i am from Greece living in sydney electronic 2,5 years disfellowshiped from Jehovas witnesses - though i appreciate them and i strongly want to return one day- .. i say this was because you asked before : who are you to insult me :) 2) every one is free to believe what ever he likes and make his one conclusions and choices and have his ones consequences from these choices .. EVERY ONE ALSO CAN PUT THE STANDARDS AS HIGH HE LIKES ABOUT WHAT IS INSULT OR NOT SO TO superficially'' WIN '' THE IMPRESSIONS IN AN ARGUMENT and to pretend the victim INSTEAD OF CONVINCING OTHERS by REASONING . About that you felt insulted i will make a question : Under what circumstances you don't feel insulted only when others are petting you with their comments ? you are exposing your self in anonymity in this site so you know that you will listen and opposite opinions to yours. ... ..and the same is happening to me i hear from others rejections for some of my replies...i feel it as normal there is no no need for me to panic and to be over touchy, huffy, sensitive, queasy . And about traumas you dont have the monopoly in this.. i have traumas also we all have ..this is not reason to close our ears in diferent oppinions. Some people here believe that we must have open mind and listen other opinions....Now it is an opportunity for me to see if this community is sincere if has cultivated an open mind only when it seems convinient and if when they hear opposite opinions they handling the impressions in a way to close the mouth of the opponent by putting the standards of what is INSULT TOO HIGH to exclude the opposer artificially finaly from the converse....again the wisdom is justified from its FRUITS. When many opinions can be expressed there is more posibility for us to see the whole picture than when we recycling the same concepts only again and again. So in conclusion i cannot refuse that you did feel insulted -unjustifiable due to my oppinion- thank you for informing me i will not talk to you again because i feel that you use no honest defend tactics instead of reasonable argumentations . I do not represent JEHOVAHS WITNESSES AS I AM NOT ONE OF THEM CURRENTLY ..I ONLY REPRESENT MY SELF AND I WILL CONTINUE DOING IT WITH ALL PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE COURAGE AND THE HUMBLE SPIRIT TO DEBATE WITH ARGUMENTS AND NOT BY HANDLING THE IMPRESSIONS by pretending the victim ...BYE GOOD LUCK :) ......aaa and i DID NOT USE Any blasphemy, profanity, curse, swearing -THIS would BE INSULT AND I DID NOT DO IT :) plus actualy i dont like debates i like reasoning
JoinedPosts by niomar1
My husband MISSED the meeting today! Unheard of!
by Julia Orwell inhe decided to take me somewhere nice in the country for a day instead, and when he suggested it last night i was amazed that he would have even thought of missing the meeting!
he was one of those guys who only missed a meeting, literally, if he had a spinal injury and couldn't move!.
but, i've been sharing a little of the ttatt with him, teensy tiny bits that i can substantiate from the bible or other reputable sources.
My husband MISSED the meeting today! Unheard of!
by Julia Orwell inhe decided to take me somewhere nice in the country for a day instead, and when he suggested it last night i was amazed that he would have even thought of missing the meeting!
he was one of those guys who only missed a meeting, literally, if he had a spinal injury and couldn't move!.
but, i've been sharing a little of the ttatt with him, teensy tiny bits that i can substantiate from the bible or other reputable sources.
I dont like julia to judge you or to be to be condemnatory neither i have such authority .. and maybe i could have a more empathetic aproaching.. I actualy know nothing about you , but with these things i wrote before i have expressed my spontanous indignation as i realised what a sly trap is evolving behind your husband's back in this special time while he is more vulnerable because of his job loss. All the others who supporting your attitude they just making public relations to create a background that would justify them selves about relevant issues. niomar1
My husband MISSED the meeting today! Unheard of!
by Julia Orwell inhe decided to take me somewhere nice in the country for a day instead, and when he suggested it last night i was amazed that he would have even thought of missing the meeting!
he was one of those guys who only missed a meeting, literally, if he had a spinal injury and couldn't move!.
but, i've been sharing a little of the ttatt with him, teensy tiny bits that i can substantiate from the bible or other reputable sources.
"Behind every great man there's a great woman " julia I WISH you will NOT prove the opposite of this comment as true . In my vew you seem to be kind like Eve , i hope your husband will not prove him self to be like Adam. Observing your spirit i appreciate more and more my loving wife and her maturity and i will defenatly stop take is as granted :) .
He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly
"A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands." provebs 14 1
My husband MISSED the meeting today! Unheard of!
by Julia Orwell inhe decided to take me somewhere nice in the country for a day instead, and when he suggested it last night i was amazed that he would have even thought of missing the meeting!
he was one of those guys who only missed a meeting, literally, if he had a spinal injury and couldn't move!.
but, i've been sharing a little of the ttatt with him, teensy tiny bits that i can substantiate from the bible or other reputable sources.
cofty wrote : niomar1 - welcome to the forum. Its good to hear you think you have an open mind. You won't find many people here who agree with you that the JWs do any good work.
Please do some research at JWFacts.com and JWsurvey.org
niomar1 reply : thank you cofty for your welcoming . The subjectiveness of our self-conception is catholic , effects all of us .... by this i mean that yes i think i have an open mind and maybe you also think same for your self and we are all under this subjectivness of our self conceptions and conclutions :) Definatly though we can cultivate honesty as we making our introspection.
If we set 3 levels of open mind a) over open mind b) a careful balanced open mind 3) close mind .... it is common sense that the b) choice is better and wise and more . epibiotic. There are limitations even in this nice value of having an open mind , it is subservient to others values. Do you agree ? Who wants to eat poisonus mashrooms by testing everything ? or in the other hand who wants to be closed in his room and eat nothing for ever because of the fear of the uncertainty if he goes out and try something ? :) would this be epibiotic ?
For me now reading those links is unnecessary :) ... i have a 35 years personal experience of who Jehovah's witnesses are -with the blacks and and the whites- I have been in bethel and in pioneering for periods of my life and in prison for 3 years with more of 800 brothers and i know them from inside and outside who they are :) .- good and bad points. I have also my own few strong ''heretical concepts '' and i keep them for my self and they do not change my positive opinion and appreciation for Jehovah's witnesses's diligent creditably and desent Christian contribution , plus my ideas are not so important in comparing to the higher value of the ''unity of the church of Christ ''.
Though instead of these links which are making only demolition .......if these people who have written these web sites...if they have invested in building also , if they had pure concepts and they believed them so much that they have invested on them and made new groups christian or other brotherhoods.. and God or the universal lows blessed them and made them successful ... THEN yes i would like to have addresses in Sydney where i live and i would be glad to apply my open mind carefully by observing their ''FRUITS'' in an extend period of time by visiting their communities ... :) This is simple wisdom and common sense .... if they have eaten poison - i mean their concepts - i don't need to eat that poison too.... i can check the results and see if by applying their ideas they have created a BETTER adaptive flexible loving COMMUNITY :)..if they spread the world about Gods Kingdom more if they have more integrity and if they cultivate their emotional intelligence and ethics more than JW do...if they are less neurotic and more profound , if their organisation has a better and stronger immunisation system - like the dis-fellowship JW are using to keep clean the church...- if they succeed in avoiding inner divisions because of the competitive spirit .If they are not centred in a person ..if they give for free all this help as JW DO and Christ did ..if they do not go to the army even if they have to go in prison or suffer worse punishments . then YES I WOULD LIKE IF ALL THESE HAPPEN TO LEAVE THE GOOD '' PIANO SCHOOL I GO NOW FOR THAT BETTER ONE'' - illustration-......THANKS AGAIN niomar1
My husband MISSED the meeting today! Unheard of!
by Julia Orwell inhe decided to take me somewhere nice in the country for a day instead, and when he suggested it last night i was amazed that he would have even thought of missing the meeting!
he was one of those guys who only missed a meeting, literally, if he had a spinal injury and couldn't move!.
but, i've been sharing a little of the ttatt with him, teensy tiny bits that i can substantiate from the bible or other reputable sources.
your husband and you .. you both will have more opportunities and now and in eternity if you stay close to God than if you despise Him and his provisions - always few exceptions can apear, we are not robots and we may lose meetings from time to time . -..I lost my work too because of the crisis in Europe and had to make a new start, and to immigrate in an other country in the other side of earth at my 47 years ...Brotherhood -jW- embraced us in the new country helped us to find work both me and my wife and we almost bought nothing for our new household - they gave us allot -, my kids also had alod support and i appreciate so much the nice and wise association they have from the congregation , and this even if i am disfelowshiped 2.5 years ..i pray every day to Jehovah to help me to be able to return in time...i was excessive reader all of my years -i was reading jw literature , i have read bible more than 14 times in 10 years and i liked to read psychology philosophy maths physics more than 1000 books , and i have been examining many religions studying their believes like Scientology , new age yoga thai chi chi quang, rebreathing , tantra yoga kundalini budhism zen 4th road , uniting church baptists Pentecostals Mormons Greek philosophy groups Theosophy and others . I still have my antennas open and i currently listening Francis Chan speeches in you tube . Even if i go in Sunday meetings only of jw i have big appreciation of the good work they do and the spiritual cultivation my family had all these years from their educational program plus the safe environment in wich my kids grew up . In their school and in our neighborhood all people make very good comments for their very good character and attitude -they are 16 and 14 - and i praise Jehova and his provisions for this and i am so greatfull to my wife too and her diligend loyal apreciation to spiritual things and her commitment to all spiritual provisions dispite the dificulties we had these last 3 years, with the loss of our work our immigration and my disfellowhship.