Thanks for a great topic. If anyone would like to read a book that describes in a story how to get to base consciousness I recommend "The Rich Man's Secret" by Ken Roberts (please note I do not endorse any of Ken Roberts financial books - even though I have read them).
At any rate James what you describe as "being" vs "identity" is very core to how I try to exist in my own life. It is home base. It is always the beginning to every journey in my life. It is a place I know I can come back to no matter what happens or where any particular journey may take me. While I am highly critical of belief systems the wholeness of being and existing at consciosness is what we could all agree on as spiritual and it is unquestionable for each of us even though some might try to abstract beyond and question "how do I know I am alive"?
I discovered "being" before I quit believing. At the time I was commuting large distances to consult to companies and I would find myself drifting off into dreams and fantasies and I started pretending that my consciousness was outside of myself sitting on my right shoulder and that my consciousness was observing myself in total. My consciousness would note every thought, every tense muscle, every reaction and I would neutralize every thought, tension, and reaction....and with that I discovered true peace existed within myself no matter where I was or what circumstance I found myself. It was at this point I read Robert's book and in it he advocated the exact same discovery process as I was following. Belief systems are flawed fatally because they leave room for betrayal of the believer, base consciousness has no such weakness because it offers no promises...it just offers a launching point for anything I want to do and it is non critical of either success or of failure no matter how extreme either outcome is for any journey I make. Knowing I have peace at base conciousness and that I can come back there instantly has given me an extreme amount of self confidence because at the end of the day no other person (no matter how much I love them or no matter how much they love me and no matter how much they might hate me) can affect base consciousness.
The beauty is that everyone has their own base consciousness and each of our base consciousness points is identical. There is no discrimination across the spectrum of consciousness and it is total equalization. While every step from there depends on our own talents and our own desires, determination, own circumstances we all share the same "ground zero". We just have to know that it exists, that it is peaceful and that it is always a point of return and the opportunity from there becomes limitless.
James thanks for your eloquence and expressions I am always enlightened by them.