woman is still hoping the guy might have one on him.
I don't know about all that, because I always carry more than one condom w/ me. Always prepared
i remember my best friend when i was a witness was completly obsessed with words, such as darn, shoot, heck, etc..... i remember her telling her daughter not to say "birth day" but call it "birth date".
she wouldn't say, "christmas break' but would call it "winter break".
she would lie to get a free hotel night, but she would not say "darn"...... so petty and hypocritical.. did anyone else know witnesses that went over board with words like my friend?.
My mom's friend would always say "Dog gone it!" Which confused me when I was younger, I always thought she was mad at dogs . This sister was one of the biggest gossipers in the congregation, always starting drama.
i'm getting nervous and i shouldn't be.
here's the story.
on april 2 i went to a night club in sf with some friends.
Will do
i'm getting nervous and i shouldn't be.
here's the story.
on april 2 i went to a night club in sf with some friends.
Haha, I was thinking the same thing last night. I know it'll be somewhat entertaining, I'll feel like I'm on that Cheaters t.v. show
i'm getting nervous and i shouldn't be.
here's the story.
on april 2 i went to a night club in sf with some friends.
Help! I'm getting nervous and I shouldn't be. Here's the story. On April 2 I went to a night club in SF with some friends. I met a guy, who looked strangly familiar to me, he was hitting on me big time, we ended up making out, and stuff. He told me his name, and later on I realized I thought I knew who he was, my roomates friends boyfriend. So I told him that, and he blew it off. He asked for my # and memorized it. THe next day I tell my roomie what happened, we compare what he told me, and what he looks and sounds like (he has a very distinctive voice), she suspects its him. Later on he calls, and she recognizes his voice. Well, when I got back to college that weekend from the bay area, he called again, and he was interested in meeting up. This never happened, he back out the next time he called. A LOT of clues point to it being him. So finally my roomie told her friend the story, we were wating to see if he told his g/f first, but of course he didn't. Sooooooo....they talked, and he says the accusation is 'ridiculous' and he suggested coming over to our apt TODAY, to basically deny anything happened. His g/f wants me to see him and point him out if i recognize him. So they're coming in less than an hour, basically so I can say 'yeah thats him' and so he can totally deny it. Pretty pointless. Its no my problem to deal with really, at the time I met him I didn't know who he was, so I'm not at fault. I just hate being in the situation, I HATE confrontation. Earlier I wasn't nervous, but I'm getting really ancy. Grrrrrrrrr. I hate this feeling. What a stupid jerk, he's gets totally caught cheating, and the only way he can get out of it is to completly deny it.
UPDATE: They came. She looked at me and said "So is this him?" I looked over at him, straight in the eye, he shook his head "No" to me. Nobody else saw that but me. I told her it was him. AFter about 2 mins of conversation, with him shaking, twitching, and dismissing everything my roomie and I said, he told his g/f Yana he wanted to leave, she said she didn't want to leave yet, so he walked outside, pacing back and forth as we gave more evidence incriminating him. (he must have been thinking up arguments) His poor g/f, she didnt' know who to believe, I know she doesnt want to believe us, but there's so much evidence. After being outside for a few min, he comes back in and starts badgering me! Asking "How dark was it in the club?" How do u know it was me. He played victim. Saying that since he was Arabic/Persian, then to ME, all ppl of that decent must look the same. And since he w as born in a foriegn country he and all ppl born there have teh same accent, so it MUST have been another arabic/persian guy who sound the same b/c i'm some ignorant girl who can't tell the difference b/w two ppl of the same race. He wouldn't let me talk, he kept interrupting me. That ASS! If he was so adamant it wasn't him that it was his idea to come here and face me, why didn't he have any argument? Why was he nervous? Why did he w ant to leave so early? If before I was 98% sure it was him, now after seeing him, and hearing him, I'm 110% sure it is him. I'd be even more sure if I saw his bodily member, heh, but I wouldn't go that far. Damn, I shouldn't have had those 2 shots of tequila before he came to quell my nervousness, I forgot to bring up my extra ammo, the details I left out to proctect his ass (because I thought he w as a great kisser, hehe). That he said he could give me the best sex I've ever had, that he tried taking me into a storage closet, and after all these (and more advances) he said "What if i give you $100 dollars?" WTF? This would prolly be more incriminating because we all know they have sex all the time. And it would have made him look more desperate, and in the moment, trying to indulge in something he doesn't do very often because he doesnt' have the time. ARGgggg, I'm so mad that he's getting away with this. She deserves so much better. Such is life.
your last name stays put.
the garage is all yours.
chocolate is just another snack.
A lot of these things are also known as the Male Privilege
MALE PRIVILEGE by D. A. Clarke 1981
A poem for men who don't understand what we mean, when we say men have "it."
Privilege is simple.
Going for a pleasant stroll after dark.
Not checking the back of your car as you get in,
sleeping soundly,
Speaking without interruption
and not remembering dreams of rape, that follow you all day,
that woke you crying,
and Privilege is not seeing your stripped, humiliated body
plastered in celebration
across every magazine rack.
is going to the movies and not seeing yourself terrorized,
battered, butchered
seeing something else.
Privilege is
Riding your bicycle across town without being screamed at
or run off the road,
not needing an abortion,
taking off your shirt on a hot day, in a crowd,
not wishing you could type better just in case,
not shaving your legs,
having a decent job and expecting to keep it,
not feeling the boss's hand up your crotch,
dozing off on late-night busses,
Privilege is being the hero in the TV show not the dumb broad,
living where your genitals are not denied
knowing your doctor won't rape you.
Privilege is
being smiled at all day by nice helpful women
it is the way you pass judgment on their appearance with magisterial authority,
the way you face a judge of your own sex in court
and are over-represented in Congress
and are not strip searched for a traffic ticket or used as a dart board
by your friendly mechanic,
Privilege is seeing your bearded face reflected through the history texts
not only of your high school days but all your life,
not being relegated to a paragraph every other chapter,
the way you occupy entire volumes of poetry
and more than your share of the couch unchallenged.
It is your mouthing smug, atrocious insults at women
who blink and change the subject politely
Privilege is how seldom the rapist's name appears in the papers
and the way you smirk over your PLAYBOY.
It's simple really,
Privilege means someone else's pain,
your wealth is my terror,
your uniform is a woman raped to death here, or in Cambodia or wherever
wherever your obscene Privilege writes your name in my blood,
it's that simple,
you've always had it,
that's why it doesn't seem to make you sick to your stomach,
you have it,
we pay for it,
now do you understand?
it seems that light skinned ex-ws speak out more against watchtower than people of a darker skin color.
what is your ethnic origin?
1/4 Yaqui Indigenous American, less than 1/4 Spanish, Iroquious, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch....and my mother was adopted, so I dunno what half of my heritage is, but for the most part I look Mexican American, and unfortunetely, I've been treated so my entire life. Which is sad because even though I basically am a white american in culture, I've been discriminated against and treated like trash (by most strangers I encounter in day to day life) all my life. Because of that I have a very difficult time figuring out what I'm most comfortable identifying with, I hate the idea of calling myself white because I've never recieved any white privilidges, and I don't like saying I'm Mexican (even though I'm 1/4 Yaqui, from Sonora MX) because,I don't speak the language, and I have none of that culture (another sad story: my full blooded Yaqui grandmother thinks she's white, and vehemently denies ever knowing Spanish [while none of her parents spoke fluent English], or ever being anything other than white, so she passed on no culture). Alright, enough rambling, hehe, sorry, but I am proud of what I know I am =)
so i saw this article and wondered what the latest society view was on burning incense.
so i read and read and read as the article rambled on and on looking for whether they "officially" still say it is bad.
They just need new things to write about, and more things to confuse you as to whether or not its 'okay' in 'Jehovah's eye's' for you to do them. Its a subtler means of constraint, just like how you aren't allowed to watch the Lion King, or Anastasia because it has spiritism. Heh, sorry, I'm going on rambling about nothing, I'm looking for every possible means of distraction, I have a fridggen midterm due tomorrow. Locke, Hobbes and Rousseau, the classical contract theorists, what would Jehovah say about them? What would the ORG say about them, or vice versa...if only I were high, where's the weed in santa cruz when I need some? :/
usefullness of this board?
has this forum served the purpose you expected it to?
we all know that the watchtower is a revolving door, people come go.
I know I know, thats why I put "But, I suppose if we aren't alone, it can't be *that* bad :p" at the end. Why does everyone see 'santacruz' and immediately think 'santa claus'? Think santa cruz: the beach, the redwoods, the hippies, liberals, sage, mountains....I wanna go for a night hike now... :)
usefullness of this board?
has this forum served the purpose you expected it to?
we all know that the watchtower is a revolving door, people come go.
Ssstttop SaintSatan, you're scaring me. Reinforcing the thought that I will die in Armageddon (however its spelled.) I've been working so long on ignoring that fear ingrained in me from such a young young age... But, I suppose if we aren't alone, it can't be *that* bad :p