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Posts by donkey
Veterans day is a bunch of crap!!
by LuckyLucy ini have several friends that are veterans and they have to work on monday!!
yet teachers (and we know how useless they are) and students get the day off.i have an idea!!
why don't they just let the veterans off, would that be asking too much??
What did swallow Jonah ?
by KAYTEE inany ideas what swallowed jonah, was it -.
2. a great white shark.
3. a whale shark.
Linda Lovelace?
Why Are JWs So Hard To Get Through To?
by Tower Man inwe have a brand new audio mp3 on our site.
it's by fran sankey and it's called, "witnessing to jehovah's witnesses".
fran shares some practical witnessing tips, discusses the watchtower mindset and reveals reasons why jehovah's witnesses are so difficult to penetrate with the gospel.
I have no good answer for you. Sorry I have to be Honest here. I have YET to meet someone who does!!!!
Why Are JWs So Hard To Get Through To?
by Tower Man inwe have a brand new audio mp3 on our site.
it's by fran sankey and it's called, "witnessing to jehovah's witnesses".
fran shares some practical witnessing tips, discusses the watchtower mindset and reveals reasons why jehovah's witnesses are so difficult to penetrate with the gospel.
The site you reference tries to appeal to JWs with alternate religious teaching....the blind leading the blind.
Why Are JWs So Hard To Get Through To?
by Tower Man inwe have a brand new audio mp3 on our site.
it's by fran sankey and it's called, "witnessing to jehovah's witnesses".
fran shares some practical witnessing tips, discusses the watchtower mindset and reveals reasons why jehovah's witnesses are so difficult to penetrate with the gospel.
It seems like a clear answer to me: JWs have left other religions or have been born into the JW faith. Trying to persuade them to join another religions would seem like the least probable approach of getting through to them.
Belief is Absurd
by IronGland ini am beginning to wonder if there is some kind of physical brain wiring that makes some people more likely to accept religion, even when believing in a certain supernatural paradigm presents numerous absurdities.
christians seem to be able to convince themselves of the following: .
) the god described in the bible is real, yet the god(s) of other religions are not (a variation: other religions are satanic deceptions).
God is an answer looking for a problem
SUICIDE. Thinking About It? Read This First...
by Derrick inare you someone who feels really depressed right now?
many in my congregation are suffering from chronic depression including several elders who have families.
i'm thankful that every time the thought of suicide entered my mind, triggered by various occasions over the last 25 years, i found the strength to push these thoughts aside.
Surely it depends on your beliefs?
SUICIDE. Thinking About It? Read This First...
by Derrick inare you someone who feels really depressed right now?
many in my congregation are suffering from chronic depression including several elders who have families.
i'm thankful that every time the thought of suicide entered my mind, triggered by various occasions over the last 25 years, i found the strength to push these thoughts aside.
If you believe in a loving God then suicide is a solution.
Do You Believe In God Or Not?
by minimus inif you've been associated with the witnesses, believing in god was a necessity.
do you still feel that god exists?
if you believe in god, do you feel that he cares about you?
Thanks for the acknowledgement. One of the great things we do where I work at is something called "inquiry review". It works as follows:
When someone gives a presentation the audience is encouraged to participate in "inquiry review". Normally, our first reaction after a presentation is to want to immediately question the presentation. Where I work you have to first earn the right to question the presentation by specifiying what you enjoyed about the presentation and then only can one ask questions. As an xJW we are so cynical and we question everything - trust nothing - hence we are so quick to pounce on the viewpoints of another. I know I am guilty of that nearly every day but I have found that engaging in - and being forced to engage in "inquiry review" after sitting through presentations at work I now look for the positive in those presentations.
So thanks for your response - it reminded me of that.
Getting back on key here - my personal view is that God was conceived to explain that which science couldn't. Now that science is progressing to the point where is "touching" on areas previously reserved for "god" one wonders if all god will be good for is to explain death and cope with death.
Do You Believe In God Or Not?
by minimus inif you've been associated with the witnesses, believing in god was a necessity.
do you still feel that god exists?
if you believe in god, do you feel that he cares about you?
I have a lack of belief in gods. I am an atheist.
I am not an agnostic. As Robert Green Ingersoll said that agnostics are atheists seeking social acceptance. All agnostics are either theistic or atheistic - you either believe in God/s or you don't.