blondie: I already have the 1985 as pdf, and the 1969 version as book, but thanks anyways
JoinedPosts by darklight
Old literature
by darklight inhow easy would it be for a "student" to get hold of expired literature thru jws trying to get you into the truth, under normal circumstances?.
today i got hold of "the kingdom interlinear translation of the greek scriptures" just by asking,.
i emailed a scanned copy via email requesting a real copy...they refused to open the scanned copy, but within days i got the real deal heh.. .
Old literature
by darklight inhow easy would it be for a "student" to get hold of expired literature thru jws trying to get you into the truth, under normal circumstances?.
today i got hold of "the kingdom interlinear translation of the greek scriptures" just by asking,.
i emailed a scanned copy via email requesting a real copy...they refused to open the scanned copy, but within days i got the real deal heh.. .
A book i would like to read is
I've seached for it on this forum, and the internet, but all links are down....
(I think the best for me, right now,is to not ask too many freak questions. the people that have studied with me, really want to get me baptised, and I want to keep my good standing, so I can keep going deeper into this.)
...I know there's a scanned copy somewhere--- I would realy appreciate if someone have this in pdf and could upload it again.
And btw, I am not a JW, never will be. My main interrest in this religion (org) is the fascination that it still exists, and my goal is to ultimatively help the victims in my country...once I'm prepared to do so.
Old literature
by darklight inhow easy would it be for a "student" to get hold of expired literature thru jws trying to get you into the truth, under normal circumstances?.
today i got hold of "the kingdom interlinear translation of the greek scriptures" just by asking,.
i emailed a scanned copy via email requesting a real copy...they refused to open the scanned copy, but within days i got the real deal heh.. .
How easy would it be for a "student" to get hold of expired literature thru JWs trying to get you into the truth, under normal circumstances?
Today I got hold of "the kingdom interlinear translation of the greek scriptures" just by asking,
(no not really)
I emailed a scanned copy via email requesting a real copy...they refused to open the scanned copy, but within days i got the real deal heh.
What other interresting books could I ask for?
Edit: the version i received is the 1969 version.
Question about talking to JW
by darklight ini was raised atheist and never believed in any religion.
i've been studying the watchtower religion with a younger jw couple for some months now.. my main motivation was the fact i knew nothing about christianity, they knocked on my door and offered their "bible" study... so why not learn something, i thought.. .
and yeah, this is one crazy cult.... .
I was raised atheist and never believed in any religion.
I've been studying the watchtower religion with a younger JW couple for some months now.
My main motivation was the fact I knew nothing about christianity, they knocked on my door and offered their "bible" study... so why not learn something, I thought.
And yeah, this is one crazy cult...
The people I study with do, repeat and agree with 100% everything the watchtower says, they can't go 5min without talking about some watchtower related topic, and it is really like talking to robots most of the times.
But honestly they ARE good humans, and I feel sorry that they are destroying their life and children with this ##
My question is, are these people so brainwashed that they are unable to think anything without the watchtower?
Is it possible to plant small seeds of doubt into their mind?
Or should I just say thanks but no thanks and let them figure it out themself (doubt that will ever happen)