Hi Marie, welcome to the forum.
I look forward to reading your complete story. If your husband and kids are JWs then you'll want to proceed slowly and with caution, but by all means: proceed!
i hope everyone is having a good saturday.
i've visited this many times in the past month or so, joined yesterday and finally got the nerve to post!
needless to say, i'm super nervous, being new to this whole experience.
Hi Marie, welcome to the forum.
I look forward to reading your complete story. If your husband and kids are JWs then you'll want to proceed slowly and with caution, but by all means: proceed!
data-dog: i believe that many of them would actually be considered mentally ill, if they were ever tested.. .
great question and intriguing hypothesis.
lets take an armchair psychologists view and see what we shall see.
DarioKehl: Not sure on mental illness since I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist, but in my opinion, it appears that Lett and Morris in particular have personality disorders
I get that, but consider this: do you have to be a doctor to know when you have a cold? A broken bone? Or some other undiagnosed malady or ailment? No of course not!
Doctors have special training in diagnosis and healing, but even the average, ordinary person can tell when someone is physically sick. Merely recognizing obvious mental disorders does not necessarily require a degree in psychology.
data-dog: i believe that many of them would actually be considered mentally ill, if they were ever tested.. .
great question and intriguing hypothesis.
lets take an armchair psychologists view and see what we shall see.
Paranoia Agent: I don’t think anyone here understand what is being mentally ill
You can't possibly know that. You're certainly able to think it, but you can't know it and in fact you are wrong.
Paranoia Agent: so before any mention of who is mentally ill allow me to explain that nobody has mental disorders or illnesses.
OK, you just lost all credibility in this discussion.
Pretty ironic statement considering your JWN Username.
BTW, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!
data-dog: i believe that many of them would actually be considered mentally ill, if they were ever tested.. .
great question and intriguing hypothesis.
lets take an armchair psychologists view and see what we shall see.
Calebs Airplane: They all suffer from varying degrees of NPD (narcissistic personality disorder)...
Agreed. These guys clearly have issues. Their issues have issues!
My analysis was not intended to be comprehensive.
data-dog: i believe that many of them would actually be considered mentally ill, if they were ever tested.. .
great question and intriguing hypothesis.
lets take an armchair psychologists view and see what we shall see.
fukitol: They're just friggen brainwashed, man, in the same way that any religious leader of any church is. Stupid to tarnish them with the same 'mentally diseased' crap as they do to us. Don't descend to their level.
You're missing several important points. First, I'm not "descending to their level" at all. Unlike them, I support my assertions with facts and evidence. This is profoundly different.
Also, you contradict yourself when you say, "They're just friggen brainwashed" because that actually proves my point. The GB members exhibit (among other things) belief induced delusions which they in turn induce in others.
Finally, I am convinced that the WT leaderships use of the "mentally diseased" label is in fact a psychological projection of their own deep-seated fears concerning their own sanity. But again, note that when they use the term disparagingly of "apostates" they fail to provide anything remotely resembling evidence or reasons for their abusive ad hominem attacks on those that disagree with them.
That being said, there is clearly evidence that the WT leaders suffer from a suite of personality disorders. I just focused on a few of the big ones.
our youngest son and his wife (matt and star) welcomed a baby boy yesterday at 7:04 p.m. ivan tomas, 7 lbs.
11 oz., 20 1/4" long.
he is their second child.
it was a simple question: isn't jesus my "mediator" if i put faith in him like the scriptures say?
the research to that answer, from the w79 4/1 p. 31, was mind blowing.
how dare they deny me a belief firmly stated in the scriptures?
John Aquila: 607 and it was Londo's fault!
Really? How was it Londo's fault? There's a story there and I wanna hear it!
it was a simple question: isn't jesus my "mediator" if i put faith in him like the scriptures say?
the research to that answer, from the w79 4/1 p. 31, was mind blowing.
how dare they deny me a belief firmly stated in the scriptures?
I can't remember which got me thinking first: the UN/NGO Scandal or the fact the Stephen Lett is obviously such an idiot that there's no way in hell that God would ever pick him to represent him. They both hit about the same time, 2002/3.
in light of anthony morris' latest propaganda piece, i thought it might be informative for members of our community to see what is typically required of mandated reporters.
here is what a credentialed teacher in the state of california must agree to as part of their licensing and credentialing.
(this is a requirement of both initial credentialing as well as renewals).
RichardHaley, interesting point, I did not know that.
So basically we're saying that the secular society in California is better at protecting children that "Jehovah's Organization."
School District janitors are mandated reporters, but JW elder/janitors are not!
Just one more indictment of this cult masquerading as "The One True Religion."
the awake oct 2015 is now up on jw org.. one article talks about young adults returning to their parents home and tries to give them some advice.. one of the highlighted comments are these magical words.
<<remember, more important than what you do is becoming proficient at what you do.>>.
i don't see how it's more important to become more proficient in that window washing job than working towards a more interesting and better paying job.
It's telling that their goal or standard is mere proficiency.
While proficiency is not a bad thing, it's certainly also not setting the bar very high. And I'm not even addressing the areas of endeavor about which they try to direct one's "proficiency!
A particular pervasive aspect of JW culture is the utter lack of encouragement to become EXCELLENT at anything. And for God's sake, don't try and pursue anything about which you care passionately!
Let's review: It's a cult!