"We are in the last part of the last days, so very close to the last DAY.."
The CO's were saying that when I joined this fucking cult back in the early '80s.
Nick Kovalak particularly loved that phrase.
breaking news from co!!
according to a reliable source, the co in my area says that jws may have been hearing the phrase, "final push" being used.
what sage advice did this shepherd, duke, and "star" of revelation have to say?
"We are in the last part of the last days, so very close to the last DAY.."
The CO's were saying that when I joined this fucking cult back in the early '80s.
Nick Kovalak particularly loved that phrase.
this is in the july 2015 monthly program on tv.jw.org cedars wrote about it too.. starting at around 42:30 in the video, morris talks about the child abuse situation for almost 10 minutes.
link to video.
i'm writing a transcript right now.
For those of you that are interested, here is a thread I started that shows what is typically expected/required of mandated reporters, in this case credentialed teachers in California, U.S.A.:
i commented on this on another thread- but i believe this has enough importance to create a thread about this situation in and of itself.
at the current district convention as you know the wt society released a " sophie & caleb " video allegedly warning parents about the dangers of child abuse.
they don't really use the words " child abuse " in the video - but just say if " someone tries to touch you in a manner you aren't comfortable with " and portray it as a cartoon !
For those of you that are interested, here is a thread I started that shows what is typically expected/required of mandated reporters, in this case credentialed teachers in California, U.S.A.:
i noticed that anthony morris iii just said on the broadcast: "while we cannot control everything that an individual might say, it is clear that over the decades protecting children from abuse is a top priority for this organization.".
that, in my opinion, is a direct response to the richard ashe "spiritual protection not physical protection" deposition.. here's a video putting the two statements side by side.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgevpuyn7gy.
For those of you that are interested, here is a thread I started that shows what is typically expected/required of mandated reporters, in this case credentialed teachers in California, U.S.A.:
in light of anthony morris' latest propaganda piece, i thought it might be informative for members of our community to see what is typically required of mandated reporters.
here is what a credentialed teacher in the state of california must agree to as part of their licensing and credentialing.
(this is a requirement of both initial credentialing as well as renewals).
In light of Anthony Morris' latest propaganda piece, I thought it might be informative for members of our community to see what is typically required of mandated reporters.
Here is what a credentialed teacher in the State of California must agree to as part of their licensing and credentialing. (This is a requirement of both initial credentialing as well as renewals).
We must indicate that we agree and understand the duties required of the Child Abuse and Neglect and Reporting Act and the Oath and Affidavit:
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act
“As a document holder authorized to work with children, it is part of my professional and ethical duty to report every instance of child abuse or neglect known or suspected to have occurred to a child with whom I have professional contact.
I understand that I must report immediately, or as soon as practicably possible, by telephone to a law enforcement agency or a child protective agency, and will send a written report and any evidence relating to the incident within 36 hours of becoming aware of the abuse or neglect of the child.
I understand that reporting the information regarding a case of possible child abuse or neglect to an employer, supervisor, school principal, school counselor, coworker, or other person is not a substitute for making a mandated report to a law enforcement agency or a child protective agency.
I understand that the reporting duties are individual and no supervisor or administrator may impede or inhibit my reporting duties.
I understand that once I submit a report, I am not required to disclose my identity to my employer.
I understand that my failure to report an instance of suspected child abuse or neglect as required by the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act under Section 11166 of the Penal Code is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail or by a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that imprisonment and fine.
I acknowledge and certify that as a document holder, I will fulfill all the duties required of a mandated reporter.”
I have read and understand my required duties under the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (Penal Code §11164ff.)
I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America, the Constitution of the State of California, and the laws of the United States and the State of California. I hereby certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that all the foregoing statements in this application are true and correct.
Oath and Affidavit (Signed and dated)
when i say jw hero i mean a jw who courageously did what was right despite the indoctrination and peer pressure to conform to cultishness.
i have an unknown jw hero that i've never met but only heard of from an experience relayed to me about an incident at a jw funeral.. i was told that at a jw funeral internment, a non-jw put a wreath in the shape of a cross on the grave.
shortly thereafter a jw elder came up and removed the wreath.
i noticed that anthony morris iii just said on the broadcast: "while we cannot control everything that an individual might say, it is clear that over the decades protecting children from abuse is a top priority for this organization.".
that, in my opinion, is a direct response to the richard ashe "spiritual protection not physical protection" deposition.. here's a video putting the two statements side by side.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgevpuyn7gy.
Magwitch: Did that "Landmark" Awake have anything to do with protecting children from predators "INSIDE" the congregation?
Of course not because they are still in denial that there even is such a problem.
when i say jw hero i mean a jw who courageously did what was right despite the indoctrination and peer pressure to conform to cultishness.
i have an unknown jw hero that i've never met but only heard of from an experience relayed to me about an incident at a jw funeral.. i was told that at a jw funeral internment, a non-jw put a wreath in the shape of a cross on the grave.
shortly thereafter a jw elder came up and removed the wreath.
i commented on this on another thread- but i believe this has enough importance to create a thread about this situation in and of itself.
at the current district convention as you know the wt society released a " sophie & caleb " video allegedly warning parents about the dangers of child abuse.
they don't really use the words " child abuse " in the video - but just say if " someone tries to touch you in a manner you aren't comfortable with " and portray it as a cartoon !
i noticed that anthony morris iii just said on the broadcast: "while we cannot control everything that an individual might say, it is clear that over the decades protecting children from abuse is a top priority for this organization.".
that, in my opinion, is a direct response to the richard ashe "spiritual protection not physical protection" deposition.. here's a video putting the two statements side by side.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgevpuyn7gy.
Cappytan, yeah, I thought that was a very odd remark too. No context but obviously deliberately inserted in response to something.
Great video clip putting ToMo's public propaganda up against Richard Ashe's private and under oath testimony.
NOTE: I think you should put in a text notice saying when and where Richard Ashe was making this comment as well as the other elder. A lot of people won't know the circumstances.
That comment just further proves that this whole video is designed to make it appear that they are proactive in dealing with the pedophile problem, but it's a miserable fail primarily for two reasons:
ToMo is a hypocrite and a coward.
Let's review: It's a cult!