The Awake Oct 2015 is now up on JW org.
One article talks about young adults returning to their parents home and tries to give them some advice.
One of the highlighted comments are these magical words
<<Remember, more important than what you do is becoming proficient at what you do.>>
I don't see how it's more important to become more proficient in that window washing job than working towards a more interesting and better paying job. We have always told our children to work towards the job that they really want and taking up less desirable jobs in the meantime is a means to an end.
How about the GB tell their helpers to swap jobs with the cleaning staff, after all, its not what they are doing that is more important but becoming proficient in it is.
Another comment
<<In fact, it has been observed that the more experience and skill workers acquire, the more they enjoy their work. (then they jump to this conclusion) You don’t have to do what you love in order to love what you do!>>
Huh? If you love what you are doing then you are doing what you love.