I like guns. I like the feel of them. I like the fine engineering too. I enjoy shooting clays or skeet with a shotgun. So yeah..I guess that I understand why some folk enjoy owning or collecting firearms.
Re the USA Second Amendment though. When they spoke about the right of the people to bear arms, weren't they talking about muskets and rifles back then? Someone carrying a rifle or musket is obviously out hunting or off to fight a war somewhere. You cant easily conceal a rifle on your person. You certainly couldn't conceal a musket back at the time of the second amendment's being written.
It seems to me that the original purpose of the second amendment bears no relation to the way it is interpreted today. Nowadays, the right to bear arms seems to be all about carrying a concealed handgun about your person. Surely that's just a mockery of the amendments original intentions?
Isn't it hight time that the second amendment was amended?