No leaping. Check out the real ultra-right groups he's had connections with. This is fact.
Do you think the existenece of violent racist and anti-semetic gangs infringes the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of the people those gangs attack?
Sorry, it is too bad you cannot see the leap you just made. In a prior post you refer the infringements of rights based on speech. But here you you refer the attacks made by extremist gangs. You can't see that? The infringement is in the attack, not in the speech.
The speech in question boils down to 'Jews had what they got coming to them as they were trying to take over the world and they are at it again'.
I agree that that is the detestable message he is trying to deliver. Seems like a pretty easy message to refute. Seems like he exposes himself to ridicule every time he opens his mouth. I would much rather have his message out in the open, then have the people and governments expose it for the absurdity it is. Passing laws and restricting people from expressing views is no way to refute those views. The views may get pushed underground. But if they survive long enough, they will eventaully spring up, stronger than ever. I would cite this exact episode as evidence.
If someone deliberately incites violence but argues there was no immediate danger, is that's okay? Is that protected free speech?
Now you venture into the grey area. Even staunch 'free speeech' countries (if there are any left) do not protect speech designed to incite immediate violence. But the judgement lies in the immediacy. As relates to this issue, I got no sense that the speaker was inciting anyone to act out against anyone. I think that should be the test.
Freedoms do, and should come at a cost. We all have to hear speech that we disagree with. It is not a freedom if you don't have a chance to use it. And many men paid the very real price to secure those freedoms. I, for one, would rather not see our freedom tossed out like a two-day-old newspaper.
Feel free to have the last word.